Career & Technical Education (CTE) The following programs have been approved by the New York State Education Department: Computer Networking & Technology Pre-Engineering Virtual Enterprise & Finance The Information Technology program is pending.
Major Effort 1 – Post Secondary Connections Current advanced studies and articulation agreements in place with: Erie Community College (ECC) Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) Buffalo State College This year’s work includes expanding agreements with additional institutions.
Major Effort 2 – Curriculum Development & Technology Integration Finalized curriculum review, including cross-walk with applicable standards (including New York State and Common Core) of all courses contained in CTE programs. New technology equipment purchased using grant funding (e.g. Apple iPads). Professional development has taken place, including in-district, BOCES, and other venues.
Major Effort 3 – Addressing All Aspects of Industry A strong education-to-industry connection has been created. This includes the creation of advisory boards composed of representatives of local industry and government. Ongoing efforts to continue these connections have been made through presentations to local groups and organizations, including the KenTon Chamber of Commerce and Kenmore Village Improvement Society.
Major Effort 4 – Professional Development District faculty have worked to provide a variety of professional development opportunities. This includes in-house training through the Staff Development Center (SDC) and events such as counselor & administrator information sessions.
Major Effort 5 – Data Collection Data collection and evaluation is an important component of successful CTE programs. Working with all stakeholders, a data collection system is being developed along with implementation of Infinite Campus. As the program develops, data analysis will be important to improving student learning for college and career readiness.
Major Effort 6 – Program Promotion Working through a variety of venues, the district has devoted efforts to informing the community about the opportunities available with the new CTE programs.
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