Rent Accounting Software Automated rent accounting cycle Rent Debit procedure with rent and void adjustment facility based on Rent Code breakdown Detailed records for Properties, Tenants and Tenant Accounts (with duplicate checking) User-definable Rental Periods, Property Codes and filters Individual and Global rent increase options Ability to create new Tenants or assign via the Waiting List Accounts Export facility Data import facility accommodating Housing Benefit, Allpay, Direct Debits, etc Functions for arrears tracking including Agreements and Steps, enabling you to track arrears by your own organisation’s criteria Extensive reporting module Automated mail merge facility Maintenance and Asset Management A comprehensive maintenance management package, for planned, cyclical & emergency maintenance plus asset control Extensive records for Buildings, Properties (rental units) & Communal Areas Detailed records on Contractors Facility to record quotes received for tender & maintain this information for audit purposes External Schedule of Rates can be linked to JAMM, used for creation of Job Tickets & pricing Asset management & project administration Cost centre/budgeting facility Accounts & Invoice export facility Stock Condition and full property components with warranty details Extensive reporting module Automated mail merge facility Integrated Rent Debit Software A stand-alone application, to operate in conjunction with WRAPP Created for the sole purpose of basic data entry – to record the day’s collection of rents/monies from tenants Ability to produce both Receipts and Tenant Statements Report available to reconcile with banking records and credit slips WRAPP JAMMDAYBOOK Contact Paloma Systems Limited to arrange an on-line demonstration or to have an in- depth discussion of your requirements Tel: HARMONIA Supporting People Software Works in conjunction with WRAPP to monitor supporting people requirements Support plan creation Outcome monitoring Export facility
18+ year history of producing software Experienced staff providing support with technical issues, project implementation and user training Our aim is to deliver the highest level of service to our clients whilst remaining competitive in the market place Comprehensive annual support package Data conversion can be arranged, we have extensive experience in conversions from QL, Orchard & CHICS Customisation of Exports/Imports that may be required, such as Housing Benefit, Direct Debits or external accounts package Work closely with existing customers to enhance functionality Coastal Housing Group introduced Wrapp, Jamm and Daybook back in Paloma’s commitment to innovation and customer led development set them apart from any other software company we have ever worked with. Responding to needed change speedily, they have allowed us to support process changes identified in our Systems Thinking approach to continuous improvement. Staff are knowledgeable, friendly and above all else, available whenever you need them. They also understand that a Doughnut can reach the areas no other cake can reach! Coastal Housing Group We’ve been working with Paloma Systems Ltd since 2002, using WRAPP and JAMM. I’m still delighted with their approach to support calls, development requests and training needs. The staff team are customer-focused and considerate of our every need. The packages themselves are integrated and highly flexible. As such they offer great value for money – we’ve saved thousands of pounds by having modifications made to our Paloma installations rather than having to buy whole new packages. It really does deliver joined-up data management to our joined-up social housing and support business. Bournemouth Churches Housing Association Technical and user support during office hours (Monday to Friday 9am to 5.30pm) Regular free upgrades to support development requirements Monthly newsletters Named support and account management team User group meeting Paloma Systems Limited Client EndorsementsAnnual Support Contact: Paloma Systems Ltd, 2 Frederick Terrace, Frederick Place, Brighton, BN1 1AX Telephone: or Training Paloma provide training sessions that are customised to your organisation's specific needs Choice of on-site training or at Paloma’s training suite User guides available