17 th September 2012 L.O. I can recognise the equivalence between fractions and decimals
Choc If we share our bar of chocolate equally between ten children, what fraction will each child get? How many tenths make a half? How much is this piece worth? Were you right? I have a tenth. 1/10 I have a tenth. 1/10 I have a tenth. 1/10 I have a tenth. 1/10 I have a tenth. 1/10
£1.00 If we shared £1.00 between ten children, how much would each child get? I have a tenth. 10p or £ p £1.00 – 10p = 90p I have a tenth. 10p or £ p I have a tenth. 10p or £ p £0.90 – 10p = 80p £0.80 – 10p = 70p £0.70 – 10p = 60p £0.60 – 10p = 50p I have a tenth. 10p or £ p £0.50 – 10p = 40p £0.40 – 10p = 30p £0.30 – 10p = 20p £0.20 – 10p = 10 p £0.10 – 10p = 0p
Join the Decimals and Fractions Click to see if you were correct.
Find the Decimal fraction equivalents. Reset
17 th September 2012 L.O. I can represent a puzzle or problem using number sentences or diagrams
Try out these fraction problems… Barcelona had a capacity crowd on their last game of 26,000. ¾ were Barcelona fans, the others were Real Madrid fans. How many fans were there for each team? John got £60 birthday money. He decided to put 7/10 of his money in the bank. How much does he have to spend? A baker made 24 cakes, but only managed to sell 3/8, how many cakes did she have left?
Word problems 1)There are 36 safety pins in a packet. Three quarters are used. How many are left? 2) Kelly drinks seven tenths of a 1 litre bottle of water. How much is left? 3) A piece of wood is 35cm long. Harry saws off 2/5. How long are the two pieces? 4) Penny’s mother weighs 60kg. Penny weighs 2/3 of her mother’s weight. How much does Penny weigh?
Word problems 5) A long distance footpath is 312 miles in length. Mike walks 5/8 in two weeks. How much further does he have to go? 6) One mile is 1760 yards. What is eight elevenths of a mile? 7) There are 448 people at a panto. 4/7 are children. How many adults are in the audience? 8) A class of 24 children vote for their favourite pet. One third choose hamsters. ¼ choose dogs. How many children vote for: a)Hamsters b) Dogs c) Other pets?