PUBLICITY A Tutorial PowerPoint Presentation by Ramesh Adhikari
Definitions Publicity of a product can be defined as making goods “publicly” known.
Definitions A type of public relations in the form of a news item or story which conveys information about a product, service, or idea in the media.
Definitions Information that attracts attention to a Company, Product, Person, or event. A third party, usually from the media, is often employed to generate publicity.
Definitions Type of promotion that relies on public relations effect of a news story carried usually free by mass media. The main objective of publicity is not sales promotion, but creation of an image through editorial or 'independent source' commentary. While the publicist can control the content of the story, he or she may not have any control over its placement or interpretation by the media.
Publicity and Advertising Publicity is primarily informative Advertising is informative and persuasive Publicity is more subdued Publicity does not identify the sponsor Publicity is free (??!) Publicity is part of a program or print story and appears more objective Publicity is not subject to repetition Publicity is more credible Little control over publicity
Features of Good Publicity 1. Publicity is neither too cheap nor too dear, it is only good or bad. Even when it seems cheap, if it is bad it is always too expensive.
Features of Good Publicity 2. Good publicity reaches the right people in the right place at the right time, and above all by the right means.
Features of Good Publicity 3. Good publicity does not add words to a given illustration, nor does it make a picture to fit a given text. Illustration and text spring from the same idea, they affect and explain each other.
Features of Good Publicity 4. Good publicity springs from the subject which it serves, attracts attention to it, and is harmonious with it.
Features of Good Publicity 5. Ideas, means and methods of good publicity should be clever but easily intelligible, because the public, while not wishing to be underrated, does not like to be forced to think too much.
Publicity should be true, specific, informative, and attractive.
Basic Principles of Publicity 1. CREATIVITY: Put creativity into your publicity! You can generate more enthusiasm and interest by using unique, fresh, and clever methods of promotion. Developing gimmicks or logos, utilizing pictures and unusual shapes are all ways in which publicity can be made more attractive.
Basic Principles of Publicity 2.VARIETY: If no one type of publicity reaches the entire audience, you must use more than one. More than one medium can also reinforce and intensify your message. Use a variety of techniques that work well together and complement each other.
Basic Principles of Publicity 3.QUANTITY: An advertisement must be seen or heard several times before it has any impact. The more often it is seen or heard, the greater the retention of your message. Thus, you can magnify the impact of your publicity by increasing the frequency with which it is seen or heard
Basic Principles of Publicity 4.VISIBILITY: Since the frequency with which publicity is seen or heard is crucial to its effectiveness, it makes sense to place your publicity in locations that have high visibility. Areas with the greatest traffic patterns usually have the highest visibility. Good locations include: mailbox areas, cafeteria walls, bathrooms and bathroom stalls, under or on room doors, bulletin boards, etc. Since the frequency with which publicity is seen or heard is crucial to its effectiveness, it makes sense to place your publicity in locations that have high visibility. Areas with the greatest traffic patterns usually have the highest visibility. Good locations include: mailbox areas, cafeteria walls, bathrooms and bathroom stalls, under or on room doors, bulletin boards, etc.
Basic Principles of Publicity 5.LEGIBILITY: How often an advertisement is seen will have little impact if what is seen is not legible. The greater the legibility, the greater the chances that an individual will read all of the information. Greater legibility is ensured by using lower case lettering rather than uppercase. Capitals may be used for emphasis; but to be effective, emphasis must be used sparingly.
Basic Principles of Publicity 6. UNDERSTANDABILITY: Even if your message is readable or can be heard well, it must be understandable to get the message across. You can make your publicity more understandable and more effective by incorporating the following points: Even if your message is readable or can be heard well, it must be understandable to get the message across. You can make your publicity more understandable and more effective by incorporating the following points: i. Be concise and clear. ii. Avoid excess verbiage. ii. Avoid excess verbiage. iii. Use terminology that the target audience would understand. iii. Use terminology that the target audience would understand.
Basic Principles of Publicity 7. ADVANCE NOTICE: Publicize well enough in advance. If publicity goes out too late, it does not give people enough time to plan to attend an activity. For optimum exposure, publicity should be out at least one week before your activity is scheduled to take place; however, you may want to issue additional publicity pieces as the event approaches Publicize well enough in advance. If publicity goes out too late, it does not give people enough time to plan to attend an activity. For optimum exposure, publicity should be out at least one week before your activity is scheduled to take place; however, you may want to issue additional publicity pieces as the event approaches
Types of Publicity Visual –See it Verbal – Hear about it Online –Using the internet Networking – Let other people help you out Innovation – How creative can you get?
Other Publicity Techniques Networking sites, Mass s, Bags, Bookmarks Bumper Stickers, Computer Letters, Door Hanger Bumper Stickers, Computer Letters, Door Hanger Door Prizes, Footprints, Fortune Cookies, Free Tickets to events, Lawn Signs, Logos, Painted Windows, Audio Message, Puzzle Pieces, Sidewalk Chalk Writing, Sneak Previews Stickers Teasers, Bathroom stalls, T-shirts, Visors Mirror Signs, Lollipops with messages, Balloons, Post Cards etc. etc.
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