Introducing Christian Aid’s Partnership Scheme Project in Kenya VITAL VOICES
Kenya One of world’s poorest countries Capital city: Nairobi Approx 50% live below the poverty line Main industries: tourism, tea and coffee processing, horticultural products
Kiambiu Slum, Nairobi
Vital Voices Project Violence following the 2007 Presidential election left over 1,000 dead and 300,000 displaced from their homes
Vital Voices Causes for the violence included High levels of poverty in many urban and rural communities Conflict over access to resources Political favouritism and corruption
Vital Voices Kenyan government has responded by Setting up a Truth, Justice and Reconciliation Commission Establishing local peace committees Strengthening local consultation on use of development funds
Vital Voices … will work with local communities in various parts of the country – both urban and rural – to bring reconciliation and to improve access to development funds
Vital Voices Project The aim is to give local communities - especially the marginalised and women - a voice in where and how development funds are spent. And by tackling weak local government institutions strengthening the capacity of communities to hold them to account.
Vital Voices Partners Nairobi Peace Initiative-Africa (NPI): NPI-Africa is a peace building and conflict resolution NGO and will be working in the Eldoret, Kisumu, Naivasha and Nairobi (Kibera) Coalition on Violence Against Women – Kenya (COVAW-K): has a long track record of working on human rights issues, particularly as they affect women and will be implementing the project in Kajiado, Laikipia and Samburu
Vital Voices Partners Centre for Rights Education and Awareness (CREAW): CREAW works mainly on behalf of the poor and marginalized women in pursuit of legal justice and will work in the Rift Valley & Eastern Provinces focusing on formulating community mechanisms for monitoring the CDF fund. Northern Aid: will work in the northern regions around Mandera, Isiolo and Moyale
Vital Voices With CREAW’s support, Rose Mungai found out about a bursary available from the local government to help people pay school fees. Along with other women from her area she successfully applied and received 2800 shillings which will help pay her granddaughter’s fees.
Vital Voices CREAW has not only built links between Maureen Njoroge’s community and the people who are meant to serve them, but encouraged them to develop a proposal to improve her school
How you can help By raising at least £5,000 to be matched by funding from the European Union By praying for our staff, partners and local people working on this project By encouraging other groups or churches to join the Partnership Scheme
Multiply your giving Every £1 donated through the Partnership Scheme to the Vital Voices project will be matched by £3 from the European Union
Thank you
Christian Aid, PO Box 100, London SE1 7RT