Cause problems in the respiratory system Cause problems on the skin Lead to birth defects Cause various kinds of cancers
Water pollution or water contamination is a serious problem faced by many places across the globe. Water can get contaminated due to several physical or biological contaminants which get discharged directly or indirectly.
Consequences of water pollution can be disastrous and may affect both the ecosystem as well as human beings. Apart from human activities there are several natural causes like algae blooms, plane matter decay, volcanic activity etc. that are responsible for causing water contamination. Read on to know more about the effects and consequences of water pollution.
Consequences Water pollution has become the most common problem due to the rapid increase in industrialization across the globe. According to a study, around 14,000 people are suffering from waterborne diseases every day. Water pollution also damages the chemical and physical properties of water affecting the life present inside the water. Consequences of water pollution have adverse affects on the ecosystem and human beings.
The consequences of soil pollution are more than just hazardous but also alarming. Soil pollution not just impairs soil stability but may also release hydrocarbon into buildings thereby creating toxic dusts. It may also causes cancer including leukaemia.
Research studies in Kenya suggested that soil pollution is bad for the brain, stating that the lead in soil is especially hazardous for young children as it can cause developmental damage to the brain. Also, mercury increases the risk of kidney failure i.e. cyclodienes can lead to liver toxicity.
Air pollution has been a public issue for decades and has been identified as having numerous health consequences. It has also spawned a good deal of effort to curb emissions from automobiles and factories and to maintain the forests and other natural entities which help preserve a good atmosphere.
Air and water pollution have probably been the primary concerns which originally energized a number of groups in society to try to do something about the problem of pollution.
Among the groups fighting to stop air pollution were the Sierra Club, the Audubon Society, scientific groups, Zero Population Growth, and other citizen-led groups.air pollution Sierra Club Audubon Society Population Growth
While no one was specifically agitating for pollution as such, business interests fought to prevent regulations they considered excessive and costly, such as regulations directed at reducing emissions from factories or calling for a redesign of automobiles to make them less polluting.
The question of what constitutes air pollution begins with a definition of what constitutes clean air. Even clean air contains many substances other than oxygen and nitrogen, its major constituents, including rare gases such as argon, neon, and helium, as well as ozone, carbon dioxide, radioactive materials from the earth, and various nitrogen and sulfur compounds.clean air
The air would also contain variable amounts of water vapor and many suspended solid particles and liquid substances. Suspended materials known as aerosols are defined as dust.