10.8 The Process & Politics of Lawmaking
AP Government & Politics Timpanogos High School
10.8a Basic Steps in Lawmaking Basic Steps Introduce Committee Assignment Floor Action Presidential Action Public vs Private bills 2 Types of Bills Bills – force of law Resolutions Joint – force of law Simple Concurrent
AP Government & Politics Timpanogos High School How a Bill Becomes Law House Introduction (hopper) Senate Reported Out Committee (Speaker Assigns) Subcommittee Hearings / Markup Rules committee House Calendars Floor Action Debate & Voting (Voice, Roll Call, Teller) President (Signs, Veto, Pocket Veto) Committee Introduction (From floor or as an amendment) Subcommittee Hearings / Markup Reported Out Floor Action Debate & Voting (Voice, Roll Call, Teller) Conference Committee (works out differences in the House and Senate versions of the bill) IN DEPTH How a bill makes it through Congress today (Vox) in-2014 Statistics on Congress (Brookings) vital%20statistics%20congress%20mann%20ornstein/vital%20sta tistics%20chapter%206%20%20legislative%20productivity%20in %20congress%20and%20workload.pdf Only a Bill – SNL Vrsn
AP Government & Politics Timpanogos High School How a bill becomes law Rules & Strategies… Must pass both houses in one term / Only a fraction of bills introduced pass
How a bill becomes law AP Government & Politics Timpanogos High School Rules and Strategies Very few bills become law – 3% became law in 113 th Congress Most bills die in committee - Discharge petition Amendments – Used to change bills, sometimes sabotage bills “Riders” are amendments that are not germane..... Christmas tree bill In Depth Resources: The Gun Amendments & The 60 Vote Threshold (Wash Post) amendments-need-60-votes-to-pass-but-why/
How a bill becomes law Rules and Strategies Filibuster used to stall or kill a bill (Senate only) Cloture / Rule 22 Cloture / Rule 22 Cruz Oct Cruz Oct Nuclear option AP Government & Politics Timpanogos High School In Depth Resources: The Gun Amendments & The 60 Vote Threshold (Wash Post) amendments-need-60-votes-to-pass-but-why/
AP Government & Politics Timpanogos High School The Politics of Lawmaking Process is slow and complex Easier to block or kill a bill than to pass it Allows outside influence – Interest Groups (See “Homeland security, Whodunit”) Outside influences – Lobbyists Obama’s Deal (trailer) Obama’s Deal Congress is Polarized: thus to get things done… Overwhelming public support - War authorization, Patriot Act, etc. Compromise is the “art of politics” Iraq - benchmarks v. timetables In Depth Read - Man Behind the Campaign Finance Deal (Politico) The Spending Bill of Dec 2014 had other provision slipped into the bill. Read about a lawyer who helped craft a deal to let political parties raise much more money from wealthy donors campaign-finance-deal html?hp=r2_3http:// campaign-finance-deal html?hp=r2_3 Read: How Wall Street Got its Way (politico) congress htmlhttp:// congress html
AP Government & Politics Timpanogos High School The Politics of Lawmaking Jockeying for the legislative lead Congress v. President Democrats v. Republicans Pork Barrel Legislation / Earmarks Pig Book (CAGW) Pig Book Omnibus Bills Cromnibus Spending Bill (CNN Dec. 2014) Cromnibus Spending Bill What's tucked in the Bill (CNN Dec 2014) What's tucked in the Bill In Depth What’s Tucked in the Bill - Video (CNN, Dec 2014) spending-bill/index.html?hpt=hp_t1
AP Government & Politics Timpanogos High School Health Care Reform (2010) Debate in Congress (2010)Debate in Congress (2010) ……………………………....Final VoteFinal Vote The Politics of Lawmaking
THE POLITICS OF WEAPONS CASE STUDY AP Government & Politics Timpanogos High School
Case Study: Politics of Weapons Why is it so hard to Cut Defence Spending? Why is it so hard to Cut Defence Spending F-22 Raptor Support the F-35 All Politics are Local Politics In Depth Great 4 part series on the politics of the F22: lockheed-hooks-45-states.html
AP Government & Politics Timpanogos High School Case Study: All Politics are Local Politics Save the A10 (Facebook) Save the A10 Politics of the A-10 (NPR audio) Politics of the A-10 In Depth Voting on the Fate of the A-10 (NPR) 10-warthogs
AP Government & Politics Timpanogos High School Case Study: All Politics are Local Politics M1 Abrams
AP Government & Politics Timpanogos High School Case Study: the V-22 Osprey For more info on the V-22, check the notes section of this slide
Finis Perfectus