TECNOTESSILE - Ingrid Ciabatti 2 INDUSTRYLINK Workshop Poznan, 23 May 2005 Content of presentation Documents needed for the implementation of the project Payment and financial statements Control of the project budget Project meetings Project reports
TECNOTESSILE - Ingrid Ciabatti 3 INDUSTRYLINK Workshop Poznan, 23 May 2005 Documents needed for the implementation of the project
TECNOTESSILE - Ingrid Ciabatti 4 INDUSTRYLINK Workshop Poznan, 23 May 2005 The documents you need A copy of the Contract and its annexes: –Annex I - Description of Work (DoW) –Annex II – General conditions –Annex IV – Form A – consent of contractors to accede to the contract –(Annex V – Form B – accession of new legal entities to the contract) –Annex VI – Form C – financial statement A Consortium Agreement (CA)! Project reporting in FP6 - Guidance notes FP6 Financial Guidelines (“Find a document”)
TECNOTESSILE - Ingrid Ciabatti 5 INDUSTRYLINK Workshop Poznan, 23 May 2005 The Contract It includes: –Identities of all contractors –Scope –Duration –Maximum Community financial contribution –Reports –Payment modalities –Special clauses –Amendments –Applicable law and jurisdiction To be signed by Coordinator and EC – partners sign Form A!
TECNOTESSILE - Ingrid Ciabatti 6 INDUSTRYLINK Workshop Poznan, 23 May 2005 Annex I to the contract – the DoW Technical specification of work to be performed Contents: –Project summary –Project objectives –Participant list –Relevance to the objectives of the NMP priority –Potential impact –Project management and exploitation/dissemination plan –Workplan for whole duration of the project –Project resources and budget overview –Ethical issues –Other issues –Appendix A – Consortium description
TECNOTESSILE - Ingrid Ciabatti 7 INDUSTRYLINK Workshop Poznan, 23 May 2005 The workplan (1) This section of the DoW provides in detail the work planned to achieve the objectives of the project for the full duration of the project The workplan is broken down in Work Packages (WPs), assigned to WP Leaders, on their turn broken down in Tasks, assigned to Task Leaders Each WP is linked to only one type of activity (RTD, innovation, demonstration, management)
TECNOTESSILE - Ingrid Ciabatti 8 INDUSTRYLINK Workshop Poznan, 23 May 2005 The workplan (2) WPs and Tasks follow the logical phases of the project during its full duration Timing of WPs and Tasks is indicated by a GANTT chart –deviations to be explained in the periodic activity report Brief description of each WP and Task for the full duration of the project is reported Each WP leads to the achievement of Deliverables and Milestones (some to be reached by mid-term mid-term review criteria!) –deviations to be explained in the periodic activity report
TECNOTESSILE - Ingrid Ciabatti 9 INDUSTRYLINK Workshop Poznan, 23 May 2005 Day-to-day technical management Actions by WP Leaders, Task Leaders, Team Leaders: –detailed planning of technical work and deliverables –detailed monitoring of technical progress –decisions about technical methods and equipment to be used –preparation of technical reports –approval of time records –preparation and review of technical publications –representation at conferences and workshops
TECNOTESSILE - Ingrid Ciabatti 10 INDUSTRYLINK Workshop Poznan, 23 May 2005 Annex II to the contract – General conditions Definitions (art. II.1) Part A: implementation of the project (artt. II.2-II.18) –Section 1 - implementation and deliverables –Section 2 - termination of the contract and responsibility Part B: financial provisions (artt. II.19-II.31) –Section 1: general financial provisions –Section 2: controls, recoveries and sanctions Part C: Intellectual Property Rights (artt. II.32-II.36)
TECNOTESSILE - Ingrid Ciabatti 11 INDUSTRYLINK Workshop Poznan, 23 May 2005 Annex II to the contract Part A, Section 1 Activities (RTD and innovation, demonstration, management) Performance obligations of consortium, contractors, coordinator, and EC Force majeure Suspension and prolongation of the project Subcontracting Reports and deliverables Evaluation and approval of reports and deliverables Confidentiality Publicity …
TECNOTESSILE - Ingrid Ciabatti 12 INDUSTRYLINK Workshop Poznan, 23 May 2005 Main performance obligations (1) The Consortium must take all necessary and reasonable measures to ensure that the project is carried out in accordance with the contract Each contractor must make appropriate arrangements for proper performance of its work and take parts in meetings which are relevant to it The Coordinator must: (a) act as the intermediary between the consortium and EC; (b) receive and administer EC contribution; (c) keep accounts making it possible to determine at any time what portion of the Community funds has been allocated to each participant for the purposes of the project; (d) ensure that timely and correct accession to the contract by the other participants
TECNOTESSILE - Ingrid Ciabatti 13 INDUSTRYLINK Workshop Poznan, 23 May 2005 Main performance obligations (2) The Commission must: (a) monitor the scientific, technological and financial execution of the project and ensure that the EC financial contribution is provided when and where necessary under the conditions established by the contract; (b) carry out review, analysis and approval of project deliverables within the periods indicated in the contract; (c) maintain the confidentiality of any information, data, reports or other deliverables or knowledge communicated to it as confidential A Project Officer (PO) from among the Commission staff will be assigned to each project.
TECNOTESSILE - Ingrid Ciabatti 14 INDUSTRYLINK Workshop Poznan, 23 May 2005 Main performance obligations (3) The PO may be assisted by other persons, internal and external to the Commission, with the appropriate technical expertise. The PO maintains close contact with the coordinator. PO tasks include: (a) serving as a permanent contact point for the project; (b) responsibility for the follow-up of the project, including analysing all project reports (technical and financial); (c) attending any formal project reviews and any consortium meetings where this is deemed necessary.
TECNOTESSILE - Ingrid Ciabatti 15 INDUSTRYLINK Workshop Poznan, 23 May 2005 Confidentiality and publicity The Commission and the contractors undertake to preserve the confidentiality of any document, information, knowledge, pre-existing know-how or other material communicated to them in relation to the execution of the project, and which has been identified as confidential in relation to the execution of the project, or where such information was provided orally, it has been confirmed as such in writing within 30 days after disclosure. –NB: Some project reports or parts of them and some deliverables are public! The Contractors must ensure publicity for the project. Any notice or publication by the Contractors must indicate the financial support from FP6.
TECNOTESSILE - Ingrid Ciabatti 16 INDUSTRYLINK Workshop Poznan, 23 May 2005 Annex II to the contract Part A, Section 2 Termination of the contract and participation of contractors A Contractor X or the consortium may request the termination of the participation of X in the contract to the EC. The consortium may request the termination of the contract to the EC. The EC may terminate the contract or the participation of a contractor, e.g. for non performance by one or more contractors. silence implies agreement by the EC silence implies rejection by the EC
TECNOTESSILE - Ingrid Ciabatti 17 INDUSTRYLINK Workshop Poznan, 23 May 2005 Annex II to the contract Part A, Section 2 Technical and financial collective responsibility The technical implementation of the project is the collective responsibility of the participants. Each participant is liable for the use of the Community financial contribution in proportion to his share of the project up to a maximum of the total payments he has received. –Should a participant breach the contract and should the consortium not make good this breach, the Commission may, as a last resort and if all other approaches have been explored, hold the participants liable under certain conditions. –A public body is solely responsible for its own debt.
TECNOTESSILE - Ingrid Ciabatti 18 INDUSTRYLINK Workshop Poznan, 23 May 2005 Annex II to the contract Part C Ownership and protection of knowledge Knowledge shall be the property of the contractor carrying out the work leading to that knowledge. Where knowledge is capable of industrial or commercial application, its owner shall provide for its adequate and effective protection. A contractor may publish or allow the publication of data, on whatever medium, concerning knowledge it owns provided that this does not affect the protection of that knowledge. The Commission and the other contractors shall be given 30 days prior written notice of any planned publication.
TECNOTESSILE - Ingrid Ciabatti 19 INDUSTRYLINK Workshop Poznan, 23 May 2005 Annex II to the contract Part C Access rights To be specified by the CA!
TECNOTESSILE - Ingrid Ciabatti 20 INDUSTRYLINK Workshop Poznan, 23 May 2005 Amendment to the contract Reference articles in the contract: artt.10 and 11 Reasons for a contract amendment: –Change in the name or legal status of a contractor –Important changes to the budget distribution between contractors –Changes to the composition of the consortium Documents needed for a contract amendment –Formal letter sent to the EC by the coordinator on behalf of the consortium –Amendment to the DoW or entirely revised version –New Contract Preparation Forms plus annexes –Formal letter of explanation and financial statements for last period if a partner has to withdraw It may need 4 months!
TECNOTESSILE - Ingrid Ciabatti 21 INDUSTRYLINK Workshop Poznan, 23 May 2005 The Consortium Agreement (CA) Aim: –Specifying the organisation of the work between the Contractors –Organising the management of the Project –Defining the rights and obligations of the Contractors –Supplementing the provisions of the Contract concerning Access Rights It may not be requested by the EC, but it is very useful Models from some organisations available on (no official documents from the EC) TO BE SIGNED BEFORE PROJECT START!!!
TECNOTESSILE - Ingrid Ciabatti 22 INDUSTRYLINK Workshop Poznan, 23 May 2005 The CA – Outline of the content (1) General Information (Identify each party to the agreement – Contractors to the EC contract). Preamble (Subject of the Consortium Agreement, including definitions based on the contract, Rules and any additional definitions as needed by the consortium). Subject of the contract (Title of project). Technical provisions: (A) Technical contribution of each party (as set out in Annex I to the EC contract); (B) Technical resources made available; (C) Production schedule for inter-related tasks and for planning purposes; (D) Expected contribution, maximum effort expected; (E) Modification procedure; (F) Provisions for dealing with non- performing contractor(s). Commercial provisions: (A) Confidentiality; (B) Ownership of results / joint ownership of results / difficult cases (i.e. pre-existing know-how that is very closely linked to the result, making it difficult to distinguish the pre-existing know-how from the result); (C) Legal protection of results (patent rights); (D) Commercial exploitation of results and any necessary access rights; (E) Commercial obligations; (F) Relevant patents, know- how, and information; (G) Sub-licensing; (H) Pre-existing know-how excluded from use in the project.
TECNOTESSILE - Ingrid Ciabatti 23 INDUSTRYLINK Workshop Poznan, 23 May 2005 The CA – Outline of the content (2) Organisational provisions: (A) Committees – establishment, composition, procedures, role and nature (Steering, management, technical, IPR, financial etc); (B) Co-ordination of committees; (C) Amendment / revision of the agreement. Financial provisions: (A) Financing plan; (B) Modification procedure; (C) Mutual payments, common costs; (D) Distribution of management costs; (E) Auditing of costs; (F) Audit certificates; (G) How to deal with financial collective responsibility; (H) Provisions for dealing with non-performing contractor(s); (I) Third party resources - identifying parties and resources. Legal provisions: (A) Legal form of the co-operation; (B) Duration of the agreement versus duration of the EC contract (i.e. 6 months one year longer, etc); (C) Penalties for non-compliance with obligations under the agreement; (D) Applicable law and the settlement of disputes; (E) Secondment of personnel; (F) What to do if all the contractors do not sign the EC contract.
TECNOTESSILE - Ingrid Ciabatti 24 INDUSTRYLINK Workshop Poznan, 23 May 2005 Payment and financial statements
TECNOTESSILE - Ingrid Ciabatti 25 INDUSTRYLINK Workshop Poznan, 23 May 2005 Payments Payment modalities (advance payment, periodic payments, final payment) are set-out in art. 8 of the core contract Some partners may not get any advance unlike providing a financial guarantee as decided by the EC (Special clauses of the contract) Distribution of the grant between participants is not set in the contract (a common liability reserve can be defined by the CA) The coordinator should keep advance payments on a bank account separated from its normal business account ( CA) TO BE REVIEWED AT INDUSTRYLINK WORKSHOP, DAY 2!
TECNOTESSILE - Ingrid Ciabatti 26 INDUSTRYLINK Workshop Poznan, 23 May 2005 Financial statements Annex VI to the Contract: Form C – Financial statements (available as.xls file on References in the Contract: Annex II, Part B, Section 1 Check “FP6 Financial rules”!!! All Forms C will be revised by an auditor audit certificates Find an auditor, check his costs and arrange your audit in due time!!! Actions by the coordinator: –Notification of due dates to partners (due dates not shortly before deadline with the EC!!!) –Follow up to ensure timely receipt of contributions –Check the documents of all contractors before submission to the EU –Preparation of the management report –Submission to Commission TO BE REVIEWED AT INDUSTRYLINK WORKSHOP, DAY 2!
TECNOTESSILE - Ingrid Ciabatti 27 INDUSTRYLINK Workshop Poznan, 23 May 2005 Control of the project budget The coordinator must report to the EC on the resources deployed by each contractor at the end of each reporting period (annual) management report The coordinator should check the financial and manpower situation budget situation of the partners on more frequent basis The coordinator must mantain careful records of project financial aspects Internal forms of the consortium with cost details may be asked to partners by the coordinator to verify that cost claims are correct and in track with the planning Significant deviations from project budget: to be discussed at project meetings and in the management reports – take remedial actions if needed
TECNOTESSILE - Ingrid Ciabatti 28 INDUSTRYLINK Workshop Poznan, 23 May 2005 Project meetings
TECNOTESSILE - Ingrid Ciabatti 29 INDUSTRYLINK Workshop Poznan, 23 May 2005 The kick-off meeting Kick-off meeting to be planned shortly after the start date of the project (the kick-off phase may determine the fate of the project!) All partners get to know Agreement on the people who will sit on the Steering Committee and who will be responsible for the day-to-day management of each aspect of the project (Exploitation Manager, Knowledge Manager, WP Leaders, Task Leaders…) Working relationships must be established Personal commitment to the project must be encouraged Resolution of first disagreements… ALL PARTNERS HAVE TO PARTICIPATE (THERE IS THE PROJECT OFFICER)!!!
TECNOTESSILE - Ingrid Ciabatti 30 INDUSTRYLINK Workshop Poznan, 23 May 2005 The kick-off meeting agenda
TECNOTESSILE - Ingrid Ciabatti 31 INDUSTRYLINK Workshop Poznan, 23 May 2005 Technical and management meetings They are needed to: –maintain relationships –promote information exchange –make agreements and major decisions To be organised periodically at project, WP or task level Project meetings: –Date (and location) to be agreed by all partners at the previous meeting –A partner that cannot attend a meeting should make a proxy to another one that does to act on his behalf –Participation of all partners needed at the mid-term meeting and the final meeting
TECNOTESSILE - Ingrid Ciabatti 32 INDUSTRYLINK Workshop Poznan, 23 May 2005 Actions by the coordinator –Reminder on the meeting date and location must be given to partners at least one month before the meeting with the agenda and info on accomodation, travel, meeting venue (to be agreed with the host organisation!) –Agenda should also be agreed with the partners that will make a presentation –Preparation and distribution of minutes to partners and, following their approval, to the PO –Follow up of actions
TECNOTESSILE - Ingrid Ciabatti 33 INDUSTRYLINK Workshop Poznan, 23 May 2005 Project management meetings
TECNOTESSILE - Ingrid Ciabatti 34 INDUSTRYLINK Workshop Poznan, 23 May 2005 Mid-term meeting A decision whether or not to continue the contract will be taken!!!
TECNOTESSILE - Ingrid Ciabatti 35 INDUSTRYLINK Workshop Poznan, 23 May 2005 Final meeting
TECNOTESSILE - Ingrid Ciabatti 36 INDUSTRYLINK Workshop Poznan, 23 May 2005 Project reports
TECNOTESSILE - Ingrid Ciabatti 37 INDUSTRYLINK Workshop Poznan, 23 May 2005 Basic info Reporting (project reports, WP reports, Task reports, partner reports) to be described in DoW, Chapter 6 (Project management) References in the Contract: Annex II, art.II.7 Check “Project reporting in FP6 - Guidance notes”!!!
TECNOTESSILE - Ingrid Ciabatti 38 INDUSTRYLINK Workshop Poznan, 23 May 2005 Actions by the coordinator Send templates for WP, Task and partner reports (in agreement with WP and Task Leaders) Notification of due dates to partners (due dates not shortly before deadline with the EC!!!) Follow up to ensure timely receipt of contributions Preparation of consolidated document from task leader inputs Preparation of distribution lists (according to the dissemination level of reports and deliverables) Photocopying and timely distribution of documents to the EC Distribution of documents submitted to the EC to the partners TO BE REVIEWED AT INDUSTRYLINK WORKSHOP, DAY 2!
TECNOTESSILE - Ingrid Ciabatti 39 INDUSTRYLINK Workshop Poznan, 23 May 2005 Thank you for your attention! Ing. Ingrid Ciabatti TECNOTESSILE Via del Gelso, 13 – Prato (Italy) Tel ; Fax: (For the attention of Ingrid Ciabatti)