New Jersey Pine Barrens Pine Barrens are a unique part of New Jersey’s landscape
Program Design
Tree Types Deciduous – broad, flat leaves Conifer – leaves are needles
Tree Types Deciduous Conifer
What is a Pine Barren? A type of forest Has sandy soil that lacks nutrients Needs fire to regenerate Has tough plants and animals that can survive the harsh conditions What do you think of when you see the words Pine Barren?
Where are Pine Barrens Found? The pine barrens take up about 30% of the state.
Why are Pine Barrens Unique? Endangered Species Fire
Outside Activities Find an oak tree and find a pine tree and compare. Demonstrate ability to distinguish deciduous versus coniferous Fill out nature journal page by writing, sketching, or using stickers Stop at fire scorched spot to discuss importance of fire
Conclusion Review soil characteristics by feeling 3 different types of soil Review common animals and plants that we saw in the field If time permits: discuss historical and present uses of Pine Barrens.
Universal Instructional Design All wear name badges Hearing Assistance Devices & Sound Field Make powerpoint available in binder Powerpoint design
Accommodations / Modifications People who are Blind or have Low Vision –pine needle versus oak leaf impressions in clay –Verbally describe powerpoint images –map showing location of Pine Barrens with puff paint –tactile sandy versus potting soil samples –smell the tree core, bark, soil, and air
Accommodations / Modifications People who have cognitive disabilities –stickers with pictures and names of common plants and animals –tactile sandy versus potting soil samples –simplify and limit new concepts –communication boards and/or flip cards with pictures of common animals and plants
Accommodations / Modifications People who have age related limitations –pine cone bird feeder – biocraft –limit number of new facts –relate to real life experiences –reiteration of concepts