Strona tytułowa
Lodz Special Economic Zone - location
The regions attractiveness - resources How we work on the components of our investment offer: Investment areas Human resources Finance
Preparation of the region for investment - INVESTMENT AREAS
Preparation of the region for investment - HUMAN RESOURCES Preparation of the region for investment - HUMAN RESOURCES
Preparation of the region for investment - FINANCE (CIT exemption, EU funds)
Industrial district, Wschodnia Str., next to international route Moscow-Berlin (E30) Total area: 70 ha, available investment area - 22 ha Fuji Seal Polska Sp. z o.o. Kutno–Wschodnia industrial complex
TEXTORIAL PARK BUSINESS CENTRE Textorial Park is a complex of 3 A-class office buildings joint by a glass atrium. It is located in the very centre of Lodz, within the 19th century industrial district Ksiezy Mlyn. This park, situated next to Pilsudskiego Avenue and Kilinskiego Street, has a perfect communication connections. Total office space designed for renting – 11,200 m2. St. Pauls Development - BPO site
An income tax exemption in the amount of: - 70 % - for small enterprises; - 60 % - for medium size enterprises; - 50 % - for big enterprises; of either: 1.investment outlays or 2.two-year labour costs of newly employed workers - until the whole aid is utilized (by 2017 at the very latest) Benefits for investors
PROCESSES Investment offer Attracting investors Project management
Components of the investment offer
Attraction of the investors - ŁSEZ team
Investment project management
Thank you for your attention Marcin Nowacki Investment Development Director Lodz Special Economic Zone, Joint Stock Co. Address: Tymienieckiego Str. 22/24, Łódź Tel.: ; , Fax.: