The Biotechnology Program at JCCC Johnson County Community College Overland Park, Kansas
JCCC Biotechnology Program In early 2001 – the Stowers Institute for Medical Research would open their $200 million facility which would have an impact on the way the Kansas City metro thinks about bioscience research. And, they would need lab technicians.
JCCC Biotechnology Program Three degree programs were developed at JCCC A Certificate – designed primarily for those who already had a degree and were changing careers. An Associate of Applied Science – designed for those who wanted a vocational degree only and wanted to get into the workforce quickly. An Associate of Science – designed for those who wanted to get into the workforce, but would eventually go on for a bachelor’s degree.
JCCC Biotechnology Program Biotechnology Certificate Semester I BIOT 160 Introduction to Biotechnology BIOT 165 Laboratory Safety MATH 135Applied Math for Science or higher BIOL 135 Principles of Cell and Molecular Biology CHEM 122 Principles of Chemistry Semester II BIOT 230 Microbiology for Biotechnology BIOT 260 Biotechnology Methods CHEM 140 Principles of Organic and Biological Chemistry PHYS 133 Applied Physics BIOT 265 Biotechnology Internship (optional) TOTAL = 34 credits (33-35; with internship – varies with math choice)
JCCC Biotechnology Program Associate of Applied Science Semester I BIOT 160 Introduction to Biotechnology BIOT 165 Laboratory Safety MATH 135 Applied Math or higher BIOL 135 Principles of Cell and Molecular Biology CHEM 122 Principles of Chemistry Semester II BIOT 230 Microbiology for Biotechnology ENGL 121 Composition CHEM 140 Principles of Organic and Biological Chemistry PHYS 133 Applied Physics Semester III CIS 124 Introduction to Computers BIOL 144 Human Anatomy & Physiology ENGL 125 Scientific Writing BIOL 205 General Genetics Health and/or Physical Ed. Elective Social Science or Economics elective Semester IV BIOL 145 Human Anatomy and Physiology Dissection BIOT 260 Biotechnology Methods BIOT 265 Biotechnology Internship Humanities elective TOTAL = 67 cred. (66-68; varies with math)
JCCC Biotechnology Program Associate of Science Semester I MATH 181 Statistics BIOL 135 Principles of Cell and Molecular Biology CHEM 124 Chemistry I CHEM 125 Chemistry I Lab ENGL 121 Composition I Oral Communications elective Semester II BIOT 160 Introduction to Biotechnology BIOL 150 Biology of Organisms CHEM 131 Chemistry II CHEM 132 Chemistry II Lab ENGL 123 Technical Writing HIST 125 Western Civilization I TOTAL = 78 credits (82 with internship) Summer BIOT 230 Microbiology for Biotech Social Science/Economics elective BIOT 265 Biotech Internship (optional) Semester III BIOT 165 Laboratory Safety CHEM 220 Organic Chemistry I PHYS 130 General Physics I BIOL 205 General Genetics Humanities elective Semester IV BIOT 260 Biotechnology Methods CHEM 250 Biochemistry PHYS 131 General Physics II Social Science/Economics elective Health and/or Physical Ed. elective
JCCC Biotechnology Program New courses were developed that would supplement the basic science curriculum. Introduction to Biotechnology (2001) Laboratory Safety Biotechnology Methods Biotechnology Internship Applied Physics Microbiology for Biotechnology (2007) Applied Mathematics for Science (2009) Scientific Writing
JCCC Biotechnology Program Affiliations that have been or are being developed with other educational institutions. The Metropolitan Community Colleges – Penn Valley C.C. Olathe North High School 21 st Century program in biotechnology Shawnee Mission and Blue Valley School Districts The University of Kansas – Edwards Campus bachelor’s degree in Molecular Biosciences. Kansas State University and Manhattan Area Technical College Kansas City Kansas Community College
JCCC Biotechnology Program Future of the JCCC Biotechnology Program Recruit more students for every degree level. Solidify affiliations with other institutions, for both educational and internship opportunities. Continue to find additional funding opportunities for specialized equipment in the new facility. Strengthen connections between local industry and develop their biomanufacturing needs, wants and desires.
JCCC Biotechnology Program
Funding we have received for the Program KBOR grant with matching from Bayer Corp. - $21,000 Kansas Department of Commerce grant – $1.5 million (CEWD designation to follow) US Department of Labor WIRED grant – $778,000 (JCCC part of $15 million Kansas City Regional grant) Perkins Leadership Grant - $77,500
JCCC Biotechnology Program