U RBANIZATION IMPACTS ON BIRDS Bird behavior and ecology in cities are influenced by many factors: Anthropogenic Noise Landscape Changes Socioeconomic Factors Income or Property Value Irrigation ( and other landscaping choices )
N OISE EFFECTS ON SONG Nightingale ( Luscinia megarhynchos ) songs get louder in response to higher background noise levels - a short-term adaptation in song amplitude. (β = 0.794, t =3.151, P < 0.05) Brumm, H The impact of environmental noise on song amplitude in a territorial bird. Journal of Animal Ecology 73:
San Francisco Change in white-crowned sparrow ( Zosterops lateralis) song structure with an increase in vegetation density over a 35 year period. H ABITAT EFFECTS ON SONG Derryberry, E. P Ecology shapes birdsong evolution: variation in morphology and habitat explains variation in white-crowned sparrow song. Am Nat 174: (R 2 = 0.15, n = 84, P = ) (R 2 = 0.1, n = 84, P = 0.035)
Mexico City Bird species richness declined with increasing distance from urban parks and the city border. L ANDSCAPE EFFECTS ON BIRD DIVERSITY MacGregor-Fors, I., and R. Ortega-Álvarez Fading from the forest: Bird community shifts related to urban park site-specific and landscape traits. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 10 : (β = , SE = , t 25 = , P = ).
Vancouver & Burnaby Neighborhoods surrounding large parks had higher bird species richness than did areas with smaller parks L ANDSCAPE EFFECTS ON BIRD DIVERSITY Melles, S., S. Glenn, and K. Martin Urban bird diversity and landscape complexity: species-environment associations along a multiscale habitat gradient. Conservation Ecology 7 :5. (GROUND = 0.26ln(PARK1000) – 0.86; r 2 = 0.43, n = 124, P<0.001)SHRUB = 0.22ln(PARK1000) – 0.79; r 2 = 0.57, n = 87, P<0.001)
These studies view parks and ponds as refuges surrounded by unnatural disturbances (human neighborhoods). But, urbanized areas constitute a complex, heterogeneous, and dynamic matrix. Need to include socioeconomic variables such as: Income or Property value Irrigation – policy and practice Land use – policy and practice Land cover outcomes L ANDSCAPE EFFECTS ON BIRD COMMUNITY
F RESNO L AB O F R ECONCILIATION E COLOGY L.O.R.E. ( WWW. RECONCILIATIONECOLOGY. ORG ) WWW. RECONCILIATIONECOLOGY. ORG Primary focus: interactions among ecological, landscape, and socioeconomic variables in the Fresno Clovis Metro Area (FCMA) To understand: composition, distribution, and population dynamics of urban bird communities. Aspects of this urban social-ecological system studied so far include … Irrigation Socioeconomics Tree diversity Urban noise Bird diversity urban-faces.org
H OW MUCH WATER DO WE USE IN THE C ADILLAC D ESERT ? * 2012 Data from the City of Fresno *
U RBAN L ONG -T ERM R ESEARCH A REA F RESNO A ND C LOVIS E COSOCIAL S TUDY Özgoç-Çağlar, D., A. R. Jones, H. D. Delcore, and M. Katti, In Review.
I RRIGATION AND WEALTH AFFECT BIRD SPECIES RICHNESS & COMMUNITY STRUCTURE Schleder (2010): bird species richness and guild diversity in the FCMA increased with an increase in yard irrigation. Schleder, B. W Residential irrigation as a driver of urban bird community structure. M.S. Thesis. California State University, Fresno (R 2 =0.131, F(1,34), P<0.0303)
Reid (2011): Tree Diversity, Density, and Canopy Cover increase with an increase in property value. Reid, S. T Ecological and Social Drivers of Tree Species Diversity and Distribution in Urban Habitats of the Central Valley of California. M.S. Thesis. California State University, Fresno WEALTH AFFECTS TREE SPECIES DIVERSITY AND URBAN FOREST STRUCTURE
N OISE AFFECTS SONG STRUCTURE IN A MIGRATORY SONGBIRD Phillips (2012): Decreased bandwidth in components of song in wintering migratory white-crowned sparrow with increasing noise. Phillips, J. N The Effects of Urban Noise on Song Structure in a Long Distance Migrant, Gambel's White-crowned Sparrow (Zonatrichia Leucophrys Gambelii). M.S. Thesis. California State University, Fresno. (β = -0.06, t (53) = -1.95, p = 0.05)(β = t (51) = -2.39, p = 0.02)
Q UESTIONS FOR P EDRO ’ S THESIS How does urban noise affect bird species richness in the Fresno-Clovis Metropolitan Area (FCMA)? How does proximity to Greenscapes (parks) affect bird species richness? How does proximity to Waterscapes (recharge basins) affect bird species richness? How do the socioeconomics of a neighborhood (property value) affect bird species richness in context of changing environmental and policy variables?
B ROAD - SCALE A NALYSIS Spring Points Estimated Noise Level Distance to Greenscape Distance to Waterscape Total Bird Abundance Bird Species Richness
Fresno Bird Count 67 sites subsamples by income gradient Spring Background noise levels Average of 5min sound meter readings (db(A)) Property Value Mean Zillow® zestimate of properties overlapping with the 20m radius census point. F OCAL ANALYSIS : ULTRA - FACES CORE SITES
R ESULTS No significant effect of proximity to Greenscape or Wetscape on bird species richness or abundance. However…
Significant effect of noise and property value on bird species richness … in some years R ESULTS (R 2 =0.0902, F(1,66), P=0.0135) (R 2 =0.2048, F(1,46), P=0.0014) (R 2 =0.0029, F(1,66), P=0.6678)(R 2 =0.0565, F(1,46), P=0.1078)
D ISCUSSION Why the difference between years? 2013: first year of residential water metering in Fresno. 2014: implementation of metering changed. Per capita water use dropped from 350g/day (est. for 2012) to 240g/day (2014) Drought Noise is only a small component of cumulative influence of human activities on bird species richness. Ongoing Analyses and Future Goals Analyze change in species composition between years. Address landscape-level variables, scaling, and species distribution
Helping pay the bills : National Science Foundation & U.S. Forest Service (ULTRA-Ex Award # ) CSU Fresno: Provost; Dean, College of Science and Mathematics; Division of Graduate Studies; Dept of Biology Associated Students Inc, CSU Fresno Robert and Norma Craig Foundation Fresno Audubon Society City of Fresno, City of Clovis, Fresno County Citizen Scientists of the Fresno Bird Count! FBC coordination : Kaberi Kar Gupta, Jenny Phillips, Pedro Garcia, Amy Krisch, Stephanie Slonka, Chris Hensley Database and GIS : Xiaoming Yang Field assistance and data entry : Sonia Mendoza, Steven Jones, Amer Naik, Rhiannon Perry, Marissa Montez, Cindy Hua Tucson Bird Count, NiJeL.orgNiJeL.org urban-faces.org This presentation will be available at figshare.com It takes a global village to study the city...