MIS Reporting California Community Colleges System Office Management Information Systems April 29, 2008
29% of Credit Students attend more than one college during their academic career
10.25% of credit students attend more than one college during an academic year
91.7% of New Credit Students are reported with a SSN r
47.3% of New Non-Credit Students are reported with a SSN r
82,519 AA/AS Degrees were awarded in r
1,047, Credit FTES 90, Noncredit FTES All Activity for
What? When? How? Where? What kind of data are collected? When are the data collected? How are the data used? Where to find the data? 2008 Annual CACCRAO Conference
Why? What kind of data are collected? Student Data Demographic Enrollments Categorical Programs Matriculation, EOPS, DSPS Perkins (VTEA) Financial Aid Assessment Program Awards (Degrees & Certificates) Courses Sections, Sessions, Instructional Assignments Employee College Calendar What? 2008 Annual CACCRAO Conference
Enrollments (SX) Student Demographics (SB) Sections Courses (CB) Fin. Aid Assess. PBS VTEA Matric. Pgm. Awds. Emp. Demo. Sessions Calendar Assignments EOPS DSPS Emp. Assign. Cal- WORKs CCC MIS Database 2008 Annual CACCRAO Conference
System Office Data Base (Data Mart and Reports) MIS Dept At Districts Resubmit Data External Entities DOF, Newspapers, Legislature, etc. Data Review Data Data Source User Reviews Data Good Data at the Source = Accurate View of Your College Data Entered Into System 2008 Annual CACCRAO Conference
Why? When are the data collected? When? Term days after end of term Calendar days after end of spring term Program Award... Due September 1 st Financial Aid..... Due October 1 st Assessment Due October 1 st Employee Data... Opens November 1 st Due by January 15th 2008 Annual CACCRAO Conference
Why? How are the data used? Matriculation Justification/Funding EOPS /DSPS / CalWorks Funding/Justification Perkins / CTE Perkins IV Core Indicator Reports Perkins IV Allocations BOGW Administrative Funding Federal Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) Reporting CCC Data Mart ARCC – Focus on Results: Accountability Reporting for the Community Colleges How? 2008 Annual CACCRAO Conference
Why? How are the data used? Data Matches Transfer to UC/CSU/NSC match Dept. of Social Services / Military Match EDD/UI Match/Wage Study FTES – 320 vs. Special Request Identifying “moonlighters” Identifying “freeway flyers” Annual Staffing Report How? 2008 Annual CACCRAO Conference
Why? How are the data used? Research Questions Legislative Analyst Office Department of Finance California Postsecondary Education Commission California Student Aid Commission Public Policy Institute UC/CSU Legislature – Committees and individual members Community College Organizations Newspapers Labor Unions How? 2008 Annual CACCRAO Conference
Why? Where to find the data? Preview of Funding Numbers for Categorical Programs EOPS/DSPS reports available after submission of Spring Term data Perkins reports available after submission of Financial Aid data Time to validate and resolve issues prior to use in allocations Password Protected Where? Annual Headcounts Reports 2008 Annual CACCRAO Conference
Why? Where to find the data? Public site / No username or password required Headcount Status: A,B,C,F Minimum ½ credit unit OR 8hrs Positive Attendance Examples of Available Queries: Student Information Assessment, Program Award EOPS/DSPS/CalWORKs Financial Aid, Staffing, FTES Distance Education Success and Retention Where? CCC Data Mart 2008 Annual CACCRAO Conference
Student Identifier Course FTES Data Review Clean Up Control Number 320 vs MIS FTES 2008 Annual CACCRAO Conference
The Life Cycle of a Student Identifier Fall 2002 ABC Spring DEF Fall Spring 2007 District Fantasy One Student CCCSO Reality Three Students 2008 Annual CACCRAO Conference
Why? Course Control Number Improve the quality of course data reported to the System Office. Collect a new MIS data element that identifies “Stand Alone Courses” (AB 1943). Modify the MIS database to meet the legislative accountability reporting requirements of SB 361 CB Annual CACCRAO Conference
Why? Fiscal vs. CCCSO MIS Why is SOMIS FTES Used vs. 320 FTES? 320 FTES is reported at a high level SOMIS FTES is reported at the lowest level with value-added attributes SOMIS FTES can be sliced and diced for many purposes Wide spread use of FTES by internal and external requestors FTES 2008 Annual CACCRAO Conference
Why? Fiscal vs. CCCSO MIS Requestors of System Office FTES Financial Aid Augmentation $34.2 million Department of Finance Legislative Analyst’s Office Public Policy Institute Categorical Program Justification Newspapers, Unions, Legislators FTES 2008 Annual CACCRAO Conference
Why? Fiscal vs. CCCSO MIS Why the differences? Academic Year vs. Fiscal Year Summer, Fall, Spring vs. 7/1/xx – 6/30/yy Summer Session Option You may decide which fiscal year a Summer Daily Census section may be counted Student / Course Repeatability Some student repeats may not be counted for FTES twice FTES 2008 Annual CACCRAO Conference
Why? Fiscal vs. CCCSO MIS Why the differences? SB09 – Residency Code “50000” not reported for a student at time of MIS data submission SO not using F-Factor Daily and Positive Attendance sections have a factor applied for 320 reporting when the college has a flex calendar FTES 2008 Annual CACCRAO Conference
April 29th Annual CACCRAO Conference