2006-2007 School Year. What Is It We Stand For? CMICS (Christian Ministry In Cyber Schools) Statement of Faith We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son.


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Presentation transcript:

School Year

What Is It We Stand For? CMICS (Christian Ministry In Cyber Schools) Statement of Faith We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, that He was born of a virgin, formed by the Holy Spirit in the Virgin Mary (Luke 1:29-38). We believe that He was raised by Joseph and Mary being without sin, and that at age 30 He began His ministry which lasted for three years. At the end of those Three years He was crucified in fulfillment of prophecy, He was then laid in a tomb for three days. After being dead for three days He rose again according to the scriptures. We believe that Christ Ascended into heaven and will return again to Rapture His church and too set up His kingdom on earth.

We believe that the Rapture and setting up of His kingdom are two different events. The Rapture is when Christ will return in the clouds and call His church up to Him and take them to heaven. When He set’s up His kingdom He will set foot on the Mount of Olives and set up His kingdom for the 1000 year millennial reign.

We believe that God the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit were all active in the creation of the world. We believe that they are equal each with individual responsibilities. We believe that the only thing required for salvation is faith in Jesus Christ. Stating that He died for everyone’s sins, was buried, and rose again the third day according to the Scriptures. Ask Him to come into your life and remove all your sin’s and become your savior.

We believe that all the Prophecies concerning the man and deity of the Messiah were and are fulfilled in the name of Jesus Christ. We believe that all He said would come to pass has, is and will continue to happen. We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God and that it was inspired by the Holy Spirit. It was written by men who were inspired by the Holy Spirit. We believe that God’s Word (the Bible) is complete and that it is the only Word of God. And anyone who adds to it is sinning and is not a child of God.

What you have just read is our statement of faith. This is what we believe and stand for. If you have any questions on it or if we have left something out please us at Or

What is new this year? Well quite a few things are new and have changed. First of all the way the study is taught has changed. Instead of receiving an weekly from Daniel Gow or one of the other core group leaders you will receive a DVD every month with 4 lessons on it. They will mainly be taught by Daniel Gow. But we may come to study topics that will require both a male and female teacher.

Once you have received the DVD for that month. You will watch the lesson for that week. Instructions will come with the DVD. They will also be available on the website. Once you have watched that weeks lesson you will write an to your designated Core group leader. You may also Daniel Gow through your school . If you have questions you CGL(Core Group Leader) will get back to you as soon as possible.

What About The Daily Study? There will still be a daily study. However you will not be required to your CGL. The daily study will be more of a daily devotional. Where one of the CGL will write out what they got out of the daily devotional and submit on the website and send out the to every one in the study. If you have questions the CGL who sent out the or you can your CGL with questions you may have. We will be starting the daily study September

What Other Ministry’s Are There? Well as some of you from last year know there was a ministry that we worked with known as SOTD (song of the day). Unfortunately this ministry is no longer available for us to work with. But Andrew Nippert the CEO of SOTD gave us all of his materials. So now our very own CGL Laura Sproull has taken on the difficult task of picking up where Andrew left off. She has started a sub ministry of CMICS called M & M (Music and More Ministry’s) She has been given all of the SOTD material. We will be making further announcements about this at a latter date.

Who And What Are CGL CGL stands for Core Group Leader. They are the leadership and administration of CMICS. They are made up of seven member’s (or will soon be). They are 7 members of the study who have committed to daily pray for those in the study, the leadership of the study and Prayer request given by those in the study. There are to be 3 Girls and 3 Guys and the CEO, Who is Daniel Gow. The second CEO is Laura Sproull. These two are the original core group members and founders.

This year we have Daniel Gow, Laura Sproull, Nathaniel Eichelberger, Anna Lyn Sears, and Julie Canfield. Everyone will be assigned to a CGL who they will send what they got out of every lesson and any questions about it. You will also submit to them any prayer request’s you have. Try to develop a friendship with your CGL. Guys will be assigned to guy CGL and girls will be assigned to a girl CGL.

Meet The Core Group Daniel Gow Hi! I am Daniel Gow. I am 17 years old I am in 11 th grade. I am looking forward to this years study and ministry in CMICS. I look forward to getting to know you all throughout the year. I am praying for you though I don’t even know you yet. I hope you decide to join us for a year of growth and ministry.

Meet The Core Group Laura Sproull Ok well this Dan is writing this too. Hi every one this is Laura. Laura has been part of CMICS since it started and has helped me (Dan) a lot. Laura is a good listener and has a great ear for music. Which is why she will be taking over our music ministry in January. So you can all be in pray for her that she will be able to get organized and ready her ministry work for God.

Meet The Core Group We will have a picture of Nathan on the web site soon. Nathaniel Eichelberger Hi! To be honest this is Dan writing about Nathan couldn’t get him to do it yet so I am filing in. Nathan is 15 years old, a comp guy, is on his churches tech team and he is home schooled. He will be helping represent out home schooling ministry department. Nathan is my (Dan’s) accountability partner. And he is growing in God and will right about himself latter.

Meet The Core Group Julie Canfield Hi, I am Julie Canfield I am 16 yrs. old and in 11 th grade. I am looking forward to a good study and I have a feeling that I will be doing a lot of spell checking, I hope everything goes really well and is easy for everyone to understand.

Meet The Core Group Analyn Sears Some thing about yourself I was saved when I was 9 and dedicated my life to serving him in what ever he wants me to do. Every Wednesday I go to World Of Life, a youth group, and learn about what God expects of me and for my life. It’s also a good time for fellowship with other believers. As my friends can tell you I will try anything, I love to horse back ride, do sports for fun, go shopping, hang out with my friends and just be there for my friends. I am home schooled but do my school on the computer. Virtual classes are the way to go. It’s really fun because all of my friends are on it too. Except one, Andrew, one of my closest friends moved to Illinois but it has taught me to be closer to God. Just talking to him helps and when ever you need him he is there. DON’T GET ME WRONG I AM NOT PERFECT MY NO MEANS. But through it all it makes me stronger.