Contents 1.0Project Goal 2.0Project Objectives 3.0Project Scope of Work Dashboard 4.0Project Implementation Strategy 5.0Project Highlights 6.0Project Way Forward Conclusion
1.0PROJECT GOAL Our overall project goal is to establish, implement and embed a robust and credible Performance Management Solution that provides for the translation of all critical success priorities and outcomes. This process provides a platform for the measurement of the quality of service delivery and consequential progression of individual development and growth whilst enhancing Community, Management, Political oversight and sustainability of the Municipality.
2.0PROJECT OBJECTIVES The projects objectives are outlined below: 1. Ensure legislative compliance and improve political oversight; 2. Establish a culture of accountability and Performance Management; 3. Create an enabling environment for effective decision making, monitoring and evaluation; 4. Build capacity of all key stakeholders (Councillors, Managers and Employees);
2.0PROJECT OBJECTIVES 5. Provide skills, tools and process to improve performance; 6. Enhance financial reporting and risk management process relative to strategic priorities; 7. Provide for greater transparency, objectivity, uniformity and consistency in definition and measurement of performance across different local structures; 8. Simplify and enhance efficiency of reporting processes;
2.0PROJECT OBJECTIVES 9. Mitigate risks around qualified audits on performance management; 10. Provide a framework for performance management for all levels and employees; 11. Ease of moderation processes; and 12. Provide for sustainability of the Municipality
3.0PROJECT SCOPE OF WORK 1. Completion of Organisational Analysis: The organisational analysis provided a sound basis to assess the Municipality’s state in terms of processes, skills, leadership and organisational culture which informed the evolution of the project methodology. 2.Develop the Performance Management Framework & Policy: The Performance Management Framework was defined using the Results Based Planning Methodology. 3.Provide, Implement and Rollout the electronic PMS: We did a lot of rework due to lack of updated Job Descriptions and Organisational structure. These are inherent components of the eSystem. Pleased to report that the system was finally configured and ready for roll-out.
3.0PROJECT SCOPE OF WORK 4.Implement the e-PMS within the first three months after signing the SLA : The system is installed on Sedibeng IT system with VPN access to Vision Activ for support. 5.Provide technological solutions to manage the Performance management process: Dashboards for Monitoring & Evaluation have been developed against the organizational structure in Results Based Planning framework 6.Design and conduct capacity building workshops for Councillors (48) and Stakeholders on Performance Management Process: Project Presentation Workshops were held with MANCO, MAYCO and Audit Committee.
3.0PROJECT SCOPE OF WORK 7.Design and conduct capacity building workshops to Leadership and all staff on Performance Management System: Several well received Capacity Building sessions around the process and system were held across various Clusters. All managers were trained on the theory background and software part of ePMS. 8.Facilitate Development of Integrated Development Plan: The migration of the Planning Framework to Results Based planning represented significant change process and major project key success criteria for Sedibeng. This exercise was a major learning process for the organisation which had sown the seeds for a new Performance Management Framework.
Service Delivery Budget Implementation Plan Key Performance Area Target Capital Budget Operating Budget IndicatorUltimate Outcome Q1 PlanQ2 PlanQ3 PlanQ4 Plan XXXX Accountable Person [MM] R 000 Five-year IDP Implementation Plan Key Performance Area Target Capital Budget Operating Budget IndicatorUltimate Outcome Y1 PlanY2 PlanY3 PlanY4 PlanY5 Plan XXXXX R 000 SDBIP Planning Framework Target Capital Budget Operating Budget Indicator Intermediate Outcome XXXXX R 000 Target Capital Budget Operating Budget Indicator Intermediate Outcome XXXX Accountable Person [ED] R 000 Target Capital Budget Operating Budget IndicatorDirect Output XXXX Accountable Person [Dir] R 000 Target Capital Budget Operating Budget IndicatorActivity XXXX Accountable Person [Mgr] R 000
3.0PROJECT SCOPE OF WORK 9.Facilitate Development of the Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plans (SDBIP’s) – Top Level SDBIP and Departmental (SDBIP’s) Levels 0-4 were involved with the process of defining and aligning their Cluster SDBIPs to Municipal, Provincial and National Priorities/Outcomes. This exercise was a major learning process for the organisation which had sown the seeds for a new Performance Management Framework. 10.Facilitate the Development of the Performance Agreements for the Municipal Manager, “Section 57” Managers and Senior Level Managers Draft Performance Agreements have been prepared and final sign off of the performance agreements in the system is on- going.
3.0PROJECT SCOPE OF WORK 11. Develop Performance Standards for Lower Level Staff: A simplified performance system has been developed for lower level staff 12. Develop Performance Measurement and Evaluation Criteria: A Five Point Rating Scale has been used to define the Performance Measurement and Evaluation Criteria for KPA’s, Job Description KPA’s and Core Competencies. 13. Design and Deliver Change Management Programs: The use of Pathfinders, i.e. a Project Team members in each Cluster, capacitated to provide support to the colleagues, (Internal Change Agents) comprised a major component of the change strategy. Introduction of e-newsletter.
3.0PROJECT SCOPE OF WORK 14.Design and Proper Evidence Management Process and System: Provision is made to upload evidence during performance evaluation. A proper evidence management process was finalised with Sedibeng Record Department, and successfully applied by Managers during the evaluation phase 15.Provide Monitoring and Evaluation of the Performance against IDP Objectives: Cluster Progress Reporting has just been finalised, thus enabled First Quarter Reporting from the system. 16.Produce Monthly, Quarterly, Mid-Year and Annual Performance Management Reports: Cluster Progress Reporting has just been finalised, thus enabled First Quarter Reporting from the system.
3.0PROJECT SCOPE OF WORK 17. Conduct Project Management: An effective Governance process is maintained between the Project Managers of both organisations to facilitate planning and monitoring of the project 18.Provide Systems Support to all Staff, as and when required during the project: This is an on-going process, and Sedibeng Management managers shared a positive feedback. 19.Provide Systems Support for all Staff for a Period of Three Months after the project is completed: The scope item is planned for May to August Major staff support is on-going as reported in point 18 above.
4.0PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGY The completion of an effective organizational analysis provided a sound basis to inform the implementation strategy and the development of the performance management framework which was based on the readiness level of the Sedibeng District Municipality (SDM). It was agreed that a phased approach be adopted with regards to implementation of the e-PMS system. Phase 1 comprised the roll out of the project to Levels 0-4 whilst in line with the project scope. Phase 2 will be recommended to be rolled out to Levels 5-7, and Phase 3 to the remaining levels within the organisation. It was agreed that the Results Based Planning Methodology will be used to develop and implement the Performance Management Framework which aligns to National Strategic planning frameworks.
5.0PROJECT HIGHLIGHTS The following covers key year to date project highlights: 1.Cooperative Government and Traditional Affairs (COGTA) has acknowledged that this ePMS system enables legislative compliance with regards to the requirements for performance management 2.The process has facilitated seamless integration between organisational and employee performance because of SDBIP information becoming the basis for development of performance contracts against which employee progress is reported, monitored and evaluated 3.There is a clear line of sight between employee objectives to departmental objectives to cluster objectives to organisational objectives to IDP Objectives and to National Objectives
5.0PROJECT HIGHLIGHTS 4.SDBIP’s are defined using a Results Based Planning framework which provides for improved performance measurement indicators and assignment of responsible person to establish a culture of accountability 5.SDBIP’s are captured and generated from the system which will enhance efficiency of preparation of SDBIP’s in future planning cycles 6.Performance Agreements are generated from the system and uses both information from SDBIP’s and generic Job Description KPA’s and Core Competencies 7.Intensive Training on the system and process was provided to both Levels 0-4 and Office Managers
5.0PROJECT HIGHLIGHTS 8.Introduction of Pathfinders/ Project Team members (Change Ambassadors) at Cluster level 9.Provision to capture and report on budgets 10.Completion of progress reporting and monitoring for the first quarter in the system 11.Definition of evaluation criteria provides for greater objectivity and transparency with regards to performance evaluation
5.0PROJECT HIGHLIGHTS 12.Completion of first quarter evaluation in the system with provision for on-line evidence uploading 13.Definition of comprehensive Performance Management Handbook 14.General high level of acceptance of system by levels Opportunity for establishing National Benchmark 16.Built key strategic partnership with COGTA and CPSI (Centre for Public Service Innovation)
6.0PROJECT: WAY FORWARD The following covers the remaining scope of the project: 1.Support Infra- Structure This covers on-going support to users with regards to the Infoscape System. 2.Progress Reporting This comprises offsite support to users with regards to the completion of Quarterly Progress Reports for 2q, 3q and 4q. 3.Progress Evaluation This comprises offsite support to users with regards to the completion of Quarterly Performance Evaluation for 2q, 3q and 4q.
6.0PROJECT: WAY FORWARD 4.Roll – Out: Levels 5-7 This comprises the engagement session and Infoscape Training session, review and finalisation of organisational structure, preparation of performance agreements and performance evaluation. 5.Pathfinder Management and Governance Upskilling of Pathfinders and maintaining monthly virtual governance forms an integral part of the scope.
6.0PROJECT: WAY FORWARD 6.Project Management The scope covers project planning, monitoring and reporting. 7. Provision of Sustainable Products This comprises the provision of : -HELPscape which comprises a suite of sustainable tools to embed the performance management system, and -SKILLscape which comprises a Results Based Leadership Program
Contact Details Thomas Mkaza Cel: Motsumi Mathe Cel: