Gemini Observatory Marianne Takamiya October 2000.


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Presentation transcript:

Gemini Observatory Marianne Takamiya October 2000

Instruments Underway Mauna KeaCerro Pachon

Instruments Underway  NIRI  GMOS  MICHELLE  NIFS  T-ReCS  GMOS  GNIRS  FLAMINGOS-2  NICI  HROS Mauna KeaCerro Pachon

Instrument Availability Summary (Dates indicate first Community access) 1999 UH AOS Gemini-South Gemini-North 2000 OSCIR Op’s Hand-over FLAMINGOS CIRPASS NIRI 2001 GMOS T-ReCS GMOS Op’s Hand-over Hokupa’a-85? PHOENIX 2003 GNIRS HROS LGS ALTAIR NICI FLAMINGOS2 MICHELLE 2002 ALTAIR NIFS

Next Generation Instruments  A near-infrared imager and spectrometer, optimized for MCAO, are likely the next set of instruments to be built within the Gemini program  FLAMINGOS-2 will provide some µm slit spectroscopic capability as well  Imager  Sample MCAO PSF across ~2 arcmin FOV  Nominally 2x2 mosaic of arrays  µm Rockwell devices, either HAWAII-2 or CdZnTe (requires detector development)

MCAO Optimized Spectrometer  Baseline design stems from current GIRMOS d-IFU tech study occurring at ATC and AAO  ~2 arcmin deployment field  µm coverage using 6 detectors  IFUs 12 deployable IFUs total ~0.03” spatial sampling ~1x1” field for each IFU R ~ 6000

Demonstration Science Programs

Hokupa’a Demonstration Science - Plan  K’, H, CO and K-cont imaging of in and around the Galactic Centre to study the distribution of stellar populations vs. distance from Sgr A*  6-8 fields in the GC  2 control fields 3 arcmin along plane  2 fields in “Arches” 10 arcmin North

Hokupa’a Demonstration Science Results  Overview of data:  FWHM (H,K’) = 0.1” ”  9 fields of 20”x20” mapped in H and K’  6 min (K’) / 12min (H) to 40min per field  CO and K-cont on most fields

CTIO K-band 1.5 arcsec 6’ bow shock? 20 stars/arcsec 2 at K~21 IRS7 40”

Astronomy Picture of the Day astropic.htm

OSCIR Demonstration Science: Planning  Four options considered for 10um deep field  ‘Blank’ field survey - rejected FOV too small given mid-IR source counts; sensitivity shallow compared with ultra-deep ISO surveys  X-ray selected fields - rejected No suitable sample of reliable hard X-ray sources  SCUBA-selected cluster fields  SCUBA-selected HzRG fields Strategy is to observe the brightest from both cluster and HzRG lists, four targets in total Some are unknown quantities in the mid-IR; one is a bright-ish ISOCAM detection; one has a good redshift, and there is the potential for serendipity with some less identified (and perhaps higher redshift) counterparts

OSCIR Demonstration Science: Results  OSCIR DS observations not yet taken place… ….but encouraging results (sensitivity, image quality & PSF) from first engineering run

QuickStart Service Observing

QuickStart Overview  QuickStart enables scientific use of Hokupa'a/QUIRC and OSCIR prior to the start of normal operations  The aims are to exercise proposal, planning and operational procedures, refine telescope and instrument performance, train support staff and get data out into the community  Proposals were submitted via the National TACs and ITAC in (what will become) the normal process  Successful applications are being executed by Gemini staff in a service mode Phase II detailed definition performed by Gemini Contact Scientists (in consultation with PI if necessary) Planning and execution of later QuickStart blocks will have direct involvement of National Office support staff from US, UK and Canada (Manual) data processing follows pipeline procedures

QuickStart Proposal Statistics  Oversubscription assumes 420 hr available and nominal partner shares  Likely to be underestimate as some proposals neglected to include significant overheads

0.065 arcsec at 1.65um

Hokupa’a QuickStart Performance  Performance is consistent with expectations  Including AO correction as a function of observing conditions and WFS target brightness, overheads  Will refine web information before CfP  Observing efficiency is consistent with the goal for QuickStart  30% ‘shutter-open’ (cf 15% during dedication imaging)

Semester 2001A Schedule (1 Feb - 31 July 2001)  Announcement and Call for Proposals - 1 Sept  NIRI final (on-telescope) Acceptance Test (AT) continues NIRI passed pre-ship lab AT in May Initial HBF lab characterisation occurred in June-July  NTAC deadline for 2001A normal cycle: end Sept  Specific date varies slightly from partner to partner  Ranked proposals due at Gemini: 22 Nov  ITAC: 13 Dec  Semester 2001A runs 1 Feb - 31 July

Top-Level Operational Constraints for 2001A  All capabilites are made available in shared-risks mode  Baseline instrument availability  Facility: NIRI  Visitor: Hokupa’a+QUIRC, OSCIR  Not CIRPASS, GMOS, other visitor instruments  Operational modes  Queue  Classical  May also be partner-run service mode  Queue & classical modes schedules as blocks  Permit observations of non-sidereal objects  30-50% engineering time

Planned 2001A Phase II Preparation  Require Observing Tool (OT) for NIRI queue observations  Must contain high level of functionality to minimise support staff effort Define NIRI, GCAL and telescope configurations Define telescope sequences Field, position sequence and time visualisation Develop OT library content of commonly-executed configurations, sequences and calibrations to ease user learning curve  Beta-2 version was tested extensively; required development is well-understood  Require database to hold Phase II programs with simple query and reporting capabilities

Observing Tool Beta-2 Features  Target, offset and WFS positions, including graphical representations.  Detailed representation of NIRI OIWFS and vignetting.

Gemini Requirements Update  Available instruments semester 2001A:  NIRI - near infrared OIWFS most likely only at f/14  UH AO - no OIWFS, NGS limiting magnitude R~16  OSCIR - no OIWFS  GMOS  CIRPASS - no OIFWS  Semester 2001A  Proposals deadline was 30 September Use of GSC1  Phase-II we expect to use GSC2

Gemini Requirements Update  Until final delivery of GSC 2.2 (January 2001), we will continue to use a combination of GSC 1, GSC2.1.X, USNO and Hipparcos/Tycho to support guide star selections in future semesters.  Once GSC 2.2 is delivered, it will be made available via our server to successful queue/classical observers, i.e. those who have been awarded time and are in Phase II.  AO programs require good astrometrics, proper motions, and classification to select adequate AOGS: R<16-17 with known proper motions and not too extended.

DSS II  CADC delivered two copies in one band (red) to Gemini ~August 1999  Gemini does not have a large enough jukebox to house all DSS II disks. Working a deal with NOAJ.  ~1/3 of DSSII is installed in Subaru jukebox and accessible via our secure network to Gemini since May  MOU has been signed two weeks ago by Directors of Subaru and Gemini. Green light (lawyers) to load rest of CDROMs in Subaru jukebox in early November.  For political reasons, good to have % of sky covered.  From users perspective: quick way of knowing if area is included in delivered survey.

GSC II  Delivery to Gemini started September 1999  Still not widely used within Gemini because of decrease sky coverage compared with existing catalogs (GSC1, USNO, 2MASS). “Customers” (read: proposal writers and observers) prefer to use catalogs that will provide them with all sky coverage.  Fluxes in standard photometric system.  For political reasons: good to know % of sky covered.  From an users perspective: Useful to know if star/area is contained in delivered catalog (maybe a mute point now but…)