Pre-School Meeting September 5, 2008
Budget Budget Summary Sheet Student Body Funds Grants First Five LA Perkins Donations Maurice Amado Foundation Crail-Johnson Foundation Berman Foundation
, , , , , ,341 ROCP Teacher Hours: 1025
:1, :1, :2,000+ Up 1.5%
03-04$48,952 04-05$30,204 05-06$22,197 06-07$45,613 07-08$46,526 08-09$52,867
CBET 03-04$275, $269, $208, $161, $145, $112,460 WIA 03-04$181, $229, $90, $103, $103, $79,543 These funds are used exclusively for TAs.
Registration fees Class fees Book Sales Scholarship funds Student body cards Student photo ID cards Donations
ESL & Citizenship Academic Older Adult Parent Education Vocational Distance Learning Family Literacy LAUSD Extension
Brain Fitness: Memory Enhancement Computer assisted learning for ESL students Saturday Art classes for High School Students Art for Mommy & Me (Daddies are welcome, too) Portraiture Scrapbooking Stained Glass Going Green: Recycled Art Conversational Spanish and French
Expansion Program for Older Adults Expansion of Parent Education classes Increased Adult Independent Study Program Increased Distance Learning: Parent Education Expanded Academic Program to Walt Whitman Secured grants for Family Literacy Program Increased Citizenship enrollment
Decreased Funding Decline in ESL Enrollment Implement Marketing Plan Recruiting, Processing, Retaining Teaching Assistants Average Class size Renovation of Park La Brea Art Center Renovation of Fairfax Main Office Moving academic classes at Fairfax
Prepare for accreditation Expand Program for Older Adults Expand art program offerings at Park La Brea Expand academic program to continuation schools Search for grants and donations Increase vocational offerings Increase staff development opportunities Increase Parent Education to Elementary Schools
School Leadership Council responsibilities Student discipline IMA budget Staff development Copiers DACE Fall Conference
Word of mouth Schedule of Classes Website Flyers and brochures Newspaper ads Press releases Connect-Ed Mass s Adopt a site
Newspaper and newsletter inserts Targeted mailings Banners and signs Community outreach Weekly bulletin Approval of flyers