1.What does a "formal" CTE program mean? Formal is defined as a State Approved CTE program that consists of 12 segments and state adopted standards
2. What does "successfully completing" a CTE program mean? A student passes* all 12 segments of the CTE program and take any required technical assessment *Student does not have to be classified by Perkins as a completer (2.0)
Algebra 2 May be exchanged with a State approved “formal” CTE Program Has to provide same content as Algebra 2 Benchmarks measured on State Assessment Have to “successfully complete” CTE program
SCIENCE - 3 Credits 1 - Biology 1 - Chemistry, Physics, Anatomy, or Ag Science 1-Additional Credit 1 Additional: credit/exchanged with a State approved “formal” CTE Program Have to “successfully complete” CTE program
3. For a student to earn a 3rd Science Credit does the CTE program have to be related to science content? Yes. The program must be “formal” and the student must “successfully complete” and have integrated science content to earn a 3 rd science CREDIT. However, the student can still exchange the 3rd Science credit for successfully completing a CTE program regardless of science content i.e. iTeam (Marketing Sales and Service) Visual Imaging
1 Credit of World Language (Class of 2016) May be exchanged with a State approved “formal” CTE Program Have to “successfully complete” CTE program
Scenario 1: A student was in OSTC's Visual Imaging program for one full year. How many credits/requirements met would OSTC recommend to the sending district? Did they successfully complete the program? Yes -1 Credit Exchange for WL - -3rd Science Exchange -Algebra 2 Exchange -Credit for actual CTE course -VPAA credit -Online Learning Experience -Any other pull out courses they took at OSTC (Full -Algebra 2, English 12, etc). Is the student a senior? Math Related
Scenario 2: If a student was in OSTC's Automotive Technician Program for one full year. How many credits/requirements met would OSTC recommend to the sending district? Did they successfully complete the program? No, takes 2 Years to complete all 12 segments -Credit for actual CTE course -VPAA credit -Online Learning Experience -Any other pull out courses they took at OSTC (Full Algebra 2, English 12, etc). Is the student a senior? Math Related
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