a presentation about Scottish new towns and modernist architecture featuring images by Sylvia Grace Borda For curriculum level third, fourth/senior Expressive Arts
This presentation includes an introduction to Scottish modernism and new towns images from the series A Holiday in Glenrothes by Sylvia Grace Borda, accompanying quotes and information images from the series EK Modernism by Sylvia Grace Borda, accompanying quotes and information suggestions for further research including a range of photographers and architects activity ideas links to relevant My Place learning resources
Sylvia Grace Borda is a Canadian artist who has created a number of photographic projects in Scotland focusing on the built environment. Her work has been exhibited and published internationally in Canada, USA, UK and Italy. In 2008, Sylvia decided to holiday for a week in Scotland's former New Town of Glenrothes. She has also created a publication called EK Modernism exploring the architecture of East Kilbride, another new town in Scotland.
First… a little background to Scottish Modernism & urban planning What is a New Town? ‘New Town’ refers to planned cities in the UK that were built post World War II (New Towns Act of 1946) Scotland built five New Towns over a thirty year period ( ) First New Town in the UK is on the outskirts of Glasgow. It is called East Kilbride In the design of Scottish New Towns, architects and planners applied Modernist ideals - not just to the physical plans, but these plans gave equal treatment to education and the central placement of individual and community within the scheme The current dilemma New Town architecture is only a half century old in Scotland A number of key Modernist buildings are now slated for redevelopment or demolition Nearly 80% of New Town public institutions (e.g. schools and recreation centres) are being redeveloped for private housing, commercial, and industrial re-use
St Bride’s Church in East Kilbride designed by Scottish architects Gillespie, Kidd & Coia EK Modernism Sylvia Grace Borda
St Bride’s Church in East Kilbride designed by Scottish architects Gillespie, Kidd & Coia EK Modernism Sylvia Grace Borda This image was created by Sylvia Grace Borda for her project EK Modernism. It features St Brides church in East Kilbride designed by Scottish architects Gilliespie Kidd & Coia. Do you notice anything about St Brides Church that makes it a little different from many other church buildings in Scotland? Can you name all 5 of Scotland’s new towns?
Use the internet to research the Scottish architects Gilliespie Kidd & Coia and name and locate up to three buildings they designed in Scotland.Gilliespie Kidd & Coia This link will take you to a range of interesting films about their work. The last film on the page is a 2 minute Clip from Slide-In and features architects Andy Macmillan and Isi Metzstein discussing modern architecture in
A Holiday in Glenrothes Sylvia Grace Borda
A Holiday in Glenrothes Sylvia Grace Borda Use the internet to research one or two of these photographers. Download the My Place visual literacy resource and take part in the activities to understand more about ‘reading’ photographs. My Place visual literacy resource Glenrothes was designed as a Modernist enterprise. During the 1960s new residences and businesses were built in park-like settings throughout the town. Sylvia embarked on a photographic exploration of Glenrothes as if she were a late- 1960s North American photographer, such as William Eggleston, Stephen Shore, Lewis Baltz or Robert Adams. These photographers pictured ‘banal’ everyday scenes, the changing landscapes of America and commonplace features of towns, cities and urban landscapes.
William Eggleston’s Guide William Eggleston
Colorado Springs, Colorado 1968 Robert Adams
Postcard Can you design a photographic postcard featuring an everyday feature of your village, town or city? Experiment with photography to make the ordinary extraordinary!
A Holiday in Glenrothes Sylvia Grace Borda
A Holiday in Glenrothes Sylvia Grace Borda While exploring Glenrothes, Sylvia made this photograph featuring this small touring caravan. This photograph became the trigger image for ‘A Holiday in Glenrothes’ and underpinned the project concept of exploring the new town of Glenrothes as a visitor.
A Holiday in Glenrothes Sylvia Grace Borda
A Holiday in Glenrothes Sylvia Grace Borda
A Holiday in Glenrothes Sylvia Grace Borda
A Holiday in Glenrothes Sylvia Grace Borda
A Holiday in Glenrothes Sylvia Grace Borda
A Holiday in Glenrothes Sylvia Grace Borda
A Holiday in Glenrothes Sylvia Grace Borda
A Holiday in Glenrothes Sylvia Grace Borda
A Holiday in Glenrothes Sylvia Grace Borda
A Holiday in Glenrothes Sylvia Grace Borda
A Holiday in Glenrothes Sylvia Grace Borda
A Holiday in Glenrothes Sylvia Grace Borda
A Holiday in Glenrothes Sylvia Grace Borda
A Holiday in Glenrothes Sylvia Grace Borda
A Holiday in Glenrothes Sylvia Grace Borda
A Holiday in Glenrothes Sylvia Grace Borda
A Holiday in Glenrothes Sylvia Grace Borda Choose one image from Sylvia Grace Borda’s series ‘A Holiday in Glenrothes’ and use the My Place visual literacy resource to understand more about ‘reading’ photographs.My Place visual literacy resource Download the My Place resource ‘Take a Holiday in Your Own Back Yard’ and take part in the composition activity developed by Sylvia Grace Borda.