Sonoma Ecology Center TMDL Implementation Project Update November 4, 2011 Funded by EPA, Managed by SFEP, Administered by MMWD, and north bay partnership organized and overseen by NBWA
QAPP Development Sediment/turbidity monitoring QAPP is complete BMI monitoring QAPP is in its final review by EPA Implementation documentation QAPP - draft to be completed this year
Monitoring QAPP input on monitoring variables and protocols Begun water quality data collection BMI monitoring sites selected Monitoring team trained
Permitting Vegetation Management permits/CEQA extended. Stormwater Management feature permits to be secured as needed.
Sonoma Creek Sediment TMDL Main focus: steelhead trout State Listing SECTION 303(d): SEDIMENT (NUTRIENTS & PATHOGENS) Funding FUND STUDY TO ASSESS POLLUTANT (SEDIMENT) Limiting Factors Analysis WHAT FACTORS LIMIT STREAM HEALTH? Source Analysis WHAT ARE THE MAIN SEDIMENT SOURCES? Measures for Action HOW AND WHERE DO WE FOCUS IMPLEMENTATION? (leads to site prioritization studies)
The SF Bay Fund pilot project – Site selection analysis focused on the upper watershed. SEC’s current 319H funded work continues this analysis watershed wide.
Stream channel contribution 67,700 tons/year 64% human caused
TMDL Implementation Site Prioritization We combined reach-scale sediment-supply data with habitat value data in a GIS analysis to identify priority sites for TMDL implementation. Site selection began with the sub-watersheds defined as high sediment producers by the Sonoma Creek Sediment Source Analysis. Prioritization process Step 1. Aquatic habitat value ranking Step 2. Sediment source ranking Step 3. Restoration amenability assessment
Assessing and Prioritizing Sites for Restoration Creek assessments completed along 9 properties Identified 25 areas as potential restoration project sites Conducting additional outreach
Site assessments along Sonoma Creek Bottom. Photo from A-2; erosion and undercutting of upland area on left bank with undercutting of mature Bay laurel. Above. Photo from A-1; undercut Bay laurel and erosion on right bank Top. Photo from A-4; large sediment source from 30+ ft. incision along right bank.
Current Restoration Projects Bottom. Retention basin 6 months after installation with germinated grass seed; project funded by CA Resources Agency. Below. Willow revetment installation along the left bank of Sonoma Creek in Kenwood, CA, funded by CDFG, Fisheries Restoration Grant Program. Top. Installation of a storm water detention basin seeded with native grasses at the Nathanson Creek Preserve Demonstration Garden.
Capacity Building Presentation to SV groundwater Technical Advisory Committee on history of sediment TMDL in Sonoma Valley Input on SCWA scoping study: providing landowner connections to potential sites, promoting distributed smaller-scale approaches with multiple long-term benefits
Capacity Building Presented talks on watershed health scorecards and indicators, at California Sustainability Indicators Symposium in Feb 2011 and at Bay Area Watershed Network in May Consultations with City of Sonoma: Agreement to move toward a watershed approach to the city's flood and stormwater challenges: see graphic showing Nat watershed draped over city
Sonoma Creek Subwatersheds Nathanson Creek and the City of Sonoma