+ A Warm Welcome to our Saegert Stallion Parents and Guardians From Your Third Grade Team
+ Vision Statement Saegert Elementary will be a top notch, world-class school. We will purposefully and proactively meet academic, social, moral and emotional needs to foster a culture of excellence. We commit to continuous innovation through a mindset of lifelong learning and nurture the unlimited potential of all members of our school community.
+ Mission Statement At Saegert Elementary, we will instill a culture of excellence by aligning passion, purpose, and performance.
+ Mrs. Moomaw, Ms. Pechie, Ms. Bonilla, Ms. Brooks, Mrs. Lonix, Mrs. West, Ms. McDurfee, Mrs. Austin, Ms. Jackson.
+ Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 10:55-11:40
+ Breakfast is from 8:00 a.m. to 8:20 a.m. 8:25 a.m. All classes are in session. Students not in class by 8:30 a.m. are counted tardy. Three unexcused tardys is one day of lunch detention. Please allow students to stay in class until dismissal. Picking students up early is a disruption in learning for everyone.
+ Students must be in school to receive the valuable learning of concepts being taught in class. Any student signed out before 10:15 a.m. will be counted absent.
+ Block Party Point System Students may earn up to five (5) points daily. To attend a block party, students need to earn points set by the grade level. Block parties are scheduled every month or partial months combined. (ex. Nov./Dec. combined)
+ Money: Please send all money in a sealed envelope with name and purpose. If you add lunch money to your child’s lunch account online, please allow 48 hours for the money to be credited. EITEMKEY=618 EITEMKEY=618 Mary Jones Lunch Money
+ Communications Daily communication using student’s planner Wednesday Folder: graded work sent home and other school correspondence Telephone calls, s, and or notes home Teacher or Parents requesting a conference Teacher’s Website
+ Websites - Killeen ISD, Teacher, and Home Access Center Killeen ISD Website Teacher’s Website: Ms. McDurfee Home Access Center: You must have a working to access the Home Access Center. Through this website you will be able to see any upcoming assignments, grades, report cards, attendance, and discipline records of your child. n?ReturnUrl=%2fhomeaccess n?ReturnUrl=%2fhomeaccess
+ 3 rd GradeCurriculum Overview -English Language Arts & Reading 1 st Nine Weeks Literary Discovery Begins with Fiction Discovering Other Literary Genres 2 nd Nine Weeks Discovering Other Literary Genres (continued) Reading to Discover- Expository Text 3 rd Nine Weeks Discovering Procedural Text Establishing a Position Discovering Connections 4 th Nine Weeks Discovering Connections (continued) Discovering Through Research Media Message
+ 3 rd Grade Curriculum Overview -Math 1 st Nine Weeks Place Value Addition and Subtraction Foundations Addition and Subtraction Operations 2 nd Nine Weeks Multiplication and Division Foundations All Operations Fractions 3 rd Nine Weeks Measurement Geometry Probability and Statistics 4 th Nine Weeks Tying It All Up Measurement Connections Fraction Connections
+ 3 rd Grade Curriculum Overview -Social Studies 1 st Nine Weeks Our Community Celebrate Freedom Week Physical Characteristics of Communities Human Characteristics of Communities 2 nd Nine Weeks Cultural Characteristics of Communities People Influence Communities: Heroes Communities Change Over Time 3 rd Nine Weeks Leading the Way: People Influence Communities How Communities Work: Citizens and Government The Free Enterprise System 4 th Nine Weeks Entrepreneurs Within the Free Enterprise System Choices Affect Communities
+ 3 rd Grade Curriculum Overview -Science 1 st Nine Weeks Investigating Properties of Matter Investigating Matter and Change Investigating Weather 2 nd Nine Weeks Investigating Force, Motion, and Energy Investigating the Natural World 3 rd Nine Weeks Investigating the Natural World (continued) Investigating the Solar System Investigating Characteristics of Living Things 4 th Nine Weeks Investigating Characteristics of Living Things (continued) Investigating Structures and Functions of Organisms Investigating Ecosystems
+ Assessments Unit Assessments: Unit assessments will be given after each unit (Look for the dates on the teacher’s website). CBM: These are assessments to pinpoint where students are with the curriculum that has been taught Formatives: These are assessments that gage where students are with the whole year’s scope of the curriculum. December 10-Math, December 11-Reading, December 12-Science
+ This is the third year for STAAR testing. All students in third grade will be required to take a four hour reading and math assessment. The STAAR math assessment is April 22, 2014 and the STAAR reading assessment is April 23, &menu_id=660&menu_id2=795&cid=
+ Homework Homework is a valuable tool to help students practice concept skills taught in class. Please encourage students to complete their homework, and review the completed work with you. Your child will receive math and reading homework every day except Friday.
+ Students, Parents, and School Staff Members Achieving Excellence Together…..Go Saegert Stallions… Work Hard. Be Nice.
+ From the: Third Grade Team Thank you for coming