STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES To organize an European network of researchers in social and human sciences thinking collectively on the practical conditions of the.


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Presentation transcript:

STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES To organize an European network of researchers in social and human sciences thinking collectively on the practical conditions of the development of an European space of research in the social sciences by analysing barriers and filters blocking the free circulation of scientific and cultural products.

ORGANISATION In order to contribute to the prefiguration of an integrated European social science, our network will parallely conduct two scientific investigations : both networks will organise thematic meetings. a general study concerning one of the obviously most international topics: the production and circulation of literary and artistic works in Europe, a topic many scholars adopting Bourdieu's thinking have already worked upon, often on their own side but with a shared theoretical framework (6 meetings) a study about the genesis of the space of the social sciences in Europe whose autonomy is comparatively much smaller as the one relating to economic and political factors in every of the countries taken into consideration (5 meetings) The two networks will be reunited for a general meeting concerning a topic transversal to both groups every year (3 meetings) Key members of the network will also attend the Summer School and participate to the formation of young researchers (3 meetings)

EXPECTED OUTPUTS GOALS AND STRUCTURE OF THE NETWORK Goal 1: create a "rational dialogue" between the representatives of social sciences in different European countries Goal 2: create a trans-national and trans-disciplinary network of social sciences. Goal 3: encourage confrontation and crossing between and the accumulation of scientific traditions Goal 4 : Participate through strong integration of young researcher to the formation of a new generation of scientific researcher that will be used to integrate the European dimension in their works.

DELIVERABLES. The creation and consolidation of the Network will constitute both a goal and a deliverable. Publication of all contributions and main findings of all meetings in scientific reviews. The network will create an important bibliography in different field of social sciences that will be available to the scientific community through the Web site. Creation of a glossary concerning the vocabulary of European social sciences based on selected key concepts and their semantic fields in different national traditions The web site will be a mean for the network to communicate at the internal level and with the scientific community and the general public. Elaboration of a catalogue of proposals in favor of a scientific and intelectual engagement for the development of an integrated European space of social sciences.

WP II Literary Field & Nation WP V Contradiction of the Editorial Globalisation WP IV National Literary Field and European Sphere WP III International Literary Exchanges WP I Literary Nationalism WP VI For a European Literary Space WP X Compared Social History of European Social Sciences WP IX Ambivalent Relations Between European and American Social Sciences WP VIII International Circulation of Ideas in the European Social Sciences WP VII Relations between Social Sciences and the State WP XI Pre-conditions for the development of a European Space in Social Sciences. WP XII Teaching System and National Categories of Thinking. WP XIV For a European Space of the Production and Circulation of Scientific and Cultural Goods. WP XIII International Circulation of Scientific and Cultural Goods: Openings and Obstacles WP XVI The Network on the Web: diffusion of knowledge inside and outside the Network. Most Deliverables will be available on the Web. WP 15 1 st Summer School WP 15 2 nd Summer School WP 15 3 rd Summer School GRAPHICAL PRESENTATION OF WORK PACKAGES