European Commission DG Research SMcL Brussels SME-NCP 23 October 2002 THE 6th FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME Economic & Technological Intelligence S. McLaughlin Research & SMEs DG Research - European Commission
European Commission DG Research SMcL Brussels SME-NCP 23 October 2002 ECONOMIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL INTELLIGENCE l In the knowledge-based economy, ETI is a vital component of competitive research & innovation strategies. l In the 6th FP this activity is to be stepped up from those carried out in the 5th FP.
European Commission DG Research SMcL Brussels SME-NCP 23 October 2002 ECONOMIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL INTELLIGENCE
European Commission DG Research SMcL Brussels SME-NCP 23 October 2002 ECONOMIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL INTELLIGENCE Content l A Specific Support Action scheme aimed at innovation promotion in SMEs, in particular by means of activities aimed at facilitating the creation of SME Groupings with similar innovation needs and the participation of SMEs/SME Groupings in Integrated Projects and Networks of Excellence, specific targeted research projects, CRAFT and Collective Research;
European Commission DG Research SMcL Brussels SME-NCP 23 October 2002 ECONOMIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL INTELLIGENCE Content è support for activities concerning the gathering, analysis and dissemination of information on S&T developments, applications and markets which may be of assistance to the innovation players; è identification and dissemination of best practice with regard to economic and technological intelligence. è Any subject in the whole field of Science and Technology can be addressed.
European Commission DG Research SMcL Brussels SME-NCP 23 October 2002 Activities Specific support actions will involve, for example, conferences, seminars, studies and analyses, working groups and expert groups, operational support and dissemination, information and communication activities, or a combination of these, as is appropriate in each case. ECONOMIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL INTELLIGENCE
European Commission DG Research SMcL Brussels SME-NCP 23 October 2002 ECONOMIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL INTELLIGENCE Beneficiaries l The main beneficiaries of the activities to be carried out will be the innovation players: SMEs, researcher- entrepreneurs and investors.
European Commission DG Research SMcL Brussels SME-NCP 23 October 2002 ECONOMIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL INTELLIGENCE Who can participate? l They will mainly involve intermediaries (e.g. SME National Contact Points, industrial federations, networks and associations of research performers, professional associations, chambers of commerce, regional development agencies), working with/for these players as well as organisations with economic and technological intelligence expertise. They will concentrate on specific S&T themes or industrial sectors
European Commission DG Research SMcL Brussels SME-NCP 23 October 2002 ECONOMIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL INTELLIGENCE Deliverables l Networks, databases, web sites, studies l Number of SMEs audited l New partnerships for joint action in FP6
European Commission DG Research SMcL Brussels SME-NCP 23 October 2002 ECONOMIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL INTELLIGENCE Scale and Duration l Typically, the total project costs of each specific support action may be within the range of 0.2 to 2 million Euros. The duration of a project will be determined by the time necessary to obtain its objectives. Typically, the duration might be expected to be 1 to 3 years. Only exceptionally and in duly justified cases, will the duration exceed 3 years.
European Commission DG Research SMcL Brussels SME-NCP 23 October 2002 ECONOMIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL INTELLIGENCE Consortium l The number of participants can not be less than three independent legal entities established in three different Member States or Associated States, of which at least two shall be established in Member States or Associated candidate countries.
European Commission DG Research SMcL Brussels SME-NCP 23 October 2002 ECONOMIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL INTELLIGENCE Grant to the budget The grant to the budget will be negotiated on the basis of : l the costs of carrying out the various activities of the project, l the appropriate cost model for each of the participants, l the rates of Community support. l The maximum amount of the grant will be fixed in the contract. l The rate of Community support to be applied for each specific support action will form part of the evaluation process.
European Commission DG Research SMcL Brussels SME-NCP 23 October 2002 ECONOMIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL INTELLIGENCE Call Publication Date:End 2002 Open call for proposals Indicative deadlines for submission of proposals 10 th April th April th April 2005
European Commission DG Research SMcL Brussels SME-NCP 23 October 2002 ECONOMIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL INTELLIGENCE Complementary activities Specific Support Actions of the main Thematic Priorities