PITP ACTIVITIES A. RESEARCH NETWORKS A set of research networks coordinates INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH COLLABORATIONS, which do work that would otherwise be impossible. The principal tools to attain this: WORKSHOPS & OTHER MEETINGS PITP VISITOR CENTRE SUMMER SCHOOLS All these tools are a MEANS TO AN END. B. BROADER SEEDING ACTIVITIES Activities which enhance the usefulness & application of theoretical physics & related activities. This includes spin-off into other areas public lecture series, and related activities collaboration with other public organisations
CURRENT & PROPOSED NETWORKS BIOPHYSICS: Biomolecules (proteins, light-harvesting molecules, etc), and also non-linear dynamics in biological systems (eg., cardiac dynamics). 16 researchers (Canada, USA, Europe) COMPLEX MATERIALS & NETWORKS: Non-equilibrium processes in glasses, polymers and alloys; quantum glasses. Numerical modeling of these. Complex networks in biophysics, geophysics, and non-eqlbm statistical mechanics. 21 members from Canada, USA, Europe. COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS: New computational methods (Quantum Monte Carlo, electronic structure methods, methods from Q Info), & new applications. 31 members from Canada, USA, Europe, Japan CORRELATED ELECTRONS: Problems involving strongly-correlated fermions in solids; older systems like HTc superconductors, newer systems like 2d interfaces, topological insulators, and graphene. 23 members (Canada, USA, Europe, Japan)
MAGNETISM: Materials properties of magnetic systems (films, nanomagnets, bulk), both classical and quantum. Numerical modeling of these. Quantum spin glasses, spin liquids. Spin coherence phenomena (tunneling, magnetic qubits, etc). 47 members (Canada, USA, Europe, Japan, Israel) QUANTUM OPTICS: selected topics in quantum optics. Quantum technologies, cold gases, precision atomic theory. 12 researchers from Canada, USA, Australia SUPERSOLIDS: Experiment and theory of the new supersolid phases of He-4. There are 18 members from Canada, USA, Europe, Japan, Korea HORIZON ANALOGUES: Analogues in particle physics/cosmology of systems/processes in condensed matter physics, and vice-versa. Black holes, Q Hall, strings/vortices, graphene, etc. 12 members from Canada, USA, Europe.