Regional Policy Draft Guidance on ex-ante conditionalities Ad hoc expert meeting 20 September
Regional Policy Aim of the meeting To receive feed-back on the up-dated draft guidance for ex-ante conditionalities (EAC). Comments can be sent in writing by 11 October. 2
Regional Policy State of play The CPR trilogues on ex-ante conditionalities (Art. 17 CPR and ANNEX V) are finalised; COREPER compromise was reached on 24 July Informal dialogue on ex-ante conditionalities with Member States is on-going. In comparison to the draft guidance we discussed in March, this document has been up-dated taking into account the outcome of the trilogues and comments received. The guidance will be finalised once there is an agreement between the three institutions on the legislative package. 3
Regional Policy Main changes to the 1 st part of the guidance Change in the order of the chapters to better reflect the text of the Regulation. Introduction of proportionality into the assessment of applicability: EAC will not apply if it can be demonstated that it has a relatively small impact on the effective and efficient achievement of the specific objective of an investment or Union priority. Examples provided. The definition of applicable ex-ante conditionality (Art. 2 CPR) always applies. 4
Regional Policy Main changes to the 2nd part of the guidance All CPR EAC are covered, apart for the Youth Employment Initiative and the new investment priority on vocational education and training. Introduction of new definitions: Strategic policy framework Smart specialisation strategy Introduction of new EAC: Other modes of transport (A.7-3) Smart energy distribution, storage and transmission system (A.7-4). 5
Regional Policy Assessment grids/action plans Use of assessment grids by MS is highly recommended Availability of the information included in those grids is necessary for the Commission to carry out its checks. Commission needs to be provided by MS with an assessment of a sufficient quality so that it can perform its regulatory obligation. The informal dialogue is to be used to solve main issues at stake and discuss/agree on any action plans to achieve fulfilment The better the content of the assessment and of action plans by the Member State, the easier the task for the Commission 6
Regional Policy Thank you for your attention! Written comments can be sent by 11 October to: REGIO-DGA1.01-WORKSHOPS-AND- 7