Who is CPCC? Six physical Campuses 70,000 students annually Datatel Colleauge u-Portal Moodle and Blackboard Numerous online services
Why change? 211,000+ accounts Lifetime student 10 mb per student account Limited service integration Wide Demographic of increasingly technical users
why change? “more than 75% of the IT budget is spent just maintaining and running existing systems and software infrastructure” Timothy Chou, The End of Software, SAMS Publishing, 2005 “On average, $8 out of $10 spent in IT is ‘dead money’ -- not contributing to business change and growth.” Gartner, October 2006
CPCC Plans Enhanced student experience and search Long-term student engagement and collaboration Integration of multiple services & applications Student customization of services (CPCC and others)
Offering Comparison FeaturesGoogleMicrosoft Storage4Gb; quota via API250 Mb; 2Gb with Liv Account Deletion Yes; UID can’t be reused for 5 days Yes; UID can’t be reused for 210 days Alias YesNo, not yet List Yes; only those within domain can send to No Account Expiration No Expires after 250 days if not used Integration RESTy/XML API; interact in real time MIIS on separate server; schedule jobs Password Sync with AD No Passwords Set through API and student can reset Set through MIIS and student can reset CalendarYes BlogsNo, not yetYes, only with Liv
more comparison FeaturesGoogleMicrosoft Chat Yes; in browser and gtalk. Uses standard. Yes, windows live chat available As soon as account is created As soon as account is created (Jan) PortalIn closed betaYes Sign-up Process Two stepsApproximately 8 steps Single Sign-on In beta; SAML 2 Limited; beginning with . Proprietary. Cost Free; time to develop integration script MIIS, server, and maintenance BrandingCo-branded; can add logo Advertising Can turn off for 4 years; still working Not in Liv ; only Forwarding Yes; can also keep copy in mailbox No Alertsvia via IM, , directly to phone
Why Google? Stable, well-respected and supported services Large commitment to growth and additional services Easy to Use API’s and development resources Strong commitment to the open-source and education community
What google offers
CPCC Environment Datatel Colleague -> ODS Python / Pylons / Plone MySQL / MSSQL Linux Servers (Debian) CAS 1.0 (Upgrade to 3.0 in progress)
30 million s in 24 hours Instant account provisioning Single Sign-on Student communication groups Docs, Spreadsheets, Instant Messaging, and more... Integration