Grantee Technical Assistance and Performance Coaching May 7, :30pm ET
Today’s Presenters Tara Smith Jobs for the Future 2 Linda Lawson Maher & Maher Nate Anderson Jobs for the Future Tamitha McKinnis Maher & Maher
Today’s Agenda Welcome and Introductions Workforce Innovation Fund Community Comprehensive Program of Support for Grantees Technical Assistance and Performance Coaching Overview of Upcoming Technical Assistance Activities What’s Next? WIF Website 3
Let’s Meet the Grantees! 4 City of Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA City of New Orleans, New Orleans, LA County of Venango, Franklin, PA Florida Department of Economic Opportunity, Tallahassee, FL Job Growers Inc., Salem, OR KentuckianaWorks, Louisville, KY Monterey County Workforce Investment Board, Salinas, CA San Diego Workforce Partnership Inc., San Diego, CA Virginia Community College System, Richmond, VA W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, Kalamazoo, MI Workforce Investment Board of Herkimer, Madison, Oneida Counties, Utica, NY
Welcome! 5 City of Los Angeles Los Angeles, California Los Angeles Regional Initiative for Social Enterprise
Welcome! 6 City of New Orleans New Orleans, Louisiana Summer Career Pathways
Welcome! 7 County of Venango Franklin, Pennsylvania Northwest PA Workforce Innovation Grant County of Venango Franklin, Pennsylvania Northwest PA Workforce Innovation Grant
Welcome! 8 Florida Department of Economic Opportunity Tallahassee, Florida Incentivizing Performance Outcomes in the Modern Workforce Environment: Designing and Implementing a Performance Funding Model for the CareerSource Florida Network
Welcome! 9 Job Growers Inc. Salem, Oregon Rethinking Job Search
Welcome! 10 KentuckianaWorks (Greater Louisville's Workforce Investment Board) Louisville, Kentucky Code Louisville
Welcome! 11 Monterey County Workforce Investment Board Salinas, California Youth Ambassadors for Peace
Welcome! 12 San Diego Workforce Partnership Inc. San Diego, California The TANF/SSI Disability Transition Project Putting San Diegans to Work
Welcome! 13 Virginia Community College System Richmond, Virginia Virginia Implements the Working Families Success Network Model
Welcome! 14 W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research Kalamazoo, Michigan Southwest Michigan Employer Resource Network – Expanded
Welcome! 15 Workforce Investment Board of Herkimer, Madison, and Oneida Counties Utica, New York Career Opportunity Center Network
Workforce Innovation Fund Community 16 ROUND 1 6/14/ Grants PAY for SUCCESS 9/23/ Grants ROUND 2 9/24/ Grants ROUND 3 Planned for 9/ Grants Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act
What is a Comprehensive Program of Support? 17
Comprehensive Program of Support Team 18 Workforce Innovation Fund Grantees Federal Project Officers -FPOs ETA’s 6 Regional Offices Office of Workforce Investment and Office of Policy Development and Research ETA National Office Technical Assistance and Performance Coaching (TA Team) Maher & Maher and Jobs for the Future National Evaluation Coordinator (NEC) Abt Associates
ETA National Office 19 Office of Workforce Investment and the Office of Policy Development and Research Provide leadership for the initiative Plan integration of activities across grantee community Link the WIF initiative with Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act implementation and activities Design TA activities and manage TA and evaluation firms Provide support to Federal Project Officers and grantees Oversee and coordinate project and process evaluations Promote learning from WIF and adoption of innovative practices and models
ETA’s Six Regional Offices 20 Federal Project Officers (FPOs) Provide primary grant management support to grantees Collect/accept performance and fiscal reports Monitor performance and conduct site visits as needed Support TA design plan and emergent TA requests
National Evaluation Coordinator 21 Abt Associates Liaise with ETA National Office Program and Evaluation staff and Federal Project Officers (FPOs) Oversee independent grant project evaluations Provide evaluation and data technical assistance
Technical Assistance Team 22 Maher & Maher and Jobs for the Future (JFF) Provide performance coaching for each grantee Design and deliver technical assistance support Develop a peer to peer learning network of grantees Gather and elevate grantee success factors and innovative strategies, and promote their broad adoption throughout the workforce system.
What to Expect from Technical Assistance 23 Provide individualized and customized technical assistance to meet the unique needs of grantees Tap subject matter expertise and thought leaders, and build a peer learning network Widely share WIF learning and products with the larger workforce system Help grantees achieve performance outcomes while maintaining the integrity of the evaluation Grantee
Areas of Technical Assistance 24 Participant Services Working with Business Online Systems Policy & Systems Alignment Cost Efficiency Serving Specific Populations
Audience Poll Question #1 25 What categories will your technical assistance needs most likely fall? Select all that apply: A. Participant Services B. Working with Business C. Online Systems D. Policy & Systems Alignment E. Cost Efficiency F. Serving Specific Populations G. Other – tell us in the chat window!
Audience Question #2 26 What do you anticipate will be your greatest technical assistance needs and/or challenges over the next few months? Please type your response into the chat window
Performance Coaching 27 Relationship and communication Site visit and assessment Unique TA plan Tap subject matter expertise Foster peer sharing and learning Promote WIF to the workforce system
Technical Assistance Coaches 28 Tricia Maguire Rachel McDonnell Lynn Bajorek Linda Lawson Tamitha McKinnis
Technical Assistance Audience 29 All virtual TA events are open to all project staff! Project Leaders Front Line Staff Project Partners
Upcoming Technical Assistance Activities 30 Technical Assistance Coaching May - July 2015 Introductory Calls with Grantees On-Site Visits Assessment Profile
Upcoming Technical Assistance Activities 31 Funding What You Want to Sustain Virtual Training Event May 28 th, 2:00 PM ET Online Registration:
Upcoming Technical Assistance Activities 32 Workforce Innovation Fund Grantee Meeting Grantee Meeting – pending ETA approval November 16-17, 2015 U.S. Department of Labor Francis Perkins Building Washington, DC
33 Data Toolkit: Integrated Data System for Workforce Development Programs Coming Soon: Virtual Tool
34 Coming Soon: Virtual Training “Mini- MOOC” Leading Change While Implementing Innovations
Stay Connected! 35
What Questions Do You Have? 36 Press *6 to unmute your phone or Use the chat window to type in a question or comment
Thanks for Joining Today! We Look Forward to Working with You!