Open Learning is a possible strategy that can be used by the DHET to increase access to educational opportunities is the implementation of open learning in an organised, articulated, structured and systematic manner
DEFINING OPEN LEARNING “Open learning is an approach which combines the principles of learner centredness, lifelong learning, flexibility of learning provision, the removal of barriers to access learning, the recognition for credit of prior learning experience, the provision of learner support, the construction of learning programmes in the expectation that learners can succeed, and the maintenance of rigorous quality assurance over the design of learning materials and support systems. ” Department of Education, 1995: White Paper on Education and Training Department of Higher Education and Training, 2013: White Paper for Post-School Education and Training
WHITE PAPER Network of Providers/ Institutions Quality Provision Effective and appropriate use of technology Quality Learning Resources (OER) Collaborative Shared Capacity Building Learner support
To ensure that all people, of all ages, have access to quality driven career services (information, guidance, advice) throughout their lives, so that they are able to make better and more informed career choices that deliver high levels of employment and help to increase sustainable economic growth in the country Career Development Services: (a)Provide an enabling environment through policies, guidelines, protocols, shared responsibilities and collaboration (b)a comprehensive career information dissemination and collection system (c) career information, guidance, development and counselling services
CAREER DEVELOPMENT SERVICES – INFORMATION DISSEMINATION AND COLLECTION SYSTEM National Career Advice Portal – Information on occupations, learning pathways, where and what to study at or follow the link from the careerhelp/DHET website Information Hub with FAQ Case Database for use in SSS and helpline Helpline telephone technology to be shared with TVET Colleges 7
CAREER DEVELOPMENT SERVICES – RESOURCES Advocacy materials Orientation materials Information packs Bursary packs Training materials Resource packs for SSS/TVET Colleges 8
CAREER DEVELOPMENT SERVICES – ADVISORY HELPLINE SMS/“Please call me” to ”: a Career Advisors will call back Telephone: Call (Mon-Fri: 08:00-16:00) and a Career Advisor will respond Website: or follow the link on the DHET website homepage National Career Advice Portal: Get information on career paths, where to study and what to study at or follow the link from the careerhelp website Facebook: Like us on Facebook at Twitter: Follow us on Twitter at Mobile Site: Listen to the Khetha Radio Programmes every week in 10 African Languages Walk-In Service is operating from 8:00 – 16:00 at 123 Franci s Baard Street, Pretoria (Mon-Fri). 9
CAREER DEVELOPMENT SERVICES – TRAINING AND SUPPORT Current Services: Training and awareness sessions: Student Support Services in Career Development (2 Day) and Induction NCV Level 2s Resourcing of SSS (career exploration and activity sheets) In planning: A comprehensive SSS Resource Pack Assessment of career development capacity and needs Pilot walk In TVET Colleges (Khetha Brand) Interest and Diagnostic Testing Competency Support 10