REGINS: Joining forces within INTERREG III C Stuttgart - New products by networking of networks - the Interreg IIIC REGINS project Regional standardised interfaces for a better integration of regional SME in the European Economy Jürgen Ludwig, Director Verband Region Stuttgart Brussels, Open Days 2007 Workshop: 11 D40 Metropolitan Regions and Areas Together for Growth Sub-Theme: Crossing borders: Cooperation and exchange of best practice supporting growth and jobs Organiser: METREX Venue: Scotland House Conference Centre, Rond-Point Schuman 6, Brussels Date and time: 10/11/
REGINS: Joining forces within INTERREG III C Approved by INTERREG IIIC East (2 nd call, year 2003) 4 Partner Institutions: Clusterland Upper Austria (Lead Partner) Stuttgart Region Economic Development Corporation Government of Lombardy Region West-Pannon Regional Development Agency Project duration: 02 / / 2007 Two major project aims: Benchmark of Regional Cluster Management Initiatives Fostering of inter-regional co-operation (REGINS Sub-Projects) General facts about REGINS INTERREG IIIC - Operation REGINS
REGINS: Joining forces within INTERREG III C INTERREG IIIC - Operation REGINS Major Project aims and achieved Results (I) Benchmark of Regional Cluster Management Initiatives Assessment of regional cluster management initiatives Identification of current state and success factors dependent on regional preconditions Development of Good Practice recommendations Result:REGINS Good Practice Guide published Result:Logistics Competence Centre established in Lombardy Region. Result:Mentoring for West-Pannon Cluster Initiative.
REGINS: Joining forces within INTERREG III C INTERREG IIIC - Operation REGINS Major Project aims and achieved Results (II) Fostering of inter-regional co-operation (REGINS Sub-Projects) 3 thematic priorities for cooperation projects Definition of formal criteria for applicants Set-up of management structure Result: 3 calls for inter-regional sub-projects Result: 28 inter-regional sub-projects (planned: 15) 17 Automotive projects 7 Biotech projects 4 Logistics projects Result: 79 participating partner institutions
REGINS: Joining forces within INTERREG III C INTERREG IIIC - Operation REGINS Major Project aims and achieved Results (III) Selected sub-projects and their specific results REGINS-project: Safebike Development of automatic control system for motorbikes (like ESP - Electronic Stability Program for cars) Results presented in spring 2006 in Upper Austria REGINS-project: LOGGER Evaluation of possibilities and needs for temperature monitoring at blood donation centres and hospitals. Development of temperature control system for blood transfusions (monitoring of cooling chain)
REGINS: Joining forces within INTERREG III C INTERREG IIIC - Operation REGINS Major Project aims and achieved Results (IV) Selected sub-projects and their specific results REGINS-project: REGINSrfid Screens and tracks RFID technology development. Delivers training and advice for SMEs which is continued via regional RFID-network in Stuttgart Region Additional Sub-project results 5 innovative Spin-Offs (according to external sub-project evaluation). (further development + exploitation of project results). Project results will be further developed and patented (acc. to ext. evaluation) Additional number of innovative products developed, tested and improved. (e.g. FuelUpgrade, MIRPS, MAAGYS, BONG-HY, etc.)
REGINS: Joining forces within INTERREG III C INTERREG IIIC - Operation REGINS General conclusions Clear management system crucial for implementation success of REGINS. Tight cooperation links on REGINS management level important for initiation and monitoring of topic-based sub-projects REGINS inter-regional cooperation projects (sub-projects) leading to … …Contribution of associated companies (SME) to the project results …Innovative project results …Sustainable inter-regional relationships …New inter-regional project initiatives