Interior West Region Magnificent landscapes, but lacking in water resources due to very dry climate Main industries- livestock, mining, tourism Large areas used for raising cattle and sheep- ranches could be as large as 4,000 acres Cowhands- use to patrol on horses, now use trucks Mining- rich deposits of minerals and energy resources gold and silver rush 150 yrs ago Tourism- Salt Lake City, Denver, Albuquerque, Phoenix- Yellowstone, Grand Canyon, Mesa Verde
Videos- Interior West Rocky Mountains Coal Mining Industry Coal Mining Industry Yellowstone
Pacific Region- West Coast, Alaska and Hawaii Fertile Valleys produce many of the fruits and vegetables Vast landscape draws millions of visitors each year Major industries- fishing, mining, lumber, agriculture, tourism Hawaii- produces pineapple, sugarcane, coffee, and rice- tropical climate, rich volcanic soil Tourism- Redwood forests, tropical beaches, stunning glaciers, mountains
Videos Ax Men: stop at 1:05 Shellfish Farming Climbing Redwoods Shellfish Farming Climbing Redwoods L.A. Flyover
Variety Of Climates Climates vary depending on location Closer to the equator- the more hot and humid the climate Farther away from the equator- the more cold and dry the climate Climates vary from country to country The climate is interrelated with the natural landscape and economy
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