Mentoring and inquirY using NASA Data on Atmospheric and earth science for Teachers and Amateurs Susan Moore Education Specialist Dr. Lin H. Chambers Project Director
Outline Overview What is MY NASA DATA? What lessons are available? Hands-on practice Implement one lesson as a group Exploration
Project Goals To extend NASA earth science data use to the K-12 and citizen scientist communities To support NASA Earth Science goals in education and technology To stimulate public interest in using NASA resources
Description Web site for easy access to microsets of NASA earth science satellite data Open source for lesson plans, computer tools and feedback E-Mentor network to align educators and citizen scientist volunteers WEB SITE:
Resources NASA Langley Atmospheric Sciences Data Center –Data, systems and personnel Support & outside participation: –ESIP Federation –DLESE –NSDL –GLOBE
Home Page
Where do we get our data?
Data Access Page
Microsets Small portions of larger data sets Focused on a particular location, parameter or time Pre-cut or customized Associated lesson plan and tools
Educational Application Lesson Plans corresponding to microsets Standards-based Educator-reviewed Computer Tools Visualization programs Tutorials available Open Source Teacher and citizen-scientist contribution of research ideas and lessons
Educational Application (cont’d) E-Mentor Network Classroom teachers benefit from expertise of scientists and experienced educators Questions can be scientific or pedagogical On-line registration Live Access Server (LAS) Customize data output for student-analysis Allows for flexibility to meet curriculum
Lesson Plans Lesson Plans Use real NASA data microsets Designed specifically for K-12 Variety of science and math topics Guidance available Corresponding science glossary
Lesson Plans Page
Lesson Plans Page Cont’d
Computer Tools Spreadsheets (e.g., Excel) Visualization programs (e.g., IDL) Contributions welcome through open source capability
Open Source Lesson plans Computer tools Citizen scientist research Science Fair ideas Student research
Live Access customize a microset consider an associated lesson submit on-line
Citizen Scientist Appeal In development phase… Separate section of the website under development Analysis and visualization tools Mentorship role Contribution of research and computer tools
National Teacher Workshops First workshop held at NASA LaRC (17 teachers from United States and Puerto Rico) Second workshop held at NASA LaRC (20 teachers from United States, Puerto Rico, and Canada) Workshop model changed to shorter workshops held throughout the year at various venues Discussion initiated on which workshop model to use (longer summer workshop vs shorter year- round workshop) TBA
Current Status Web site is active –Microsets, lessons and tools available –Visitor statistics are being recorded –Contributed lessons are being reviewed Soliciting E-Mentors and Contributors Populating database as an on-going process Workshop alumni serving as ambassadors WEB SITE:
Outline Overview What is MY NASA DATA? What lessons are available? Hands-on practice Implement one lesson as a group Exploration
The A-Train of Satellites
Longitude Assignment Group A -90 through -75
Longitude Assignment Group B -50 through -35
Longitude Assignment Group C 35 through 50
Longitude Assignment Group D 100 through 115
Longitude Assignment Group E 126 through 141
Longitude Assignment Group F 0 through 15
Outline Overview What is MY NASA DATA? What lessons are available? Hands-on practice Implement one lesson as a group Exploration