1 Joshua: Inheritance Entering the Land 1:1-5:12 Taking the Land 5:13-12:24 Distributing the Land 13:1-21:45Remaining in the Land 22:1-24: John (Jack) W Rendel
2 Joshua: Inheritance – Enter... Entering the Land 1:1-5: John (Jack) W Rendel
3 2 Generations 2 Signs (oath) 2 Presences Obedience (1) Disobedience (5:1-12) Red cord (2) 12 stones (4) Living God … Canaanites (3) John (Jack) W Rendel Joshua: Inheritance – Enter...
4 Joshua: Inheritance – Possess... Taking the Land 5:13-12: John (Jack) W Rendel
5 Joshua: Inheritance – Possess... Maintaining the alliance with the Lord 1. Man with sword (5:13-15) 2. Walls fall (Jericho) (6) 3. Clothing/money (7) 4. Small city (Ai) (8:1-29) 5. Curses/blessings (8:30-35) Destroying the alliances of the enemies 6. Men with bread (9) 7. Stones fall (10) 8. Horses/chariots (11:1-15) 9. Whole land (11:16-23) 10. Destroy/possess (12) John (Jack) W Rendel
6 Joshua: Inheritance – Distribute... Distributing the Land 13:1-21: John (Jack) W Rendel
7 Surveying 1. Land yet to be taken (13:1-7) 2. Land taken in the east (13:8-33) 3. Land taken and to be divided in Canaan (14:1-5) Giving 7. Six cities for refugees (20) 8. Forty eight cities for the Levites (21:1-42) 9. All the land for Israel (21:43-45) Receiving 4. Land & cities for Judah (15) 5. Land & cities for Joseph (16-17) 6. Land & cities for the remain- ing tribes (18-19) John (Jack) W Rendel Joshua: Inheritance – Distribute...
8 Remaining in the Land 22:1-24: John (Jack) W Rendel Joshua: Inheritance – Remain...
9 Human Relationships 1.Peace between tribes east and west (22) Altar of witness 2. War not marriage with the Amorites (23) What God did to nations Divine Relationship 3. Serve the Lord, not idols (24:1-28) Stone of witness 4. Israel served the Lord (24:29-33) What God did for Israel John (Jack) W Rendel Joshua: Inheritance – Remain...