5&6 November 20077 th WISE TG Meeting Vienna1 GIS guidance document for WISE Chapter 4.2 Update of existing datasets (Lead: UBA, Co-Authors: JRC)


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Presentation transcript:

5&6 November th WISE TG Meeting Vienna1 GIS guidance document for WISE Chapter 4.2 Update of existing datasets (Lead: UBA, Co-Authors: JRC)

5&6 November th WISE TG Meeting Vienna2 Content Update process – conceptual part Update process – technical part Reference paper: (1)Guidance on practical arrangement for electronic reporting to the Water Information System for Europe (WISE); WISE REPORTING ARRANGEMENTS ; Final Document (01/03/2007)

5&6 November th WISE TG Meeting Vienna3 Update process Conceptual part Definition of terms Update Data which have been provided already officially by MS are submitted once again Data might have been amended according to Data structure Attributes Identifiers Geometry European reference data have to be modified according to Update of data by MS Provision of new European datasets

5&6 November th WISE TG Meeting Vienna4 Update process Conceptual part The update process can be differenciated in a) Update initiated by MS (e.g. to correct data) Member States will be allowed to update their information and data at any point in time. Whilst the updating of information in-between the reporting deadlines is voluntary, it will be beneficial to always ensure that the latest, correct information is available in WISE since it will be the one used for compliance checking and publication (adding a reference year to the data). (1) It will be the responsibility of the Member State to update and correct its own information. (1) b) Update initiated by COM = resubmission MS are aksed to resubmit data (out of various reasons, e.g. data are not provided according to the data model)

5&6 November th WISE TG Meeting Vienna5 Update process Conceptual part - responsibilities Responsibilities The quality, accuracy and validation of the information and data in WISE will be the responsibility of the Member States (1) Quality assurance and control process will be carried out by the WISE partners (1) The Commission, the EEA or its contracted partners may address the Member State in case there is an indication that any of the data may be misleading (resubmission) (1) Proposal - to be discussed COM is responsible to install a system in WISE to allow versioning of submitted data COM is responsible to document the modifications performed at MS data to create reference datasets; the documentation will be available at WISE for download

5&6 November th WISE TG Meeting Vienna6 Update process Conceptual part - responsibilities Proposal - to be discussed MS are responsible to document the update of their data and the modifications made (metadata) and upload the documentation to WISE together with the data MS are responsible to inform COM if data have been updated COM is responsible to update registers; registers will be provided at WISE for download; MS will be informed as soon as updated registers are available COM is responsible to update identifiers managed at EU level; identifiers will be provided at WISE for download; MS will be informed as soon as updated identifiers are available; updated identifiers have to be provided in due time for the relevant reporting period

5&6 November th WISE TG Meeting Vienna7 Update process Conceptual part – data flow Data flow Member States will be allowed to update their information and data at any point in time (1) Proposal - to be discussed General requirements All submitted and resubmitted data can be accessed in WISE by MS All datasets are taged with the relevant identifiers to allow historisation Identifiers If identifiers have been changed, MS should upload all related/linked datasets (datasets carrying the identifiers as foreign key) Together with the data a list matching old and new data should be provided ( identifier management system needs to be developed)

5&6 November th WISE TG Meeting Vienna8 Update process Conceptual part – data flow Proposal - to be discussed Identifiers If identifiers managed at EU level have been changed during an update, they will be provided for download at WISE and MS will be informed MS include new identifiers into their national datasets to allow the linkage of national data to reference data Reference datasets MS data will be used to update reference datasets The creation and the update of reference datasets will be always transparent for MS; MS will be informed how their data will be used and what kind of modifications have been done COM will update the reference datasets it is recommended to update the reference datasets and related information once a year (at least in due time for the next reporting cycle to allow the linkage of MS data and reference datasets)

5&6 November th WISE TG Meeting Vienna9 Update process Conceptual part – data flow Proposal - to be discussed Reference datasets COM informs about the update cycle at EU level Update will start at a certain date every year all data submitted until this date will be used to update the reference datasets After a certain period (fixed length?) the updated reference datasets will be available at WISE for download and visible at the WISE viewer MS get informed as soon as the updated reference datasets are available Together with the data a documentation of the modifications made is available at WISE for download (Metadata) Metadata for each reference dataset are also available at the WISE viewer

5&6 November th WISE TG Meeting Vienna10 Update process Technical part Description of the update process in technical terms – how should it be done Update from MS perspective (geometry, attributes, identifier) Update from COM perspective (reference datasets) Including the technical description of the relevant processes providing schemas Considering the linkage of different datasets …

5&6 November th WISE TG Meeting Vienna11 Update process Technical part Documentation How should it be done It should be documented if geometry or attributes are updated or both; description of parameters How detailed? - general description what has been done per dataset or detailed description per dataset and line/parameter (e.g. geometry of river x has been changed; attribute x for river z has been changed) Historisation How should it be done Time stamp per dataset/per line? Identification of datasets (should be traceable, which datasets had been used for which analysis or derived products)