Carl Perkins Mini-Grant Application Process September 28, 2011
ActivitiesTeam Members involved Program of Study (please list at least one) Brief Description of Action done related to activity Integrate academics with CTE programs through a coherent sequence of courses, I.e.: CTE Team, School Counselor, Core Academic Teachers, Administration Choose the number of program of studies (or pathway) that you plan to work on Money can be allocated to the work members do on the programs of study. Dictate the work you plan to do in terms of implementation or refinement of your programs of study.
Sub Pay for: Designee Meetings 28-Sep-11 People who attend the meeting; Most meetings will cover all 16 career clusters; although at this meeting there will be an emphasis on tourism;$0.00 What do you plan to do to share this information with your CTE team, administration and other stakeholders. Business & Education Summit, November 7, 2011 CTE Team; Administration; School Board Members; Community members; The message transcends across all 16 clusters.$0.00 What action plans can come out from Peter Pappas’ and other presentation’s message. 13-Dec-11 ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ _______________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ ________________$0.00 __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ _____________ 7-Feb-12 ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ _______________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ ________________$0.00 __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ _____________
Clusters Related Wkshps/Conferences CTE Team; School Counselors; For each conference, clusters must be identified prior to approval$0.00 How will information be reported or new ideas put into practice in the classroom.
Provides the knowledge and skills needed to work with and improve instruction for special populations. CTE Team; Special Needs Staff, School Counselor, Administration; Clusters in which students with special needs are working in.$0.00 What types of work will you do to involve special needs students in their skill development and work with their individual education plan. Involve parents, businesses, and labor organizations in the design, implementation, and evaluation of CTE programs, I.e. CTE Team; Community members; Administration; school counselor; core academics; Clusters that are significant to the community.$0.00 What work can be done collectively in order that students graduate with skills needed in your community Advisory Council Meeting(s)Dates: (enter dates of meetings here)____________________$ Activities Team Members involved Program of Study (please list at least one) Brief Description of Action done related to activity Sign in sheets and minutes should be kept on file in your district.____________________$0.00
Provide professional development programs to teachers, faculty, counselors, and administrators involved in integrated CTE programs Local & County Economic Development Corporation meetings; Regional Tourism Council; Regional Economic Development Council; Clusters that the groups focus on.$0.00 From these professional development sessions, what information is taking back to CTE team and shared. What information is implemented in the classroom and what partnerships are created. Subtotal$ ActivitiesTeam Members involved Program of Study (please list at least one) Brief Description of Action done related to activity Encourages applied learning that contributes to the academic and career and technical knowledge of the student. CTE Team; School Counselors; Clusters involved in the activities;$0.00 CTSO activities; Financial literacy activities;
Provides rigorous content and activities that adequately prepare students to succeed in postsecondary education CTE Team; School Counselors;Clusters that allocated finances to$0.00 Articulated or advanced standing courses; AP courses; Equity Act. $0.00 Provide activities to prepare special populations for high skill, high wage, OR high demand occupations that will lead to self-sufficiency CTE Team; School Counselor; Clusters that allocated finances to$0.00 Courses that enable special populations to work toward self-sufficiency.