Implementation of international management experience to Ukrainian companies performed: Degtyareva N.V. Supervisor: Magdich A.S., Ph.D. in Economics
TABLE OF CONTENTS: I.Theoretical basis of HRM system in enterprises of Ukraine based on world experience II.Research of work forces of the building enterprise “Yuzhana” III.Ways of enhancement of human resource management of the “Yuzhana” enterprise
Aim: to analyze the example system of construction enterprise and identify the main areas of improvement Subject : personnel management system of “YUZHANA“ Object : the work of the enterprise “YUZHANA” Tasks: - To describe the modern organizational-economic state of the enterprise; - To reveal human resource management limitation; - To estimate possibility of implementation of system of innovative management at an output on a foreign market.
Theoretical basis of HRM system in enterprises of Ukraine based on world experience -In a market economy is important practical application of modern forms of Personnel Management in our country -There are significant differences between the existing world management models and models in Ukraine: 1)training of employees 2)system of financial stimulation 3)lack of clear management model
Research of work forces of the building enterprise “Yuzhana” Index title Year Absolute deviation, The person Relative deviation, % / / / 2012 Average number of workers
Research of work forces of the building enterprise “Yuzhana” Index2009Year2010Year2011Year2012Year2013Year Absolute deviation Относительн оеотклонени е 2013/ / / /2012 Average efficiency 67,5677,5657,5466,968,81,241,91,82,8 Output26,2522,7631,2025,8326,280,0280,4440,111,72 Labor input of production 0,0380,0430,0320,0390,0410,0030,0027,95,1
Ways of enhancement of human resource management of the “Yuzhana” enterprise 1)Personnel selection and placement - pay attention to the purposeful work of recruitment agencies -more actively pursue work with local media -more extensively use different test methods 2) Measures for the adaptation of the employees on the workplace
Ways of enhancement of human resource management of the “Yuzhana” enterprise 3)Development and training -training and professional development -formation of personnel reserve --career promotion -working with consulting and recruitment agencies 4) Marketing of staff 5) Evaluation of staff 6) Formation of organizational culture
Calculation of economic efficiency The volume of work scheduled for the planned 2014 equal to 2% on the amount of work performed in 2013.: * 1,02 = thousands of UAH The cost of the work is determined by adjusting its increase by 2%: * 1.02 = thousands of UAH Expenses for the year to reorganize human resources management system: Salaries IT professional 5,000 USD. Additional salary 3 people from the state 3,000 USD. Accruals for wages (20%) 1600 USD. General manufacturing costs 6400 USD. Total monthly 16,000 USD. Total per year USD. or thousand.
Calculation of economic efficiency Figures Units of measurement Design year, 2014 Sales revenue thousands of UAH Cost of services thousands of UAH Additional costs thousands of UAH 192 Gross operating surplus thousands of UAH 4014 Profitability %19,8