2011 VIM/VQA Programs Joint Veal Committee Denver February 5, 2011
VIM 2011 Strategy/Objectives Overall VIM Strategy: Build on the success of industry’s commitment to newly adopted Ethical Standards and Code of Conduct; expand veal farm tour program (geared toward the public) to facilitate beef council use within their own states, complete Veal Course for industry education purposes and revise the web site. This tactic will also include an integrated communication program targeting meat industry media by working collaboratively with veal quality assurance based programs. Measurable Objective: Increase vealfarm.com usage by 10 percent among veal industry participants and the public. Utilize FY 2010 metric as baseline for measuring usage growth in FY 2011.
Building Trust and Confidence in Veal Practices and Products
Complete Website Redesign Full launch and marketing –Create and execute an outreach/communication plan targeting key audiences to raise awareness of and usage of website Industry/industry partners Trade media Others Producer profiles –Complete 3 producer profiles for web –posting. Highlight farmer –Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin/Indiana Update 2 x week with news links or other material
Complete Website Redesign Full launch and marketing –Create and execute an outreach/communication plan targeting key audiences to raise awareness of and usage of website Industry/industry partners Trade media Others Producer profiles –Complete 3 producer profiles for web –posting. Highlight farmer –Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin/Indiana Update 2 x week with news links or other material
Editorial Calendar Healthy eating/Animal Care Summer Grilling/Safe Food Columbus Day/Housing –Tactics: Create and distribute media material and merchandize veal story publications Distribute to SBC and through checkoff communication Monitor for media coverage/pick up Utilize trained veal spokespersons (FY 2010) –Create and distribute talking point/press release template to localize story 6
Eat Better, Choose Veal On average, a trimmed, cooked three oz. serving of veal contains 166 calories and only 5.6 grams of fat. Veal is an excellent source of protein and a good source of niacin, zinc, and vitamin B12 and B6. With a variety of veal cuts available at a range of prices, veal is affordable in everyone's budget. As a mother, I know how important having access to healthy food is. As a veal farmer, providing safe, wholesome food is a priority so I am committed to my animals by providing proper nutrition and quality animal care. This means the veal you serve your family is a good source of important lean protein. 7
Veal Farm Tour Toolkit Kendall College Tour NY Dairy/Veal Tour PA Farm Tour And you? 8
Telling the Story Brookline Town Council National Provisioner Progressive Dairyman Mark Levin Proactive Issues Management Reporter Outreach NY Times, Washington Post 9
Considerations USDA oversight and review of content/information Must meet CBB acknowledgement guidelines Increased sensitivity to policy/legislative outreach or appearance 10
Discussion? 11
Veal Quality Assurance
Veal Quality Assurance Mission Ensure that veal calves are cared for with ethical management practices that will result in a safe, wholesome, consistent quality veal product for the consumer Enhance veal meat quality by preventing residues, pathogen contamination and defects on the meat Promote industry standards and best practices based on recommendations from veterinarians, nutritionists and animal care experts 13
VIM/VQA 2011 Strategy/Objectives Overall VQA Strategy: Continue to develop and implement targeted producer education programs by updating technical bulletins, recertifying producer and allied industry through web-based education programs, and by working directly with veal feed companies and veal packer/processors. Measurable Objective: Update at least two technical bulletins, establish web- based education updates at least quarterly and develop communications system through vealfarm.com and focused industry communication efforts. Success will be measured by achieving 100% annual recertification of veal quality assurance program.
Veal Quality Assurance Two Technical Bulletins –Work with committee to identify topics and produce bulletins Using Direct-Fed Microbials (DFM) in the Veal Barn—drafted Rabies/Biosecurity –Post at Update VQA Materials –Finalize new VQA materials based on FY 2010 committee work, review and analysis –Launch and market new materials to key audiences Producers, packers, feed company reps SBC Industry partners Customers as appropriate –Update with update program materialwww.vealfarm.com
Veal Quality Assurance Database transfer and update –Transfer updated database to new platform –Improve process for capturing information and tracking VQA certification using database Training –Review current training materials for update based on manual changes –Finalize online certification test –Offer online and classroom VQA training/certification utilizing volunteer trainers
VQA Certification Formula One has provided classroom certification to approximately 100 participants. Developed training resource guide for trainers Ongoing outreach to feed reps and companies for VQA certification 17
Ongoing VQA outreach/discussion Define group housing standards Engage with dairy producers to find mutual solutions to residue violations and recognize their role as meat producers in addition to milk producers –Engage with Nat’l Milk Producers Federation and other producer groups –Progressive Dairyman oped Clarify animal health product usage for veal farmers 18
Considerations USDA oversight and review of content/information Must meet CBB acknowledgement guidelines Increased sensitivity to policy/legislative outreach or appearance 19
Discussion 20