European Commission DG Research SF SME NCP Main activities of the Network Sebastiano FUMERO Research & SMEs DG Research - European Commission Training the trainers: SME National Contact Points in FP6
European Commission DG Research SF NATIONAL CONTACT POINTS NCP system for FP VI Basic principles : J The national government has the responsibility to establish, to finance, to nominate, to supervise and to monitor the NCP The Commission provides the necessary information and training and acts as a moderator for the transnational networking The Commission provides the necessary information and training and acts as a moderator for the transnational networking J In particular cases, the Commission may finance ad hoc network initiatives
European Commission DG Research SF SME NCP Recommended Tasks (1) INFORMING, AWARENESS RAISING J Circulate generic & specific documentation on the EC RTD programmes, including rules for participation, possibilities & conditions for proposals J Organise promotional activities (e.g. info-days, seminars, conferences, fairs, newsletters, web sites, etc) [in liaison with the EC] J Raise awareness for the Community objectives on increasing the participation of women in the Framework Programme
European Commission DG Research SF Recommended Tasks (2) ADVISING, ASSISTING and TRAINING J Explain SMEs the scope & modalities of the whole spectrum of instruments to be used in FP6 J Advise in administrative procedures & contractual issues J Assist in partners search activities J Provide technical assistance to proposal preparation J Advise SMEs in the creation of SME grouping, e.g. European Economic Interest Groups (EEIG) J Organise training sessions on RTD programmes for SME intermediaries and training seminars for SMEs in specific topics J Advice IP and NoE consortia on the optimal involvement of SMEs JAdvice SMEs on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) issues
European Commission DG Research SF Recommended Tasks (3) SIGNPOSTING J Give feedback to the EC on any problems & difficulties in implementing & participating in the FP J Signpost to other Community network services (e.g. EICs & IRCs ) those potential participants who require assistance for EC general matters or matters relating to innovation & technology transfer J Inform the EC about planned NCP activities & events requiring participation of the EC staff
European Commission DG Research SF J Networking, create partnerships J Advice on new EC documents & procedures J Help Research & SMEs Unit identify needs & trends of the European SMEs J Disseminate best practices J Propose innovative actions Discuss ongoing problems regarding SME specific measures and/or implementation of IP & NoE Discuss ongoing problems regarding SME specific measures and/or implementation of IP & NoE SME NCP other network activities :
European Commission DG Research SF J Monitoring performance & quality assurance of SME NCP J Transnational exchange of experiences J Advice newcomers on EC procedures J Help newcomers establish links with other NCPs SME NCP other network activities :