Chapter 7: Using Giovanni for Analysis of Air Quality Events in Central America 11:00 – 12:00
What is Giovanni ? Giovanni is a Web-based application developed by the NASA Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center (GES DISC). Giovanni provides a simple and easy way to explore, visualize, analyze, and access vast amounts of Earth science remote sensing and model data. Data sets generally available within 1-3 days
Giovanni at your Finger Tips Giovanni at your Finger Tips Only a Web browser is needed. needed. No need to learn data formats and programming. No need to download large amounts of data. Customized data and analyses can be obtained with only a few mouse clicks.
Aerosol from MODIS and GOCART model Particulate Matter (PM 2.5) from AIRNow Ozone Hole from OMI Aerosol from GOCART model ppmv Carbon Monoxide from AIRS Water Vapor from AIRS MODIS vs SeaWiFS Chlorophyll Giovanni Instances CloudSat HIRDLS MLS OMI TRMM SeaWiFS AMSR-E HALOE TOMS Models Parasol CALIPSO Data Inputs MODIS AIRS MISR and more… Giovanni Tools Giovanni Data
Giovanni Air Quality Data Products and Applications
Giovanni Air Quality Datasets Particulate Air Quality MODIS TERRA and AQUA total and fine mode Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) MISR AOD CALIOP Aerosol Feature Mask vertical curtain plots OMI UV Aerosol Index GOCART Model data – AOD speciation (2x2.5 degree) Trace Gases OMI NO 2 Tropospheric column (0.25x0.25 degree) AIRS CO and methane (profile and total column observations)
Giovanni: Tools for Air Quality Applications Customized visualization of air quality events Temporal and geographical selection of data products: - Latitude/longitude maps with overlay option - Time series plots - Hovmoller plots Long range transport of pollutants - Temporal Animation plots of air quality data products
MODIS AOD: Smoke over Central America May 10 th, 2007 May 10 th, 2007 At least two daily observations - Terra and Aqua At least two daily observations - Terra and Aqua Sensitive to Boundary Layer Industrial, smoke & dust aerosols Sensitive to Boundary Layer Industrial, smoke & dust aerosols Well validated over land Well validated over land Fine mode fraction Fine mode fraction
Air Pollution Trends using MODIS AOD – 2009 Costa Rica 2003 – 2009 Costa Rica Best air quality in winter Worse air quality in Spring and Summer
Air Pollution Trends using MODIS AOD – – 2009 Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador Best air quality in winter Worse air quality in Spring and early Summer
Monthly MODIS AOD over Central America January 2007 January 2007 February 2007 February 2007 May 2007 June 2007 Smoke Dust Smoke
OMI UV Aerosol Index: Smoke in Belize Guatemala, and Honduras Mostly sensitive to absorbing aerosols above the planetary boundary layer, i.e. smoke plumes and dust
You can also zoom in with Google Earth You can also zoom in with Google Earth
Sensitive in the Boundary layer Qualitative agreement with high NO x regions (i.e urban areas) Not a real time product OMI Tropospheric NO 2 Column December 2008
Customized views of NO 2 Mexico and central America February 2008
Customized views of NO 2 Greater quantities of NO 2 over urban areas February 2008
Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infra-Red Pathfinder Satellite Observation (CALIPSO) 3D Visualization of Air Pollution CALIPSO has a lidar that provides information about the vertical distribution of particles Useful in conjunction with column AOD Spatial resolution (vertical): 30 – 60 m Temporal resolution: 16 days ± 20 – 50 km
Northern California Wildfires: June 23, 2008 Terra MODIS AOD Terra MODIS True Color and AQI Color Codes
June 23, nm Total Attenuated Backscatter
Calipso Curtain plot
Calipso and 3D-Visualization of Central American Biomass Burning – May 10 th, 2007 Smoke plumes over Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras and southern Mexico Optical Depth showing dense smoke over Central America and Mexico. CALIPSO vertical profile CALIPSO vertical profile aerosols within the boundary layer aerosols within the boundary layer
Now how do I acquire and generate Giovanni image visualizations ?
23 Instance Page for Gridded data Description Spatial Selection Parameter Selection Temporal Selection Visualization Selection Some instances have vertical or wavelength selection
24 Spatial Selection Panning Zooming Click to select a map layer Click and drag Type latitude and longitude coordinates and click Update button
Parameter Selection Select to display more product information Check to select a parameter Click to hide the parameter group Check to select a group of parameters Click to show parameter description
Temporal Selection Instances for monthly data have dropdown menu for Year and Month selections Instances for daily data have dropdown menu for Year, Month, and Day selections. Instances for hourly data have dropdown menu for Year, Month, Day, and Hour selections. The example shown is temporal selection for an instance featuring 3-hourly data. Dropdown menus for Date and Time selections.
Visualization Selection Click to select a Visualization (also referred to as Analytical Function). “Lat-Lon Map, Time- averaged” is the common default option. Click to display the description of the selected Visualization (Analytical Function).
Giovanni Results Page Result navigation tabs HomeHome Result ListResult List Download DataDownload Data Data Product LineageData Product Lineage Acknowledgment PolicyAcknowledgment Policy Images Refine Constraints Spatial selectionSpatial selection Temporal selectionTemporal selection Graphical preferencesGraphical preferences Submit Refinements
Results Page – Visualization result Results Page – Visualization result Result Navigation Tabs Download Data
Results Page – Downloading data Download Giovanni processed input data Group check boxes Download multiple files Result data Image icons for single file download KMZ files for Google Earth
Giovanni A-Train: Obtaining CALIPSO KMZs for 3D-Visualization
Select A-Train Instance parameter(s)
Click on ‘Generate Visualization’ and… Calipso Curtain plot
Results Page - Acknowledgment Policy Acknowledging the use of Giovanni is very important to us and to NASA.
How can I learn more about Air Quality Applications of NASA Earth Science data and Giovanni ?? Check this web site regularly at to find out about more workshops in 2009 on use of NASA Earth Science data sets and tools, including Giovanni Further info:
Activity 5: Using Giovanni for Analysis of Air Quality Events Participants should break into groups of 2. Each participant will be given a worksheet that describes the steps for using Giovanni to analyze an air quality event in Central America. Participants should work in their groups to complete the case study. The instructors will be available during the activity to help participants and answer questions. Goal: use Giovanni to analyze an air quality event.