Module Road Map
Credit Categories Assignment 2 Credit Category 2 You are able to demonstrate how data may be filtered using Xpath You are able to demonstrate how an XSLT file may transform XML into another document format e.g. XHTML
Document Transformations Web Form (ASPX) HTML Form
The Structure of an XML Document - Trees and Nodes Need a good conceptual model of XML/XSLT Error reporting is poor Visual Studio debugger a big help
XML Tree Structure Viewed in the browser
Simple XSLT File (EXtensible Stylesheet Language Transformations)
Examples Title/LocalTitle 28 Days Later Title/IMDBrating 7.6 Title/Genres/Genre Action
xsl for each loop Notice how we reference the data
Keeping Track of the Context 28 Days Later Etc... Gives us
When the Context Changes Action Horror Sci-Fi Thriller. Gives us Losing track of the context is the source of most problems in XSLT!
Instructions and Literals Instruction(s) Literals Output document is a merging of the instructions and literals.
Templates Root template + others (Like sub main in C) (similar to a function)
Patterns The Root Pattern / Compare the two patterns below…
More Complex Patterns
Expressions Used to perform calculations on a node/data
Sorting Data in a Node The Key - a pattern that identifies the data The Order -may be ascending or descending.