MARINTEK 1 Assessment of CO 2 emission performance of individual ships: The IMO CO 2 index Øyvind Buhaug MARINTEK
2 Contents Why IMO developed the CO 2 index A description of the CO 2 index Trial results and interpretations Future developments Closing remarks
MARINTEK 3 Why IMO developed the CO 2 index (1997) MEPC invited to consider CO 2 reduction strategies (2000) IMO study on GHG emissions from ships (2003) Assebly resolution A.963(23) urges MEPC to identify and develop the mechanism or mechanisms needed to achieve the limitation or reduction of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions from international shipping CO 2 not part of MARPOL Annex VI List of policy instrument in executive summary
MARINTEK 4 Basic concept of the environmental index
MARINTEK : Interim Guidelines for voluntary ship CO2 indexing for use in trials ( MEPC circ. 471 )
MARINTEK 6 Current status: Guidelines for CO2 indexing are voluntary and temporary MEPC has invited the industry to use the guidelines and report experiences Based on reported experience, the interim guidelines will be discussed / developed further at MEPC 58, 2008
MARINTEK 7 About the IMO index
MARINTEK 8 What to measure? Index (design) Promote better design Index (operation) Promote improved operation
MARINTEK 9 Design index Theoretical design efficiency of containerships Source: MEPC 51/inf 2 (Germany)
MARINTEK 10 Design index Developing a design index is complicated Risk of sub-optimisation, questions about cost- effectiveness Design element covered in an overall efficiency indicator
MARINTEK 11 Efficiency indicator: What should be considered? Fuel consumption Include auxillaries? Include boilers? From fuel delivery notes? By mass or by volume? Utility cargo * miles? How to measure cargo? (CWT, DWT, TEU, Passengers?) How to measure distance? Include speed? And in addition: Measure good/bad? One per shiptype? how to verify? Other GHGs Which to include? When to include? How to include? ?
MARINTEK 12 CO 2 index as per interim guidelines Total fuel consumption Distance travelled over ground Cargo mass or alternative cargo unit
MARINTEK 13 Experience from trials using the IMO CO 2 index Results from Task 2: IMO CO2 index EU Tender No. ENV.C.1/SER/2005/0077
MARINTEK 14 CO2 index Trial: Sources of data Directly from ships (by excel form) Via ship owner databases
MARINTEK 15 Trial results
MARINTEK 16 Trial results – single ship
MARINTEK 17 Reasons behind variation in index value ship size cargo requirements utilization of cargo space speed length of ballast (repositioning) voyages ship condition (engine condition, hull and propeller fouling, etc) weather and currents errors in measurement and registration
MARINTEK 18 Reference level Reference level (benchmark) is needed to evaluate performance Establishing benchmark is key challenge to make use of index Gap between performance and benchmark may be used for incentive schemes, to generate emission trade credits or other policy instruments
MARINTEK 19 Trials: Recommendations on use Suitable for reporting specific emission levels (useful for cargo owners) Other indexes more practical to identify improvement areas in daily operation A reference level is needed to assess performance for use with incentive scemes, taxtation scemes etc. Performance must be judged on basis of performance of other ships carrying comparable goods on comparable routes A reference level must be regularily updated to stay relevant. By ship operators By autorites
MARINTEK 20 Future developments
MARINTEK 21 IMO database for trial results Web based reporting systems Scheduled to be in operation by end of October Data to be submitted by National administrations (or someone acting on their behalf) Database will be used to further develop the index and to identify baseline/benchmark values
MARINTEK 22 IMO database for trial results (GISIS)
MARINTEK 23 Closing remarks The IMO CO 2 index is an accurate measure of actual efficiency To reduce emissions, it must be implemented it in emission reduction schemes. This is possible only when reference levels are established The efficiency of a ship is constrained by external factors such as availability of goods Further development is needed to develop suitable reference levels that take external factors into account More data is needed to support development. The IMO database will support this activity, but ship owners and maritime administrations must cooperate to provide data
MARINTEK 24 Thank you for your attention