US Army Corps of Engineers BUILDING STRONG ® Impact of Beetle Infestation on Hydrology Dr. Christopher A. Hiemstra Cold Regions Res. and Engr. Lab. (CRREL) U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Fort Wainwright, AK office: (907) mobile: (907) November 2010
BUILDING STRONG ® Favorable Conditions for Beetles Even-aged forests Drought-stressed trees Warmer winters (higher beetle survival) Lodgepole pine trees are experiencing high mortality, as seen by their red coloration. In this August 2007 aerial image of the Fraser Experimental Forest, Colorado, dead reddened trees cover vast areas.
BUILDING STRONG ® Widespread Impact Raffa et al. 2008
BUILDING STRONG ® Interception Litter Transpiration Snow Melt Infiltration Runoff Interception Precipitation Throughfall Wind Speed Sublimation
BUILDING STRONG ® Potential Impacts Pre-disturbance ► Canopy intercepts ~20-36% of snow ► transpiration is ~38% of precipitation ► higher shading, slower spring melt Post-disturbance ► lower interception ► higher sublimation, evaporation, and radiation ► faster runoff, earlier hydrograph peak Unknowns ► Transpiration (forest floor compensation?) ► Runoff (greater or lower; spatially variable?)
BUILDING STRONG ® Watershed Research (Uunila et al. 2006)
BUILDING STRONG ® Snow Modeling (Bewley et al. 2010) Baker Creek, BC, Canada (1570 km 2 ) Lodgepole pine with 50-80% mortality 10-20% increase in peak SWE 10-15% faster melt rate