Examiners Update to County Administrators Presented by: James E. Hall, CPA Director County Audit Division Examiners of Public Accounts State of Alabama
Disclaimer This information was presented to the Association of County Commissions of Alabama’s (ACCA) Annual Conference on May 13, This presentation represents the audit position of the Department of Examiners of Public Accounts as of that date.
Objectives… GASB Statements Common Problems Financial Statements
GASB Updates
GASB FY2014 Statement No 67 – Financial Reporting for Pension Plans – An Amendment to GASB Statement No. 25 Statement No 70 – Accounting and Financial Reporting for Nonexchange Financial Guarantees
Statement No 70 – Accounting and Financial Reporting for Nonexchange Financial Guarantees Applies to governments who guarantee the financial obligations of others in a nonexchange transaction Other entities may include governments or authorities, not-for-profits, private companies and individuals Must recognize a liability if it is more likely than not (more than 50%) that the government will be required to make a payment on the guarantee.
GASB 70 Note Disclosures Regardless of whether the governmental entity determines that it is more likely than not that a payment will be required, GASB requires the entity to make certain disclosures for all nonexchange financial guarantees. A description of the nonexchange guarantee The legal authority and limits for extending the guarantee and the types of obligations guaranteed Relationship between guarantor and the entity issuing the obligations that are guaranteed Description of recovery arrangements Length of time of the guarantees Total amounts of all guarantees extended that are outside of the reporting date.
GASB 70 Note Disclosure In addition to previous disclosures, governments that have recognized a liability or made payments during the year there are additional disclosures Description of changes in recognized liabilities, including beginning and end of year balances, increases, decreases and adjustments Discussion of timing of recognition & measurement Amount of outstanding guarantees Amount of commitments to extend guarantees Cumulative amount paid towards outstanding guarantees Amounts expected to be recovered
GASB 70 Note Disclosures Governments with obligations guaranteed by another entity in a nonexchange transactions should disclose the following: Name of entity providing the guarantee Amount of obligations guaranteed Length of time of the guarantee Amount paid by guarantor during the audit period Cumulative amount paid by guarantor on outstanding obligations. Description of requirements to repay Outstanding amounts to be repaid to the guarantor
GASB FY2015 Statement No. 68 – Accounting and Financial Reporting for Pensions Statement No. 69 – Government Combinations and Disposals of Government Operations
Statement No. 68 – Accounting and Financial Reporting for Pensions Must report the net pension liability on the government-wide and enterprise fund type financial statements.
GASB Statement 69 Government Combinations and Disposals of Government Operations
GASB Statement 69 Government Combinations and Disposals of Operation Statement identifies 3 types of combinations Merger - assets and liabilities are recognized at their carrying value as of the merger date Acquisition - assets and liabilities are recognized at acquisition cost as of the acquisition date, except for Employee benefit arrangements Landfill and pollution remediation liabilities Investments and derivatives reported at fair value Deferred Outflows and Deferred Inflows Transfer of Operations – assets and liabilities are recognized at their carrying value as of the merger date
GASB Statement 69 Government Combinations and Disposals of Operation Merger – combination of legally separate entities with no significant exchange of consideration and either 2 or more governments cease to exist as entities and are combined to form one or A legally separate entity ceases to exist and the operations are absorbed into a continuing government
GASB Statement 69 Government Combinations and Disposals of Operation Acquisitions – combination in which a government acquires another entity or operations of another entity in exchange for significant consideration Transfer of Operations – Involves combination of operations rather and legally separate entities in which no significant consideration is exchanged Can be a transfer of operations to a continuing government or a newly formed government.
Common Problems and Ways to Correct 16
Cash and Investments Not making deposits in a timely manner. Not performing bank reconciliations Investing in items not authorized by the Code of Alabama 1975, Section and
Proper Procedures - Depositing Funds should be deposited in a timely manner; daily – recommended. If deposit cannot be made before the bank closes, a locked night deposit bag should be used to secure funds in the bank’s night depository. Pre-printed, duplicate deposit slips containing the account name and bank account number should be used.
Proper Procedures - Depositing Checks should be endorsed with “For Deposit Only”, along with account name and bank account number. The deposit slip should contain the receipt numbers of the funds deposited. The deposit date and deposit amount should be noted on the last receipt included in the deposit.
Proper Procedures - Depositing Daily receipts should be deposited intact. Do not cash checks with the funds received. Do not use cash receipts for change cash. Do not use cash received for expenses. Do not use correction fluid or erase mistakes on deposit slips. The bank should authenticate the duplicate deposit slip at the time of deposit and be retained for audit.
Receivables Not recording receivables for amounts earned during the fiscal year but not received until the next fiscal year. If in doubt of year end receivables, it is OK to make an estimate! 21
Inventories Commission not recording any inventories when material amounts are on hand. Examples include road department supplies, gas, water treatment supplies, etc. 22
Capital Assets Not performing a physical inventory at least once every 2 years (federal requirement) Amounts recorded as Capital Outlay do not agree with additions to Capital Assets 23
Liabilities Failure to record debt refundings or new debt issued Improperly recording principal and interest payments Payables subsidiary listing not agreeing with general ledger Due to / Due From not agreeing 24
Revenues/ Receipts Not reporting all income earned or received during the year. Receipt books were not retained or made available for review. Voided Receipts not being maintained. 25
Revenues/Receivables Proper Procedures Voided receipts must be retained in the receipt book. Do not use correction fluid or erase mistakes. Secure funds received Do not cash checks with funds received No money should be left in office overnight All receipts books should be logged and secured when not in use. 26
Payroll / Personnel Not reporting vehicle usage as income on individual’s W-2 (IRS Pub 13b) Personnel files not being updated. Promotions/raises not indicated in files 27
Expenditures Expenditures did not contain the proper supporting documentation. Expenditures were not properly coded in the accounting system. Failure to follow the Alabama Competitive Bid Law and/or the Alabama Public Works Law Transfers In / Transfers Out not agreeing
Proper Procedures - Expenditures Do not sign blank checks – must contain payee name and amount. Do not pay for items in advance of receipt of materials, supplies, or equipment. Invoices and supporting documents should be provided with the check to be signed. Invoices should be cancelled (marked PAID) when the check is signed.
Proper Procedures - Expenditures Vendors should be paid in a timely manner to avoid late fees. Checks should be used in numerical order. Checks must be secured at all times. Voided checks must be retained for audit. Checks outstanding for more than 60 days should be investigated.
Bid Law Goods and Services in excess of $15,000 not being bid in accordance with Code of Alabama 1975, Section Be very careful using credit cards and purchasing cards – still subject to bid law! Not following all aspects of public works law
Contact Information Managers Robin Lakey – Madison; Colbert; Franklin; Marion; Winston; Lawrence Randy O’Bannon – Lauderdale; Limestone; Jackson; Morgan; Marshall; Cullman Gwyn Griggs – DeKalb; Etowah; Cherokee; Calhoun; Cleburne Whitney Atchison – Jefferson; St Clair; Blount; Walker; Fayette Nikki Morrison – Shelby; Talladega; Clay; Coosa; Randolph; Tallapoosa Shelley Patrenos – Lamar; Pickens; Tuscaloosa; Sumter; Greene; Hale 32
Contact Information Managers Emily Tyler – Bibb; Perry; Dallas; Marengo; Choctaw Teresa Dekle – Chilton; Autauga; Elmore; Lowndes; Montgomery Tammy Shelley – Chambers; Lee; Macon; Russell; Barbour Brian Wheeler – Mobile; Baldwin; Washington; Monroe Christina Smith – Clarke; Wilcox; Conecuh; Escambia Lynn Otto – Butler; Crenshaw; Covington; Coffee; Geneva Cherie Raffle – Houston; Henry; Dale; Pike; Bullock 33
Managers Information is First Name.Last Robin Lakey ( ) Randy O’Bannon ( ) Gwyn Griggs ( ) Whitney Atchison ( ) Nikki Morrison ( ) Shelley Patrenos ( ) Emily Tyler ( ) Teresa Dekle ( ) Tammy Shelley ( ) Brian Wheeler ( ) Christina Smith ( ) Lynn Otto ( ) Cherie Raffle ( ) 34
Contacting the Department Located in the Gordon Persons Administrative Building at 50 North Ripley Street, Room 3201 in Montgomery, AL Mailing Address – P. O. Box Montgomery, AL Phone – Fax – – Website –
Hotline To report Fraud, Waste & Abuse: F-RAUD
Other Issues Financial Statements…
Questions 38