NCSX NCSX Preliminary Design Review ‒ October 7-9, 2003 G. Oliaro 1 G. Oliaro - WBS 5 Central Instrumentation/Data Acquisition and Controls Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory NCSX PDR Princeton NJ 08543
NCSX NCSX Preliminary Design Review ‒ October 7-9, 2003 G. Oliaro 2 WBS 5 Project Elements WBS 5 will provide a computing and controls infrastructure for integrated NCSX operations. Includes distributed data acquisition, central controls, timing & shot cycle control, master control, real-time control systems, and central safety interlocks. – WBS 51 TCP/IP network Infrastructure – WBS 52 Central I&C – WBS 53 Diagnostic Data Acquisition and Facility Computing – WBS 54 Facility Timing and Synchronization – WBS 55 Real Time Plasma and Power Supply Control System – WBS 56 Central Safety and Interlock System – WBS 57 Control Room Facility
NCSX NCSX Preliminary Design Review ‒ October 7-9, 2003 G. Oliaro 3 Primary Design Basis of WBS 5 The NCSX Design Leverages the NSTX Technology and Experience Base and Provides a Low Risk - Cost Effective Implementation which requires essentially no new development. Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) Maximize Use of Open Source (Free) Software Just-In-Time Design & Purchase
NCSX NCSX Preliminary Design Review ‒ October 7-9, 2003 G. Oliaro 4 WBS 51 TCP/IP network Infrastructure Provide the common 100Mbps backbone for all NCSX Data Communications using existing PPLnet and NSTX cable & hub infrastructure as much as possible. Provide a new Fiber Optic network infrastructure for machine platform environment Provide a total of ~24 new day 1 network drops for NCSX Facility at D-Site and C-Site Provide over 200 copper & fiber cables for Plasma Control, Central I&C, Interlocks Systems, Diagnostics and Timing and Synchronization
NCSX NCSX Preliminary Design Review ‒ October 7-9, 2003 G. Oliaro 5 WBS 51 TCP/IP network Infrastructure
NCSX NCSX Preliminary Design Review ‒ October 7-9, 2003 G. Oliaro 6 WBS 51 TCP/IP network Infrastructure Includes – Engineering labor to design, configure, install & test – Tech time for fiber pulls, optic and Copper terminations, AC Power Labor – Engineering: 600 mhrs – Tech: 1340 mhrs – Drafting: 160 mhrs M&S – Network hardware: $63.4K – Fiber optic cable: $28.9K Estimate Basis: NSTX and PPLnet experience, catalog prices Start date: 3/06, Completion date: 2/07 Contingency-low risk: 5% Total Estimated Cost: $417K
NCSX NCSX Preliminary Design Review ‒ October 7-9, 2003 G. Oliaro 7 WBS 52 Central I&C Provide the infrastructure for remote control, monitoring, testing, trending, alarming, logging and coordination of engineering subsystems, including global-subsystem communications, through a common set of interfaces including web based interfaces. – As on NSTX, use Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System (EPICS) – Well Established DCS, World Wide User Community – Scales to hundreds of thousands of points – Multi-Platform & OS Base – open source
NCSX NCSX Preliminary Design Review ‒ October 7-9, 2003 G. Oliaro 8 WBS 52 Central I&C Support for 5 Baseline Engineering Subsystems WBS 21 Fueling Systems WBS 22 Vacuum Pumping Systems WBS 43 Magnet Power Systems WBS 62 Water Systems WBS 63 Cryogenic Systems
NCSX NCSX Preliminary Design Review ‒ October 7-9, 2003 G. Oliaro 9 WBS 52 Central I&C Includes – Engineering labor to design and configure EPICS, implement & test 5 engineering subsystems Labor – Engineering: 2352 mhrs – Tech: 600 mhrs M&S – PCs, IOCs, EPICS Hosts: $108.0K Estimate Basis: NSTX actual experience, catalog prices Start date: 2/06, Completion date: 4/07 Contingency-low risk: 10% Total Estimated Cost: $574K
NCSX NCSX Preliminary Design Review ‒ October 7-9, 2003 G. Oliaro 10 WBS 53 Diagnostic Data Acquisition and Facility Computing Provide hardware and software for distributed data acquisition, data analysis, display, and archival of shot based data. This WBS will be responsible for data management of Terabytes of data for the life of NCSX. – Design Objectives All Data Available Online for Life of Machine Redundancy – High availability computer architecture – Archive 3 Copies of Raw & Processed Data (same as NSTX) As on NSTX, use MDSplus (MIT) Set of Tools
NCSX NCSX Preliminary Design Review ‒ October 7-9, 2003 G. Oliaro 11 WBS 53 Diagnostic Data Acquisition and Facility Computing Support 2 baseline diagnostics, Magnetics and Field Mapping Deploy Primary UNIX Based MDSplus Data Acquisition Server with small data store of under 1TB After the first year of operations augment PPPL Facility Tape Backup and Compute Cluster
NCSX NCSX Preliminary Design Review ‒ October 7-9, 2003 G. Oliaro 12 WBS 53 Diagnostic Data Acquisition and Facility Computing Includes – Engineering labor to design, configure & test the data acquisition system, initial diagnostic acquisition hardware, and master control Labor – Engineering: 2080 mhrs M&S – Data acquisition hardware: $57.7K Estimate Basis: NSTX actual experience, catalog prices Start date: 2/06, Completion date: 4/07 Contingency: 16% Total Estimated Cost: $405K
NCSX NCSX Preliminary Design Review ‒ October 7-9, 2003 G. Oliaro 13 WBS 54 Facility Timing and Synchronization Provide timing information (10MHz clock base) to all facility and diagnostic subsystems and provide the configuration control for the event driven shot cycle. A new PCI based Timing And Synchronization System designed for NSTX will be deployed for NCSX. Xilinx 200,000 logic gate FPGA Each board has 6 multi-function timing channels which mirror NSTX/TFTR functionality
NCSX NCSX Preliminary Design Review ‒ October 7-9, 2003 G. Oliaro 14 WBS 54 Facility Timing and Synchronization Includes – Engineering to design clock encoder and repeaters, deploy master shot cycle timing system – Tech time for testing and construction Labor – Engineering: 1560 mhrs – Tech: 700 mhrs M&S – Timing system hardware: $24.8K Estimate Basis: NSTX actual experience Start date: 1/06, Completion date: 4/07 Contingency: 14% Total Estimated Cost: $344K
NCSX NCSX Preliminary Design Review ‒ October 7-9, 2003 G. Oliaro 15 WBS 55 Real Time Plasma and Power Supply Control System Provide real time power supply and plasma feedback control systems – Use Existing SKY Computer Hardware and Software System In Use on NSTX – Clone Software With Parameter Changes for NCSX – Add 64 Digitizer Channels in NCSX Test Cell in Two Crates for real time data acquisition
NCSX NCSX Preliminary Design Review ‒ October 7-9, 2003 G. Oliaro 16 WBS 55 Real Time Plasma and Power Supply Control System
NCSX NCSX Preliminary Design Review ‒ October 7-9, 2003 G. Oliaro 17 WBS 55 Real Time Plasma and Power Supply Control System Includes – Engineering design software & hardware reconfiguration – Tech time wiring, construction, testing Labor – Engineering: 615 mhrs – Tech: 1200 mhrs M&S – Real time communications hardware: $53.2K Estimate Basis: NSTX actual experience Start date: 7/06, Completion date: 4/07 Contingency: 8% Total Estimated Cost: $290K
NCSX NCSX Preliminary Design Review ‒ October 7-9, 2003 G. Oliaro 18 WBS 56 Central Safety and Interlock System Includes – Multi Site Fail Safe Design Access Control at 2 Doors Door Interlocks for 6-8 doors E-Stop Interfaces to all day 1 subsystems Labor – Engineering: 1102 mhrs – Tech: 1200 mhrs M&S – PLC, badge readers, Kirk Hardware: $57K Estimate Basis: NSTX actual experience Start date: 4/06, Completion date: 3/07 Contingency: 8% Total Estimated Cost: $399K
NCSX NCSX Preliminary Design Review ‒ October 7-9, 2003 G. Oliaro 19 WBS 57 Control Room Facility Includes – Installation of 4 workstation tables wired for network and power for day 1 operations – Installation of equipment racks wired for day 1 network and power requirements – Test Cell PA system – Wireless Ethernet for the Physics network to support visitors and laptop computers Labor – Engineering: 320 mhrs – Tech: 500 mhrs M&S – M&S: $10.5K Estimate Basis: NSTX actual experience Start date: 6/06, Completion date: 1/07 Contingency: 3% Total Estimated Cost: $117K
NCSX NCSX Preliminary Design Review ‒ October 7-9, 2003 G. Oliaro 20 WBS 57 Control Room Facility Proposed Control Room Layout – Day 1 and future
NCSX NCSX Preliminary Design Review ‒ October 7-9, 2003 G. Oliaro 21 WBS 5 Cost & Schedule Central I&C (WBS 5) cost summary by year of expenditure (WBS Level 2)