LEC 1:Introduction (Housing and Economic) L1 FALL 2011
This course introduce to the students economic theories which control housing projects and their variety- feasibility study and its elements- Project development cycle- financial features, investment and human resources. Logo LEC 1:Introduction (Housing and Economic) L1 FALL 2011
Understand the importance of project cost management. Explain basic project cost management principles, concepts, and terms. Discuss different types of cost estimates and methods for preparing them. LEC 1:Introduction (Housing and Economic) L1 FALL 2011
This course has been structured as an introductory course for students with an interest in the field of housing economics. After successful completion of this course, students should be able to Understand the Method of calculate the housing economics Logo LEC 1:Introduction (Housing and Economic) L1 FALL 2011
a1-Define life cycle costing & the importance of project cost management. a2-Summarize minimum requirements of buildings. a3-Identify basic project cost management principles, concepts, and terms. a4- Distinguish between the types of cost estimates and methods for preparing them a5-List the problems of housing economics LEC 1:Introduction (Housing and Economic) L1 FALL 2011
Itemcontent 1 Introduction (Housing and Economic ) 2Building Economic 3Process Of Housing Projects 4Effecting elements of economics for housing design ( part1) 5Effecting elements of economics for housing design (part2) 6Exam 7Life cycle costing 8Cost benefit analysis 9cost estimation 10 budgeting 11exam 12Sustainability of housing project 13Revision 14Final Exam LEC 1:Introduction (Housing and Economic) L1 FALL 2011
Economic : Means how to get high performance and low cost NOT means save the money so the performance of any action and process depends on the needs The cost depends on the income and items of cost Economic performance cost LEC 1:Introduction (Housing and Economic) L1 FALL 2011
Housing : Means how the man leave in the space whiteout any dangers, problems The housing can be shelter or tent or cave Which give him privacy,security and comfort Housing is the main need for live and it is the third items of human needs after food and drinking so if any society want to make development The housing is the first step of development Housing food Drinking LEC 1:Introduction (Housing and Economic) L1 FALL 2011
LEC 1:Introduction (Housing and Economic) L1 FALL 2011