Shawnee Mission West Fall Sports Meeting 2015 Welcome Parents and Athletes
ALMA MATER Alma Mater, Hail to thee Sing we now so joyfully. Honor praise and loyalty, Forever shall our promise be. Onward we are always striving, For thy colors brave, undying. Hail to thee, Shawnee Mission West Hail to thee, Shawnee Mission West.
Principal Steven Loe , Athletic Director Don Perkins , AD Secretary Patti McCluskie , Trainer Ryan Sloop ,
Fall Sports Head Coaches Cross Country-Jeff Onnen Football-Tim Callaghan Golf-Eric Gorenc Gymnastics-Ann Heinlein Soccer-Gordon Wetmore Tennis-Paige Salveter Volleyball-Mary King Cheer – Ashley Young Dance – Anne McClain
Important Information and web sites S. M. West website: or West website gives you access to district, school and athletics calendars. Athletic Calendar gives up-to-date game times, sites, opponents, cancellations, postponements, and much more. Kansas State High School Activities Association (KSHSAA) website:
REQUIRED FORMS Athletic Physical Form – dated after May 1, 2015, before you can practice Concussion form-need new one each year, before you can practice Athletic Participation Packet , before first game
Eligibility and Weekly Grade Cards Eligibility Students must pass 5 classes the previous semester. Students must have a physical after May 1, 2015 and concussion form on file in the office. Students must be in good standing with the school. Students must be currently enrolled and passing 5 classes 1. Will begin tracking grades on Friday. Sept. 11, Every following Monday at 2:00 am, an will be sent to the coach and the AD to determine if the athlete is passing 5 classes to be eligible for the upcoming week. 3. Seminar, labbie, and any pass/fail class will not count. 4. AD will call the student in Monday morning and notify of ineligible status.
Includes All Forms of Tobacco, Illegal Drugs and Alcohol First Offense –After an investigation and determination that a violation was committed, the athlete, parent(s), Principal, AD and Coach will meet. The athlete must enroll in and complete a substance abuse counseling program. The athlete may attend practice and compete as long as the athlete follows the guidelines as determined by the Principal, AD and Coach. NEW SUBSTANCE ABUSE AGREEMENT
SECOND OFFENSE – Upon determination that a second offense has occurred, the athlete, parent, Principal, AD and Coach will meet. The athlete will lose the privilege of competing in 50% of the current or upcoming season. The athlete must enroll and satisfactorily complete a substance abuse program before being allowed to return to the team. Additional and appropriate consequences shall be determined by the Coach, AD and Principal.
Third and Continued Offenses – Upon determination of a third offense, a conference including the athlete, parent(s), Principal, AD and Coach will be conducted. The athlete will lose their privilege to participate in extra-curricular activities for one calendar year from the completion of the conference.
Activity Fees-Season Pass All students must pay a $75.00 fee this year for activities. – $40.00 goes to the school to help finance student activities – Benefit: student will be able to attend all home games and performances at a reduced rate. Student tickets are regularly $5.00. This does not include regional or state tournaments.
Attendance Policy All students who participate in school activities (activities supervised by a coach or director) must be in regular full day attendance the day the activity is scheduled. Regular full day attendance is defined as being in school from the beginning of his/her first hour of the day and remaining until the close of his/her last hour of the day. On in season appointments or absences during the school day, the athlete must check out/in with the AD’s office and the Principal must OK the absence for the student to be eligible. This applies to practice as well as games and performances.
Please Be Aware The dangers and risks of playing or practicing a sport at SMW may result not only in a serious injury, but in serious impairment of your future ability to earn a living, engage in business, participate in social and recreational activities, and generally to enjoy life.
Please Be Aware All athletes need to listen to and follow all of the coaches instructions and warnings regarding playing techniques, training methods, rules of the sport and other team rules, concussion and heat in-services. All athletes need to listen to and follow all of the coaches instructions and warnings regarding playing techniques, training methods, rules of the sport and other team rules, concussion and heat in-services. Baseline Impact Test- helps in diagnosis only Baseline Impact Test- helps in diagnosis only Video – Sudden Cardiac Arrest in Athletes Athletic Testing Solutions outside the auditorium after meeting. Scheduled at West on November 7th in the cafeteria. 8am – 5pm. Video – Sudden Cardiac Arrest in Athletes Athletic Testing Solutions outside the auditorium after meeting. Scheduled at West on November 7th in the cafeteria. 8am – 5pm. Video Video
Supplemental Insurance You can purchase supplemental insurance for your athletes. Enrollment forms that outline the insurance plans are available in the office or here tonight. Can help bridge the gap between the catastrophic insurance provided by the KSHSAA. The deductible is $25,000
Please Be Aware Anti Hazing Policy – prohibits groups or teams from activities designed to humiliate, offend or expose a person to danger as a condition for membership or participation in an activity. Social Media – printed material will be treated in the same manner as a direct statement to the individual. Suggestion – KEEP IT POSITIVE!
KSHAAA Rule 52 (the Golden Rule): “All actions are to be for, not against; positive not negative or disrespectful” Respect the Officials Respect the Coaches Respect Each Other Spectator Guidelines
All Sports Pass The All Sports All Year Pass will get you into all West Home Regular Season Games – Will Not Work for KSHSAA Tournament Games – Sold by S. M. West Booster Club $80 for 2 adult passes and membership $55 for 1 adult pass and membership $25 for 1 child K-8 pass $20 for booster club membership, no pass
Booster Club Co-President: Bob and Susan Holcomb Vice President: Michelle Coker Treasurer: Darren Coker Co-Secretary: Maria McMahon
Thanks for Coming – Enjoy the Year