DSCYF CCSS Implementation Plan August 19 th & 20 th, 2015
Direction Forward: Updates on Educational Concerns: 1.Substitutes 2.Edgenuity/My Path/Measures of Academic Progress 3.Progress with Grievances 4.Addressing Rumors
Consolidated Grant Goal Measures 1. Credit Attainment: Number of credits youth received while in DSCYF Education placement Baseline 2012 – 249 credits Year – 219 credits Year – credits
Consolidated Grant Goal Measures 2. Transition: Percent of students maintaining transition at 90 days Baseline 2012: 67% (Data calculated via Hal Reporting) Year : 55% (Data calculated by hand) Year : 51% (Data calculated by hand)
Consolidated Grant Goal Measures Achievement: Pre and post measures in reading Baseline 2012: 50% Year : 64% Year : 79%
Consolidated Grant Goal Measures Achievement: Pre and post measures in Mathematics Baseline 2012: 50% Year : 69% Year : 81%
Other Milestones: Over 15 students Graduated with DSCYF Education Support Twenty-Seven students placed in jobs throughout the state Over 16 credits earned via Groves Credit Recovery Program Beginning Pilot Program with DOE to make Ed Insight Dashboard Operational for DSCYF Awarded Perkins Innovative Grant for Culinary Arts Pathway Implemented Comprehensive Induction Program for new educators Educators involved in subject specific PD (New Normal, Kit Training, and SIM
New Resources & Supports The University of Delaware Access Program : Strategic Instruction Model Stephanie DeMayo (U of D ACCESS) Free Professional Development to support reading intervention 5 new slots available to be split between Instructional Strategies and Content Enhancements Teacher Nominations
CCSS Shifts: Content Area Literacy
CCSS Shifts: Mathematics
Short Video CCSS Shifts ELA/Literacy Shifts Mathematics Shifts
CCSS Implementation Plan Review the current implementation plan with your team (Commendations & Recommendations) Highlight gaps in the plan and discuss what options we have to address gaps Share: which ones does your team agree are most essential to include in revision of plan? Make revisions, plan to colleagues – read & provide feedback to peers Review Key Questions for the Strand
Common Ground Teamwork - Did the plan address the following: Green Team: Jackie, Rich & Rod How does the team develop school-wide literacy practices? How does the use of literacy strategies connect to the CCSS? What are the literacy strategies unique to each content area? How does the team develop text-based assessments across the content areas? Blue Team: Barbara Sterling & Takiyah What systems & structures need to be in place to support an inclusive culture wherein all students are successful learners? How do you use the formative assessment process to differentiate instruction? What is the process for addressing individual needs of students who are not responding to interventions?
Common Ground Solutions Professional Development Plan: What are your roles? *Design a high-quality professional development program that includes: 3 face to face day PD trainings with built in and facilitated collaboration and planning time, webinars (follow up/Q&A post- training) recorded and archived, and 3 face to face regional evening (evidence/artifact sharing) sessions. *Equip Guiding Teams with Common Core aligned tools and strategies. *Support districts and charters with an assigned DDOE Liaison *Provide samples of exemplary implementation
Common Ground Solutions Evidence Placemat – What artifacts will we collect to demonstrate CCSS alignment and student success *Develop a plan that will guide a school-wide Common Core culture. *Be committed to, and curious and informed about the Common Core Standards. *Execute the plan throughout the school year to transfer the Common Ground professional development to practice through formal (training) and informal (PLCs, coaching) structures. *Monitor and gather evidence for the five levels of implementation throughout the school year using the Guskey professional development evaluation framework.
Develop documents to support plans PLC format for EPT PLC and Curriculum PLC Surveys (educators & leaders) Revise Walkthrough Tool to include CCSS Shifts Methods to Support Reflection & Revision Process Develop process for book study (online? within curriculum PLCs?)
Teams will review evidence placemats and decide what items they will be collecting for September Leadership Team Meeting