European Commission Science, Research and Development DG XII AP04 B. Magis d:\data\powerpoint\slides\1200\smitsjan\collacoop.ppt 06/02/98 1 THE ROLE OF SMEs IN FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME V Klaus KOEGLER / Robert-Jan SMITS
European Commission Science, Research and Development DG XII AP04 B. Magis d:\data\powerpoint\slides\1200\smitsjan\collacoop.ppt 06/02/98 2 FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME IV Results: 1252 exploratory awards 2700 SMEs 767 CRAFT projects 4300 SMEs 5000 SMEs in collaborative RTD projects TOTAL: SMEs
European Commission Science, Research and Development DG XII AP04 B. Magis d:\data\powerpoint\slides\1200\smitsjan\collacoop.ppt 06/02/98 3 FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME IV Who are those SMEs? 75% participate for the first time 60% employ less than 50 workers 30% work in traditional sectors (textile, construction, mining, etc.) 20% are from the cohesion countries
European Commission Science, Research and Development DG XII AP04 B. Magis d:\data\powerpoint\slides\1200\smitsjan\collacoop.ppt 06/02/98 4 FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME V Innovation and the participation of SMEs Rationalisation & coordination of information and assistance networks Creation of a single entry point for SMEs Continuation of exploratory awards Continuation of CRAFT Special assistance on IPR and venture capital
European Commission Science, Research and Development DG XII AP04 B. Magis d:\data\powerpoint\slides\1200\smitsjan\collacoop.ppt 06/02/98 5 FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME V SME Compatible Approach An open call for proposals (1999 to 2002) A single entry point at the Commission for SME project proposals and all related communications, including a dedicated SME helpdesk. Single Information Package, incl. application forms, for all research areas of Framework Programme V. Harmonised procedures for eligibility, submission and evaluation of proposals, contract, deliverables and payments
European Commission Science, Research and Development DG XII AP04 B. Magis d:\data\powerpoint\slides\1200\smitsjan\collacoop.ppt 06/02/98 6 FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME V Exploratory Awards Lower the entrance barriers for SMEs through support and assistance for preparing project proposals (e.g. partner search, novelty search, project feasibility etc.). Possible project types: Cooperative (CRAFT) Collaborative Demonstration Innovation Combined RTD/Dem.
European Commission Science, Research and Development DG XII AP04 B. Magis d:\data\powerpoint\slides\1200\smitsjan\collacoop.ppt 06/02/98 7 FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME V Exploratory Awards two SMEs from two countries* up to 12 months duration up to 30,000 euro total costs up to 22,500 euro funding (75%) SMEs must play a major role in the intended project * must be eligible SMEs (exception for biomed) from EU states or one EU state plus an associated state
European Commission Science, Research and Development DG XII AP04 B. Magis d:\data\powerpoint\slides\1200\smitsjan\collacoop.ppt 06/02/98 8 FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME V CRAFT : Cooperative Research European Commission RTD Performers SMEs C R&D - service
European Commission Science, Research and Development DG XII AP04 B. Magis d:\data\powerpoint\slides\1200\smitsjan\collacoop.ppt 06/02/98 9 FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME V CRAFT : Cooperative Research … enable groups of SMEs to entrust R&D work to third parties … SMEs lead the project: SME project coordinator Coordination costs eligible for funding SMEs work partly refunded Research performers in subcontract to the SMEs IPR owned by the SMEs
European Commission Science, Research and Development DG XII AP04 B. Magis d:\data\powerpoint\slides\1200\smitsjan\collacoop.ppt 06/02/98 10 FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME V RTD Performers (min.40%) SMEs (up to 60%) Balanced SME-Partnership: max. 40% same company (including affiliated companies) max. 60% same country CRAFT Projects
European Commission Science, Research and Development DG XII AP04 B. Magis d:\data\powerpoint\slides\1200\smitsjan\collacoop.ppt 06/02/98 11 FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME V CRAFT: Cooperative Research Boundary Conditions: 3 SMEs from 2 countries (minimum) RTD performer 12 to 24 months 0.3 to 2 million euro bottom-up approach for research areas, in line with objectives of at least one Thematic Programme
European Commission Science, Research and Development DG XII AP04 B. Magis d:\data\powerpoint\slides\1200\smitsjan\collacoop.ppt 06/02/98 12 FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME V SME Support and Assistance Network of CRAFT National Contact Points across all EU states and associated states. Economic Intelligence: supporting SME in assessing the state of technology, identifying their R&D needs, defining projects, finding partners. Electronic information tools ( for SMEs : Expression of Interest, SME home page, IPR helpdesk, Quick Scan,...