Nuclear Energy Institute Initiatives NRC Region I/FEMA I, II, & III Joint Scheduling Conference Susan Perkins-Grew Senior Project Manager
2 Nuclear Energy Institute Initiatives Mission & Outreach Emergency Preparedness Rulemaking New Plant Activities Hostile Action Based Drill Pilot 2009 NREP Workshop 2009 NEI EP Forum
33 Nuclear Energy Institute The Washington, D.C. policy organization of the nuclear energy industry NEI’s MISSION: –To create favorable U.S. Energy policy for the continued safe use of nuclear energy
44 Nuclear Energy Institute Purpose Provide unified policy direction on regulation and legislation Represent nuclear industry before congress, executive agencies, federal regulatory bodies, and state policy forums Disseminate positive information about nuclear energy to policy-makers and the public
55 Nuclear Energy Institute Outreach Communications – industry, media, opinion leaders and the public Media Relations – proactive national news media program Member Communications – works with industry communicators
66 Nuclear Energy Institute Outreach NEI Public Web Page – Essential Issue Fact Sheets Essential Issue Policy Briefs
77 NRC Rulemaking Schedule Draft Preliminary Rule Language –Published February 2008 –Public Meeting(s) –Commission Briefing –Commission Vote Proposed Draft Rule - February 2009 Final Rule
83 Rulemaking - Impact Highest Impact On Shift Collateral Duties Exercise Program
93 On Shift Collateral Duties NRC Goal: licensee has sufficient on-shift staff to respond to each design basis event or design basis threat Industry survey identifies assignments of on-shift tasks such as: –classification and notification –fire response –equipment operation –repair and corrective action –dose assessment –chemistry and radiation protection
10 On Shift Collateral Duties Convene task force subject matter experts to review NEI’s conclusions from the survey Potential impact on the on-shift staffing if conclusions are valid NLO’s appear to be assigned to perform safe shutdown function and same NLO assigned to fire brigade Security as a member of fire brigade 10
11 Rulemaking Actions - Industry Provide full rulemaking briefing and insights to industry senior executives Sites with on-shift staff below number provided should review the benchmarking analysis with operations, security, and EP staff 4
12 Exercise Program Incorporation of Hostile Action-based scenarios –Movement of ERO and repair teams No release or minimal release options Rapid escalation to SAE, GE 4
13 NEI Rulemaking Contact Marty Hug
14 New Plant Activities Stream lined process –Less hand offs –FEMA processes Negotiated –FEMA and NRC –Generic Licensing Meeting Back on process
15 New Plant Activities Regulations –NRC 10 CFR Part 52 and Plans –FEMA 44 CFR part 350 Plans and Procedures Finding provided to NRC –Report of interim reasonable assurance –Status report
16 NEI “Methodology for Development of Emergency Action Levels, Advanced Passive Light Water Reactor” EALs required in COLA? –EAL set with all values resolved –Or Commitment to N0701 in COLA N0701 RAIs –Received October 30 th –Planning meeting November 10 –Westinghouse and GEH December 5 th –NRC public meeting December 17 th
17 NEI New Plant Activity Contacts: Marty Hug
18 Hostile Action Based Drill Initiative Role of NEI and the Path Forward Continue to support Licensees and OROs –Ensure solid demonstration in the last year of Phase III –Address gaps in performance –Prepare for eventual evaluation –Revise NEI NRC/FEMA Engagement –Continue to monitor the change process and proposed rulemaking –Support FEMA’s pilot observation program in 2009 –Facilitate the interface between the NRC/FEMA and licensees for remainder of Phase III
National Emergency Preparedness Conference Norfolk, Virginia April 20 – 23, 2009 –Open Forum April 23 rd 1:00- 4:45 PM –Hostile Action-Based Drill Lessons Learned for Offsite Response Organizations Scenarios and Conduct of tabletops and drills PAR Decision Making Integration of the Incident Command System Challenges in Prompt Dissemination of Public Information
Nuclear Energy Institute Emergency Preparedness Forum June 15 – 19, 2009 Hyatt Regency Bonita Springs, Florida Emergency preparedness program inspections and exercises that have resulted in lessons learned and practical solutions. A regional NRC panel also will provide lessons learned from the agency’s perspective. Sessions will be devoted to emerging issues (EP Security Advisory, Protective Actions, EP-security drill pilot program), events that have occurred and lessons learned; EP/security related initiatives, Regulatory Oversight Process lessons learned, and other topical issues. A session will be devoted to emergency preparedness communication, including lessons learned, information flow from the licensee to the Joint Public Information Center during actual events, as well as new communication concepts.
21 Emergency Preparedness Training Course June 17 – 19, 2009 Hyatt Regency Bonita Springs, Florida Overview of Rules & Regulations governing the EP Program including Emerging Issues Actions required to maintain an accept Emergency Plan focusing on recent regulatory and industry changes addressing the change process Overview of EP Training requirements and industry lessons learned
Questions? Nuclear Energy Institute –Emergency Preparedness Points of Contact: Alan Nelson Marty Hug Sue Perkins-Grew (m)