1 Overview of Research Administration Support Tsu-Jae King Liu, Associate Dean for Research Cathy Jen, Acting Assistant Dean Cynthia Weekley, ERSO HR Director Acknowledgements Darrell Erickson (Assistant Dean) Fall 2010
2 Financial Model Overhead charges are assessed against every award for research: – 53.5% for contracts/grants – 10.5% for gifts + tax imposed by department A portion of these overhead charges is returned to the research support organization, to cover the costs of routine administrative support: – 7.5% of award for contracts/grants – 7.5% of award for gifts Note: This income is based on past expenditures (3-year rolling average) OverviewPost-AwardBusiness Services Human Resources Pre-Award
3 The Pre-ERSO Era 8 Redundancy in administrative structures inefficiencies Lack of consistency in administering awards significant compliance risks Lack of effort reporting substantial fines levied against the university Lack of timely financial reporting overspending, resulting in $2.7M in overdrafts – partly covered by ERSO all faculty share the financial burden! HR issues GSRs were not paid in a timely manner OverviewPost-AwardBusiness Services Human Resources Pre-Award
4 ERSO Overview ERSO was formed in July 2005 to provide research support to CoE faculty via well-trained teams of staff Knowledgeable in sound business and research administration practices, financial management, and quality service delivery Cross-trained to allow maximum use of resources Structured with inherent flexibility to allow proper research support allocation to meet changing demands Responsible for adherence with University Principles of Accountability – Informed of current pertinent policies and procedures – Consistent in policy interpretation and application OverviewPost-AwardBusiness Services Human Resources Pre-Award
5 ERSO Quick Facts Supports 240 faculty within the College of Engineering – ~$90M in research expenditures 63 central administrative staff, including 26 Research Support Officers (RSOs) OverviewPost-AwardBusiness Services Human Resources Pre-Award
6 Amount of ERSO-Managed Awards by Sponsor OverviewPost-AwardBusiness Services Human Resources Pre-Award
7 Number of ERSO-Managed Awards by Sponsor OverviewPost-AwardBusiness Services Human Resources Pre-Award
8 ERSO Basic Services Pre-Award – Proposal preparation and submission Post-award – Grants administration Business Services – Purchasing – Reimbursements – Payroll Human Resources – Recruitment & Hiring (GSRs, Staff, Other Researchers, Students, & Independent Contractors) – Benefits, Leaves & Worker’s compensation – Reclassifications, Promotions & Merits Overview Post-AwardBusiness Services Human Resources Pre-Award
9 ERSO Organization Associate Dean for Research Tsu-Jae King Liu Assistant Dean vacant Director, Human Resources Cynthia Weekley Deputy Director, Business Services Cathy Jen HR Operations Purchasing Reimbursements Payroll IT Finance Research Administration Team Leads Jane Doyle Leslie Goldstein Elise Mills Vonis Moore Jennifer Stone Overview Post-AwardBusiness Services Human Resources Pre-Award (Darrell Erickson)
10 Proposal Preparation and Submission Quick facts: – In FY10, ERSO submitted 574 proposals for over $455M in funding. – On average, ERSO submits 1.6 proposals per working day. Proposals must be submitted to Sponsored Projects Office at least 5 working days before the sponsor's deadline! (Exceptions require Dept. Chair and VCR approval, and are tracked.) Contact your Research Support Officer well before the SPO deadline, to set a schedule for proposal preparation/submission! If a Subrecipient is named in a proposal, a completed Subrecipient Commitment Form must be included. (signed by an authorized institutional representative of the Subrecipient) OverviewPre-AwardPost-AwardBusiness Services Human Resources
11 Direct Charging for Admin. Support ERSO is funded to provide routine admin. support i.e. service level required for a typical single-PI project The federal government allows charging above the routine level for admin. support to “major projects” In accordance with Cost Principles for Educational Institutions (Office of Management and Budget Circular No. A-21) “Major projects are those that are administratively intensive and are not necessarily reflective of the amount of funding. Some very large projects are not major, while some small, complex ones are.” ERSO developed a formula to determine the % FTE (of a RSO) to budget for a major project at the proposal stage –“Complexity factors” include magnitude ($ amount), extraordinary reporting requirements, no. of sub-awardees, conferences/workshops to be organized, and data collection -- consistent with federal guidelines, approved by campus authorities. RSO effort beyond the routine level is charged to the major project and documented in the Effort Reporting System. OverviewPost-AwardBusiness Services Human Resources Pre-Award
12 Grants Administration Each new award is entered into the ERSO Intranet after notice is received from Extramural Funds Accounting. RSOs monitor expenditures and generate financial reports (posted on the Intranet) on a monthly basis. – Provide an “at a glance” view of each fund Financial projections are prepared and posted ≥3x/year. RSOs work with faculty from award through closeout, to support research and assure projects are in compliance. – ERSO’s Effort Reporting Coordinator works with the RSOs to generate effort reports for proper certification. – Faculty certification of Effort Reports are required 2x/year. OverviewPost-AwardBusiness Services Human Resources Pre-Award
13 Examples of Non-Compliance Consequences An NSF audit resulted in a $25,000 penalty related to GSR effort that auditors could not confirm. A recent audit of ONR projects for the time period resulted in a disallowance of ~$2.5M due to the lack of effort reporting. – ERSO’s share of this penalty is $885K, to be paid within 5 years Potential $500K penalty related to lack of sub-award monitoring* $50,000 penalty for fraudulent travel and entertainment expenses* Damaged university reputation greater audit scrutiny OverviewPre-AwardPost-AwardBusiness Services Human Resources *The University is looking to the Department to cover these costs!
14 Risk Areas Overdrafts – Fund advances / guarantee funds Cost transfers Certifications of Effort Cost-share commitment and tracking
15 Purchasing Quick facts: – On average, ERSO processes 1300 purchase orders per month – Orders <$5,000 are processed by Purchasing Coordinators. – Orders up to $35k are processed by Alice Wong (Buyer II); orders up to $100k are processed by Jeanette Witt (Sr. Buyer) To expedite a purchase order that exceeds $10,000: – Provide formal price quotations from 3 different suppliers, or – Provide sole-source justification Note: For Federal procurements, this is required at $5,000. Equipment purchase requests require a confirmation statement that the PI searched for like equipment, and none exists for use in lieu of requested equipment. OverviewPost-Award Business ServicesHuman Resources Pre-Award
16 Purchasing Process 1.A request is submitted via the ERSO Intranet. 2.PI approves the purchase; his/her RSO is automatically notified. 3.One of the ERSO purchasing staff enters the information into the campus’ system (BFS). 4.The PI’s RSO checks the requisition for allowability and funding availability, and approves the purchase. 5.For purchases <$5000 (“low-value”), the approved requisition, which will be converted to a purchase order though overnight batch process, is automatically dispatched to the supplier. For purchases >$5000 (“high-value”), the requisition is routed to an ERSO Buyer (Jeanette Witt or Alice Wong), who makes sure that the price quotation is competitive (unless sole-source justification is provided). Buyer then dispatches PO to supplier. OverviewPost-Award Business ServicesHuman Resources Pre-Award
17 Purchasing (cont’d) Use “Freight on Board – Destination” to avoid risks with shipping. – FOB Destination UCB owns the material upon receipt – FOB Origin UCB owns the material as soon as it leaves seller’s dock Independent contractors must have professional liability insurance, approved scope of work, and approval from HR in advance of starting work. Federal awards exceeding $550,000 require a Supplier Diversity Plan. – Contact Roesia Supplier Diversity Administrator, for more information. OverviewPost-Award Business ServicesHuman Resources Pre-Award
18 Shipping and Receiving Shipping: – Standard form to be completed Receiving: – Deliveries are received by Shipping &Receiving unit in 266 Sutardja Dai Hall or 190 Soda Hall – Package is logged and then delivered to “ship-to” locations – Staff receives goods in campus system with proof of receipts returned by requesters
19 Reimbursements Quick facts: – Average time for travel reimbursement is now 14.3 days. – Average time for entertainment reimbursement is now 9.8 days. – There is no Per Diem for domestic travel. Tips to reduce time for travel reimbursement processing: – Submit your expense report through the ERSO Intranet. This includes a completed ERSO Reimbursement Form and scanned receipts to show what you paid. – Document any unusual circumstances. If receipts were lost or they were unavailable, an expense log showing amounts paid out each day may meet the University requirement for documentation. OverviewPost-Award Business ServicesHuman Resources Pre-Award
20 Entertainment Reimbursements The business reason must be provided, to document the necessity and benefits to the University for incurring the entertainment expenses. A host signature is required for each official university sponsored event. Exceptional entertainment expenditure requests should be submitted 3 weeks in advance to the ERSO Assistant Dean’s office for review. – Approval must be granted by the CoE Dean, EVCP, or the Chancellor (depending upon the circumstances). OverviewPost-Award Business ServicesHuman Resources Pre-Award
21 Payroll The campus Payroll and Personnel System (PPS) interfaces with the campus Human Capital Management System (HCM). Paycheck generation is authorized and based on HR actions entered by HR Operations into the HCM. – Payroll adjustments are made based on coordinated notice for action between the RSO, HR Operations and Payroll Services. Vacation credits are processed in direct response to the receipt of a supervisor-approved employee timesheet. – Approved timesheets are due by the 5th working day after the close of the reporting month. OverviewPost-Award Business ServicesHuman Resources Pre-Award
22 Payroll (cont’d) Campus payroll deadlines dictate all payroll actions. – Delays in communicating changes or corrective actions to ERSO HR Operations can result in payroll over/underpayment when notice occurs after campus payroll deadlines! Identified overpayments can not be credited to a project until repayment is received and recorded by the PPS. – Employee health/dental/vision benefits continue to be charged to a project if termination and/or early departure notification is not recorded in the HRMS within 30 days. – Any adjustment activity after the close of a payroll process month will result in a month delay in reporting. OverviewPost-Award Business ServicesHuman Resources Pre-Award
23 Confirmed sufficient funding is required at the time the GSR appointment begins. –Make sure that actual effort correlates to project charge! GSR appts automatically set a pay status in the PPS, based on percentage time, pay rate, and appt. period. Percentage time impacts fee remission. (Early termination may cancel fee remission) Pay rate is determined by the student’s academic department. Normally, appointments are full semester. (Partial appointments are subject to project terms & conditions.) Review & approve GSR appointment requests in the new online request system in timely manner, and communicate early with HR regarding changes to GSR appointments! Graduate Student Researchers OverviewPost-AwardBusiness Services Human Resources Pre-Award
24 Faculty Appointment forms should be completed in advance with your RSO, for the following: – Faculty Research Appointment (Research leave) – Faculty Salary Research Exchange Program – Recall appointment Newly retired faculty must wait 30 days and receive 1 st retirement check before eligibility. 43% maximum applies to all recall appointments. – Summer research appointment limited to ≤ 57 days (“3 ninths”), with no more than 47.5 days (“2.5 ninths”) on federal projects Combined summer research appt.s must be reported to HR. Effort must be devoted to the project for the period charged! Formal effort reporting guidelines apply to Federal projects. OverviewPost-AwardBusiness Services Human Resources Pre-Award
25 Faculty Research Appointment Heaven point buyout – Example: 25% faculty research appointment 25% reduction in heaven pt obligation – A portion of the salary savings is returned to the home department. The charged level of effort must be devoted to the project. Formal effort reporting guidelines apply to Federal projects. OverviewPost-AwardBusiness Services Human Resources Pre-Award
26 Faculty Salary Research Exchange Program Under the Faculty Salary Research Exchange Program, a faculty member can direct-charge up to 30% of his/her monthly salary (i.e. 9/12 of annual salary) each month during the academic year to contracts/ grants. In return, he/she receives 75% of the resultant salary savings in the form of a State general operating fund, which is – discretionary (subject to guidelines) and unlimited in term – not subject to overhead charges – best used for salary, because the cost of benefits (often as high as 30% for staff) would be covered by the State. GSR Fee Remission (but not including NRT) and benefits would be covered. Example: A faculty member with an academic-year salary of $100K could direct charge up to $22.5K of this salary to contracts/grants within an academic year. (Benefits and indirect costs also would be charged to the contracts/grants.) He/she would then receive $16.875K in a fund at the beginning of the following academic year. OverviewPost-AwardBusiness Services Human Resources Pre-Award
27 Summer Compensation Effective with summer 2009 earnings, faculty may not receive more than 2.5 summer ninths (48 weekdays) from federal sources. – UC policy defines a month to be 19 weekdays, with a limit of 57 days for the summer. PIs who wish to take more than 2.5 ninths may do so by indicating in writing, by April 30 of the given year, the precise number of additional days of compensation they anticipate being paid from federal funds and the congruence between days of effort for this compensation and personal days. – The PI will be responsible, in the event of an audit by external or internal sources, for demonstrating congruence between effort and compensation. Such attestation shall be filed with the Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost and retained in the appropriate contract and grant files. OverviewPost-AwardBusiness Services Human Resources Pre-Award
28 Other Researchers Quick facts: – Salaried and supplemental appointments are processed by ERSO. – All other appointments (e. g. non-paid visitors and fellows) are processed by the academic department. Confirmed sufficient funding is required at the time the appointment case preparation begins. –Salary should be commensurate with the scope of work, and should not cause internal equity issues. Miscellaneous: – No retroactive appointments will be approved! – Post-doc’s must have proof of Ph.D. prior to appt. start date. – Effective January 1, 2009, foreign visiting undergraduate student researchers fall into the new J-1 subcategory “Student Intern”. OverviewPost-AwardBusiness Services Human Resources Pre-Award
29 Research Appointment Case Preparation and Approval Process OverviewPre-AwardPost-AwardBusiness Services Human Resources
30 Case Lead Times Case Type Required lead time prior to appt. start date Assoc. Researcher or Full Researcher*6+ months Any case requiring a H Visa*4 months Any case requiring a J Visa*2 months Staff reclassification*2+ months New staff appointment2 months Specialist or Asst. Research Engineer2 months Visiting Researcher (without Visa)1 month Post-doc (without Visa)1 month *Requires central campus office review; timeline is not under ERSO control OverviewPost-AwardBusiness Services Human Resources Pre-Award
31 Work Climate Issues Civility Please be respectful of RSO and Business Service staff’s time Please respond to requests in a timely manner Provide the “whole picture” so that staff can assist you to accomplish your goal with the necessary information.