CEOS WGISS-27 - 13 mai 2009 - 1 E T H E R Thematic Centre for Atmospheric Chemistry Ether team.


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Presentation transcript:

CEOS WGISS mai E T H E R Thematic Centre for Atmospheric Chemistry Ether team

CEOS WGISS mai Out line ■ Ether overview  Background  Users  Structure & organization  Products  Web site ■ Europeans activities ■ Conclusion

CEOS WGISS mai Overview – Background Ether is a project developed and funded by the French Space Agency (CNES) and the INSU/CNRS –Ether is operational since November 2000 –Ether received the scientific evaluation approval in 2008 ■ Objectives  To assist the scientific community to locate, access and interpret atmospheric chemistry data  To provide data processing software and tools  To insure an efficient scientific expertise on data and software  To provide information about the data collection  To collect and answer to the users’ needs

CEOS WGISS mai Overview – Users ■ Users  The French scientific community involved in atmospheric chemistry studies  International scientists through cooperation agreements with French scientists ■ Products and services  Data sets / Data Base  Software and added-value services  Systematic production  Information  Links to other sites What else ? Please request it through the permanent Ether call for tender !

CEOS WGISS mai Overview – Structure & organization ■ Two technical components  The Ether Data Centre performs systematic production, provides data, users assistance, archiving, a first level expertise on data and software, algorithms definition and development  The team is composed of 4 people with a manager  It is located in the University Paris 6  It is equipped with 11 computers; 1 antenna for the IASI data reception through EUMETCAST  The scientific expertise network (several Scientific Expertise Centers) performs conception, validation and expertise on data, models and software and if needed production data  It is located in various French research organisms  For each activity there is a scientist leader  It provides data, models and software to the Ether Data Centre The link between the two entities is assumed by the project manager

CEOS WGISS mai Overview - Structure & organization ■ Organizational entities Annual meetings  Exploitation review  Users Committee On line permanent call for tender  Steering Committee ■ Ether’s main actors Daily involved  Ether scientific manager  Data centre manager  Project manager  Users Committee president  Responsible of the atmospheric chemistry program at CNES

CEOS WGISS mai Overview - Structure & organization Ether strategy for service development and production  Requests and algorithms are specified by scientists  Development is managed by Ether technical centre  Scientific validation is insured by scientists  Production is realized by Ether technical centre

CEOS WGISS mai Overview - Products ■ Data sets L1, L2, L3  A huge variety of measurements  Ground-based  Balloon  Air-borne  Space-borne  Modeled and assimilated constituents fields  Reprobus (chemistry component in the stratospheric area)  Mimosa (Potentiel vorticity)  Chimère (tropospheric data)  Ancillary data (ECMWF MTO data, …)  Data Base  GEISA - Spectroscopic chemistry based on French scientist studies  ECCAD - Emissions of atmospheric Compounds & Compilation of ancillary Data  MOZAIC - Measurements of OZone, water vapour, carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides by in-service AIrbus airCraft  NDACC/France - Network for Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change web site From the Mesoscale to global scale processes From the troposphere to the stratosphere within a wide temporal range (from the second to the decade)

CEOS WGISS mai Overview - Products ■ Software and added-value services  Common software  Data format conversion  Quick look, data visualization software (206 datasets for 20 experiences), …  Specific software  ARLETTY : T, P simulation at every geographic point from 0 to 100 km (using ECMWF data and models)  MOLIERE : French ODIN/SMR retrieval  MIMOSA : Potential vorticity fields production at 7theta levels (from 380 to 900 K)  GIRAFE (reGional ReAl time Fire plumEs) forecast of biomass burning plumes  IASI L3 quick look production … Others are in progress Interactive or off line mode The average data fields are produced, for ozone, temperature and humidity every day and available through Ether site

CEOS WGISS mai Overview - Products ■Data Origin  IASI, ODIN,OSIRIS, UARS, Balloon, ECMWF, NDACC/FR, REPROBUS, MIMOSA ■Data Nature  Texts files in various formats, archives, images, … ■Data and software access  Free or controlled (according to the international agreements) ■Data access  By catalogue criteria  By path ■Retrieval mode  Manual HTTP, FTP, uploading ■Standards and norms  AMES, NetCdf (Climate and Forecast), Hierarchical Data Format Earth Observation System, SFDU, PDS, SPF, NDSCAMES, HDSEOS, ASCII ■Emission Frequency  Daily, monthly, by campaign … Data and software Characteristics Compound image with CO data and Pressure data calculated with MOCAGE model

CEOS WGISS mai Overview - Products ■Number of users  95 nationals (13 laboratories),  25 internationals (Sweden, Finland, Canada, USA, Japan) ■ Number of data sets  250 satellites, measures campaigns, data and model ■Data volume already save  18 To currently (evolution 7 To/year) ■Number of data request or services used  1000/year ■Number users access  4000/year ■Volume of the data processed or retrieval  400 Go/month Some figures

CEOS WGISS mai Overview - Products ■ Systematic production  Potential vorticity and temperature fields : daily analysis and forecasts production (Mimosa model, North and South Hemisphere and Tropic)  50 atmospheric constituent fields (O3, ClO, NO2, N2O, BrO,…) : daily analysis production (REPROBUS model)  Level 2 ODIN/SMR data production (Moliere software)  External production of assimilated fields (ADOMOCA software)  MOZAIC data carried out by the “Laboratoire d’Aérologie” Example of Real-time forecasts production of PV fields for STRATEOLE-VORCORE campaign using MIMOSA software

CEOS WGISS mai Overview – Communication ■ Information  On missions and experiments  On instruments  On data assimilation and models  On data formats  On data references ■ Communication  Lettre Ether  Workshops, posters in scientific conferences  Outreach (development of an educational tool in progress) ■  All data, software, added-value services and information are available on-line through a web interface Just… Enter Ether !

CEOS WGISS mai Overview – Web site

CEOS WGISS mai Europeans activities ■GEOMON (Global Earth Observation and Monitoring of the atmosphere)  Ether produces outreach web pages, it provides also data profiles extracted from MIMOSA and REPROBUS fields ■IAGOS (Integration of in-situ Aircraft measurements into a Global Observing System)  Adaptation of the MOZAIC data base ■GEMS/MACC (Monitoring Atmospheric Composition And Climate)  Ether provides IASI data and processing facilities to the French team (C. Clerbaux LATMOS) responsible of the production of IASI CO data  Access and scientific expertise (from the LATMOS and the LA ECCAD and scientific data IAGOS) Ether is involved in 3 Europeans projects ( GMES Atmospheric Service )

CEOS WGISS mai Conclusion ■ Summary  Ether was built in a logic of evolution  Ether collects a great quantity of very diversified data  This large variety allows the inter-comparison and validation of the data  Ether maintain the data processing up to date  Ether define common tools for the common needs of the users  Thanks to the permanent call for tender, the Ether centre is in constant evolution always more close to the needs for its users ■ Perspectives  To define the standards necessary to the inter-working of the thematic centre in the concern for conservation of the data  To take part in the definition of the format of compression of the chemistry atmospheric data  To continue the adaptation to the evolutions in particular for the access to the bulky data

CEOS WGISS mai Thank you for your attention